Miles of Smiles – Copernicus Abstract Recap SOL Harmonic Alignment

Climate Change Centre Reading (CCCRdg) is delighted to share newly uncovered insight pivotal to understanding the origins of our native Source Light Technology. These findings have been compiled into a final scientific abstract submitted to Copernicus for peer review, titled SOL Harmonic Realignment: The Origin of Numbers Ushering in Reunification. The goal of this endeavor has been to identify our roadmap back unrestricted energetic freedom through realignment with our Sun’s solar directed energy stream. Following is a brief synopsis followed by the new findings yielding hyper-fine accuracy in outcomes – The 108 Universal Smilestones.

In 2022, CCCRdg recognized a pattern between numeric conversions aligning the 0.535836763 m Egyptian Royal Cubit (rc) with measurements synchronizing ancient structural inclination lines with the repeating light speed of 300,000,000 m/s. Our deepest gratitude goes out to the SG community for their ongoing support codifying this patterning. We now have over 200 proofs validating this light speed transmission through a Base12 Mod 9 (108) language synchronized with the 0.05787037037 m Solar Codec. This codec is inverse the Sun’s double diameter 1/17.28; .05/0.864. Additional research and calculations also confirm the relational correspondence to 1/8 of the 0.46296296..m Egyptian Cubit (Cu);1/2.16.

One pivotal revelation from this pattern retrieval is that the frequency coordinates of our ancient architecture map to the energetic prints of a global solar positioning system that is offset from present day records by 23.4º; a reflection of Earth’s axial tilt (288 tilt no). In sacred Geometry 23.4 is a palindrome of 3.24 and 4.32. This variance must be accounted for to realign with the Solar Codec, returning one unified system of consciousness to energetic freedom through absolute electromagnetic coherence.

In early 2025, after further exploration across ancient civilizations globally, as we continued to add more coordinate cross-triangulating junctions to the record, it became crystal clear that we were beginning to remap the ancient energetic footprints of our global solar positioning system… Paisley’s matrIX pattern has become even more apparent, linking the Egyptian Cubit to its pivotal historical successor, the Mile. The 0.462962962 m cubit synchronizes with a 1600 metre Universal Mile and the repeating light speed of 298,598,400 m/s; 186,624 miles/s. Given this, we have re-established two cubit values, corresponding to two light speeds, delivering separate-yet-interconnected metre and SOL mi/s values in one harmonic universal system. Everything energetically syncs throughout the solar system; all micro 1/17.28 to macro, 17280².

MAYAN Counting Abacus“Vigesimal”Cubit
3 200 000x20..8
920.000 5
160 000x204
84 000 3
8 000x202

It is now clear that it is the fundamental harmonic ratios between the numbers that are the basis of our Source Light code rather than the numbers themselves, the fractal relationships. This epiphany has led to a more crystalized understanding of the parameters at play within our Source Light language:

1. Sun Diameter = 864,000 (x2 1,728,000)

2. Universal Mile = 1600 Meters

3. Egyptian Royal Cubit (rc) = 0.535836763 m



300,000,000 m/s

SOL 187,500 mi/s

4. Egyptian Cubit (Cu) = 0.462962962 m


6 Palms/8 Bytes of 64 Bits/alt 48 Bits

298,598,400 m/s

SOL 186,624 mi/s

5. First Cubit Fractal [1 Byte] =.05787037037037m


1/8 Egyptian Cubit 0.46296296…m

1/17.28 (5.78703703…cm)

1 Byte=8 Bits/alt 6 Bits

6. Universal Solar Codec = Micro 1/17.28, (0.5/0.864); Macro 17280

To expedite harmonic realignments, reinstitution of our original Cubit (Cu) as the Global Primary Standard realigns the SI Base Units with the Solar Codec. The Square Cubit Unit (Cu2) measures the area of a square with sides equalling 1 Metre long (2.16 Cubits). Supported through AI acceleration, the following conversions initiate seamless present-day transition.

1 Cu = 18 Inches

4 Cu = 2 Yards

1 Foot = 1/3.24 Metre

4.32 Original Chi = 1 Metre

Through this extensive substantiation, we now assert with high probability that there is a clear roadmap back to unrestricted energetic freedom through realignment with our Sun’s solar directed energy stream. Harmonisation of numbers is critical in reversing human-accelerated climate conditions and regaining balance within our ecosystem. Recalibrating measurement benchmarks will allow us to put the pieces of our lost records back together. Seeing the full picture will enable accurate plotting of cause and effect at the unified systemic level. This quantifiable precision will help us understand how to reverse the near-term impact we’ve had on ourselves as one superorganism most efficiently and effectively. It will also allow us to foresee the future state of natural dynamics as the barometer from which we plan our forward steps. Precise Revaluations – Precise Results – Precise Action

It is with open hearts and arms that we extend one final message to the scientific community and worldwide organisations at large. We each have unique and valuable roles in this collective reunification. It is individual expertise that will fuel this rising ship as all sectors gain exponential advancement. We look forward to working hand in hand and answering all queries in pursuit of accelerated collective understanding.

Eternal Blessings to All ONE,

Paisley /Climate Change Centre Reading

Supporting Work:

The Divinity DΦdeca. Record of initial discovery and detailed methodology behind the 0.535836763 m Egyptian Royal Cubit.

The Divinity DΦdeca Pro Log. Record of the pivotal connection between the light key codes in Davinci’s masterpieces and the 0.46296296…m Egyptian Cubit.

The DD EMME (The Origin of Numbers Ushering in Reunification). First official correspondence to BIPM and NIST outlining validation of the .05787037037 m Solar Codec aligned with our solar directed energy stream. This documentation preceded the expanded exploration revealing alignments with the Universal Mile. That said, the information contained within the letter continues to substantiate the rediscovery of our foundational light technology.

cubit-calculator.ONE Paisley’s Sequence and Xiquence and the Cubit Unit Converter are practical tools to continue exploring the implications of conversions to precise cubit based measurements as a fellowship. Please try for yourself, expand and share the applications. The sun is coming up again, a new dawn for remembering. We need to, to see this through…

SOL Harmonic Realignment: The Origin of Numbers Ushering in Reunification.


The original number

Body relations x100 x0.972Degrees x1.0368SOL
1/17.28Cm – First fractal5.6255.832
1/8.64Cm – Pointing finger 11.2511.664
1/5.4Cm – Skull (without jaw)1818.6624
1/4.32Cm – Hands on and Head (Original Chinese foot)22.523.328
1/2.16Cm – Underarm and with/quarter of bodygram4546.656
1/1.08Cm – Half a bodygram length. 1/8 of a Whole9093.312
1/0.62208Cm – Mowan Bodygram156.25162
1/0.54Cm – Wan Bodygram180186.624
1/0.27Cm – 1/2 Loop360373.248
1/0.135Cm – Whole720746.496

Holobody hologram
What’s the point – Watch that point
Pointless is a point less
AllONE abt from ONE scale rescale – Catacombs

NEW PAPER – ‘EMME numbers’ #theEMME

  • Ancient Egypt: Paisley Sequence
  • Ancient China: Xi- quence

The works of the Divinity DΦdeca reintroduce the Egyptian Royal Cubit as the Universal Standard Unit of Measurement. The significance of which is revealed in the Recalibration to the True Speed of Light. Below displayed with the Vitruvian Man.

0.185185185.. M1.85185185.. M /320.185185185.. M
0.058703704 M x8CUBE = HEXAGON0.46296296.. M x4
The EMME Line

There is ONE specific interaction, Specific Pulse, within each Light packet delivering the clearest communication signal foundationally linked with light speed at 300,000,000 m/s. 

Based on the extensive archaeological remapping underway, measurement realignments utilizing True C and the corresponding RC measurement conversions will continue to support return to universal alignment with Light velocity.

1 Royal Cubit 1/1.86624
1 Cubit 1/2.16 x1.33.. 1.62 1 Cube

The subterranean chamber
Interesting collab w/ @chiodo1976bis

New geometric proof with corroborating numbers

4 Cubits
Height/width 0.46148148..M x4

3.456 Royal Cubits
Height/width 0.535836763..M x3.456

Height of THE #CUBITIANMAN 1.85185185.. M – /32.
da Vinci the MASTER knew

Height – Man’s left hand vs North air shaft
Ratio 1:1/0.00864
Royal Cubit 0.535836763Cm

Interesting collab w/ @chiodo1976bis
The subterranean chamber

New geometric proof with corroborating numbers

The ancient original ‘common’ CUBIT not a secret anymore. It works with all distances, ancient temples, pyramids, mausoleums, +++ etc. +++

4 Cubits
Height/width 0.46

108 x12 “the perfect number”
Have you heard of ratio 7/11.2 for the perfect Pentainmid “pyramid”

7.2/11.664 for the perfect Pentainmid “pyramid”

7.5/12.15 for the perfect Pentainmid “pyramid”

Height of the north air shaft 160.75102881 RC


The ancient original ‘common’ CUBIT not a secret anymore. It works with all distances, ancient temples, pyramids, mausoleums, +++ etc. +++

4 Cubits
Height/width 0.46296296..M x4

Height of THE #CUBITIANMAN 1.85185185.. M – /32.
da Vinci the MASTER knew

The ancient original ‘common’ CUBIT not a secret anymore.

1 / 17.28 = 0.0578703704..M 5.78703704..Cm


What was lost now is found. The answer to every imbalance across the entire body of light can now be resolved through the lens of light frequency realignments with True C. Our roadmap home has been identified and steps forward are unequivocally clear. Our Light System is divinely designed, and system-wide alignments are only conversions away. These Ancient Egyptian, Indian and Chinese Light Tables provide parallel logarithms for gathering empirical correlations. The paired system is ideal for use across all STEM institutions, utilising comparative analysis to align outcomes informing the correct International Standard Model.

NEW PAPER – ‘EMME numbers’ #theEMME

The works of the Divinity DΦdeca reintroduce the Egyptian Royal Cubit as the Universal Standard Unit of Measurement. The significance of which is revealed in the Recalibration to the True Speed of Light.

Just Do It

#ClimateAction #PumpForthePlanet
#PL✌️U #JDI #vitruvianman #thevitruvianman 34.56 rc #cubitleylines


2024 The DD EMME

a quantum manifest for collective REalignment 

The Divinity DΦdeca – Now at the end of the third act, we introduce the DD EMME.

The works of the Divinity DΦdeca reintroduce the Egyptian Royal Cubit as the Universal Standard Unit of Measurement. The significance of which is revealed in the Recalibration to the True Speed of Light.

Light alignment is the Key to reconnecting humanity with the universal frequencies of creation: Unlimited Source Energy.


Our Consciousness experiences material existence through light communication signalling to and from our Celestial Sun. From the kava root that feeds a whole continent, to the mycelium network that breaks down life and delivers resurrection codes across all plants and trees, to the water whispering through the cells of every piece of our body. We are all unique-yet-interconnected energetic light beings; part of One Universal Consciousness harnessing Light Speed Technology to manifest into every imaginable form.

Through continuing scientific rigor, we’ve realized that our original Divine Light System matches everything from time, distance, weight, and volume, to intra and interplanetary correspondence. These numbers interlink all energetic frequency signatures point-to-point to and from our Sun Star.

Once the significance of Original Light Speed is reintroduced into the equations, it becomes very self-evident through numbers that as ONE Planetary Body, we have been electro-magnetically out of alignment with our Light Signal; altered rotation and spin compromising the electrical grid of Consciousness relatively. The first step was Awareness of this foundational misalignment, and now, here we are…aware, observing, and remembering…

Accordingly, the Solar codec of 1/17.28 is reintroduced, based on the diameter of our Whole Sun 864,000 Niles and its Light velocity speed of 186,624 Niles/sec and its duality. Two years of actively assessing the 1/17.28 codec has proven its precision.

Utilisation of the Solar code is allowing us to refocus the picture of correlative cause and effect systemically provides all science with an irrefutable Light-based numbers system from which to accurately assess and navigate acclimatory imbalances as we regain quantum coherence with our Unlimited Source Energy.

What was lost now is found. The answer to every imbalance can now be resolved through the lens of light frequency realignments. Our roadmap home has been identified and steps forward are unequivocally clear. Our Light System is divinely designed, and system-wide alignments are only conversions away. The Ancient Egyptian and Chinese Light Tables provide parallel logarithms for gathering empirical correlations. The paired system is ideal for use across all STEM institutions, utilising comparative analysis to align outcomes informing the correct Standard Model.

BIPM reinstitution of the foundational measurement standards outlined in the EMME will now unilaterally support the advancement of our highest collective timeline.

The DD EMME is presented in a short paper (5 pages) providing readers with facts from the codec 1/17.28 numerical system. Available for download here:

In French here:

Our entire ecosystem has now become vulnerable to human activities and settlements; the choices made in the unconscious state. REunification with divine order will provide humanity with the knowledge REquired to course correct and exponentially evolve in a fREe flowing, harmonic energetic state from which to manifest.

Just Do It


Climate Change Centre Reading is an ENGO working to evolve human consciousness and help our planet MEarth.

624 DD Pro Log

a quantum manifest for collective REalignment 

Quantum Mechanics are the Mechanism by with Heartfelt Emotion Manifests Motion                      ON THE FIRST DAY…LIGHT
The Precise Royal Cubit – By Paisley Deslin

The Divinity DΦdeca REintroduces the Egyptian Royal Cubit as the Universal Standard Unit of Measurement. The significance of which is REvealed in the REcalibration of the true Speed of Light.

This is the key to REconnecting humanity to the universal fREquencies of CREation: UnlimitedSource Energy.

From Light photon to Material proton. Light photons communicate using cross-triangulating matrices of thermal variability that dictate the mass and density of manifesting sound forms within the superconducting water body. Accordingly, all Light Technology must adhere to coherence below the critical point, while remaining agile to mirror these precise SOL temperature variances to accurately measure communication and maintain speed.

Presenting a short summary of Light Keys (private key relays-PKR) to understand, comprehend, and support realignment back into a fully coherent Quantum State. Regaining Full Consciousness.


Our entire ecosystem has now become vulnerable to human activities and settlements; the choices made in the unconscious state. REunification with divine order will provide humanity with the knowledge REquired to course correct and exponentially evolve in a fREe flowing, harmonic energetic state from which to manifest.


#Everything12 #d1lss


Climate Change Centre Reading is an ENGO working to evolve human consciousness and help our planet MEarth.

Copyright © 2024 Climate Change Centre, Reading, UK
In support of International Space Federation (


Combining of #theDD n’ #TheCC
>>> RElationship between the three Pyramids(Pentainmids) @theGizaPlateau. Acknowledgement of the true Light speed 186624 Niles/sec (300.000.000m/sec) plus yrs of in-numbers lead to the following conclusion;

The cycle of life from the birth of numbers to REsurrection 1.5

The Egyptian spreadsheet in ‘Royal cubits (rc)’ of our solar system cunningly designed in the Giza Plateau 1728rc /1440rc, GP footprint #Gizasigil.

#gizasigil Giza plateau


I’m the middle is the Sun-pyramid watched over by the cat-lion the Sphinx1.119488

In 36° southwest the ideal M∞n/MEarth-pyramid (Base1080)

In 54° northeast the GREat pyramid of light speed /1.08/1.08 → REsurrection

For natural REgeneration to take place 2/3 of pure environment needed, #cleantake.


The Royal Cubit-calculator.ONE

Finally a NEW conversion tool, the Light numbers (SOL)!


The Egyptian Cubit aligned with, Light speed 300,000,000 m/s #theCC The significance of Universal Measurement Realignment is the implication of understanding the patterns.–The algorithmic cause and effect at the intrinsic and explicit level of systemic planetary homeostasis. From there, the cascading goals and strategies can be accurately mapped and assessed relative to our current state, paving the way for impeccable choices back into harmonic cadences as a Whole.

#THEDIVINITYDODECA #theDD #186624 #Speedoflight #Lightvelocity #Lightspeed #SOL #300000000 #Cubitcalculator #RoyalCubit #Cubit #TIME #Timenumbers #311040000 #INNUMEROLOGY #Egypt #Egyptology #Gizaplateau


a quantum manifest for collective REalignment 

The Divine ONE L1ght sySTEM, with Sond and Scent
The Precise Royal Cubit – by Paisley Deslin

a quantum manifest for collective REalignment
The L1ght, S0nd and 2cent sySTEM,
The Precise Royal Cubit – By Paisley Deslin

The Divinity DΦdeca REintroduces the Egyptian Royal Cubit as the Universal Standard Unit of Measurement. The significance of which is REvealed in the REcalibration of the true Speed of Light.

This is the key to REconnecting humanity to the universal fREquencies of CREation: UnlimitedSource Energy.

This 132 page manuscript unites the Sciences behind the Spirituality of our REawakening, outlining precise measurement corrections that will support our collective evolutionary progress as we move away from material separation into an experience manifested through Conscious UNIfication.

Our entire ecosystem has now become vulnerable to human activities and settlements; the choices made in the unconscious state. REunification with divine order will provide humanity with the knowledge REquired to course correct and exponentially evolve in a fREe flowing, harmonic energetic state from which to manifest.


#Everything12 #d1lss #theDD

#sacredknowledge #sacredgeometry #ancientknowledge #ancientgeometry


Climate Change Centre Reading is an ENGO working to evolve human consciousness and help our planet MEarth.

Copyright © 2023 Climate Change Centre, Reading, UK


a quantum manifest for collective REalignment 

The Divine ONE L1ght sySTEM, with Sond and Scent
The Precise Royal Cubit – by Paisley Deslin

a quantum manifest for collective REalignment
The L1ght, S0nd and 2cent sySTEM,
The Precise Royal Cubit – By Paisley Deslin

The Divinity DΦdeca REintroduces the Egyptian Royal Cubit as the Universal Standard Unit of Measurement. The significance of which is REvealed in the REcalibration of the true Speed of Light.

This is the key to REconnecting humanity to the universal fREquencies of CREation: UnlimitedSource Energy.

This 132 page manuscript unites the Sciences behind the Spirituality of our REawakening, outlining precise measurement corrections that will support our collective evolutionary progress as we move away from material separation into an experience manifested through Conscious UNIfication.

Our entire ecosystem has now become vulnerable to human activities and settlements; the choices made in the unconscious state. REunification with divine order will provide humanity with the knowledge REquired to course correct and exponentially evolve in a fREe flowing, harmonic energetic state from which to manifest.


#Everything12 #d1lss #theDD

#sacredknowledge #sacredgeometry #ancientknowledge #ancientgeometry


Climate Change Centre Reading is an ENGO working to evolve human consciousness and help our planet MEarth.

Copyright © 2023 Climate Change Centre, Reading, UK



a quantum manifest for collective REalignment 

The Divine ONE L1ght sySTEM, with Sond and Scent
The Precise Royal Cubit – by Paisley Deslin

The Divinity DΦdeca REintroduces the Egyptian Royal Cubit as the Universal Standard Unit of Measurement. The significance of which is REvealed in the REcalibration of the true Speed of Light.

This is the key to REconnecting humanity to the universal fREquencies of CREation: UnlimitedSource Energy.

This 120 page manuscript unites the Sciences behind the Spirituality of our REawakening, outlining precise measurement corrections that will support our collective evolutionary progress as we move away from material separation into an experience manifested through Conscious unification.

Our entire ecosystem has now become vulnerable to human activities and settlements; the choices made in the unconscious state. REunification with divine order through understanding Sacred Geometry will provide humanity with the knowledge required to course correct and exponentially evolve in a free flowing, harmonic energetic state from which to manifest.


#Everything12 #d1lss



Climate Change Centre Reading is an ENGO working to evolve human consciousness and help our planet MEarth.

Copyright © 2023 Climate Change Centre, Reading, UK






Paisley Deslin

The L1ght &S0nd sySTEM,
The Precise Royal Cubit
a quantum manifest
Quantum Mechanics are the Mechanism by with Heartfelt Emotion Manifests Motion

A possible way to IN-UNITE and help our stressed planet MEarth.

Short paper 50 pages about all numbers and their correlation with light speed.

The Divine ONE l1ght &S0nd sySTEM

#Everything12 #d1lls
