OPEN LETTER: This afternoon, Tuesday the 23rd April, Greta Thunberg spoke at a special meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change at 2pm, in the Attlee Suite, Portcullis House and all MPs are invited to attend… #Education

I do not want to declare a Climate Emergency, that ship has already sailed and now even the deniers are in agreement, after Sir David Attenborough spelled it out clearly to all humanity in his most recent hard hitting documentary on #BBC1, that we have less than a decade to mitigate the greenhouse gasses that are heating up our planet at a rate that is well beyond all the legal agreements our governments have signed up to in both the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement.

No, I want to talk about a Climate Change Teacher in Every School! A joint partnership, set up between a #UK based education company, Harwood Education and the One UN Climate Change Learning Partnership (UNITAR; UN CC:Learn) has created an innovative solution that will ensure every child receives the very best climate change learning that the UN has created. They have launched the Climate Change Teacher Course on World #EarthDay in the United Kingdom. This trial launch has been sponsored by YPO, they need at least 80 Teachers to sign-up and do the easy audio/visual online course that, when completed, will leave those teachers accredited as the very first Climate Change Teachers in the World, and these teachers will be at the forefront of delivering climate change literacy to all the pupils that attend the schools they teach in.

While global attention has been directed to various climate campaigns, this new Climate Change Teachers Course and its accompanying UN:eduCCate Programme are pioneering Climate Literacy here in the UK first, before they scale up to every school worldwide.

I would also ask you, as an MP of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second’s Government, if you would be interested in taking part in this groundbreaking trial of the Climate Change Teacher Course, that is fully accredited by the One UN Climate Learn Partnership, yourself? Surely every MP should know all the facts about Climate Change:

  • The Legal Framework
  • Climate Change and Cities
  • Climate Change and Health
  • Climate Change and Gender
  • Climate Change and Science

Plus all the scientific facts on GHGs (Greenhouse Gasses for those MPs that don’t yet know this) and #SDGs (our Government signed the United Kingdom up to the Sustainable Development Goals but most of us are unaware of the fact that we have not achieved nearly any of the goals they signed our country up to!).

Today, Tuesday 23 April, MPs had the opportunity to hear #GretaThunberg speak at a special meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Climate Change at 2pm, in the Attlee Suite, Portcullis House. As an MP I am asking you to please listen. More than 1.5 million children and young people worldwide attended the #schoolstrikes for climate in March – a global movement which started with just one child, Greta Thunberg.

Young people, including myself, across the UK continue monthly strikes, demanding action on climate change, But I want to go one step further and I want to demand that we have one Climate Change Teacher in Every School!

We desperately need Climate Change Teachers qualified to deliver the UN:educcate Programme, which delivers more than 500 lessons, all based on the current school curriculum but with Climate Change Literacy at their core in every class-room.

We know that our youth will enter the work force which will need them to be climate change literate and able to strive through social innovation.

Not just for future generations but for those in countries such as Mozambique, already suffering the impacts of climate change today.

They tell us that much more needs to be done and much faster.

Don’t we all agree we have an urgency and it is our responsibility to listen and act?

More information is available here:

I would be very grateful if you could let me know if you will be participating.

This is an opportunity for all teachers, teaching assistants, absolutely anybody working in a school in this country and educating our youth, to become climate change literate, confident to share climate change best practices. We must ensure that these specialist teachers join a global network of 200,000 scientists, #policy makers, researchers and practitioners from 190+ countries that have acquired the same essentials and therefore understand more of how and why climate change is happening, as well as the mitigation and adaptation we need to deliver to halt the rise in temperature immediately.

We need a Climate Change Teacher in Every School so that they can go on to share their newly acquired knowledge with all students now that we are at one of the most critical points in our species’ existence because we all know that this is a #ClimateEmergency and we want action not words but real, tangible, useful action now.

I look forward to meeting you all at the All Parliamentary Group on Climate Change Event today, to discuss the above with you, in person.

Hannah-Jane Kento, 11 Years Old, Year 7A, Hitchin Girls School, Hertfordshire

#TeachersForFuture #WeLoveTheEarth #TiempoDeActuar #TimeForAction #CallToAction #TellTheTruth #GlobalNewDeal

Secure a safer city in Reading’s New Local Plan

Reading Borough Council will not be able to accept representations made after Friday 26th January 2018.

Please see Climate Change Centre Reading’s representation below,

#NewLocalPlan – #climatechange #ParisAgreement #SDGs

The purpose with this Representation/Objection is via policy innovation and risk/protection impact evaluation, to improve Reading’s local urban development practices and planning, to support the British realm and ambitions to become a great global leader in the fight against global warming. #UK

#DRR Disaster Risk Reduction – #DutytoProtect

Africa – Americas – Arab States – Asia & Pacific – Central Asia – Europe


When all the ice has melted, first I will be Warm and then I will be Cold.

Stay up-to-date with the analysis and outcomes of Disaster Risk Reduction and International Law Symposium 2017 by our Reading blog posts.

#ClimateChance #ClimateChance2017 #Agadir #COP22 #COP23 #ONG #Climat #Humanrights

1 #DRR Disaster Risk Reduction – “#Duty-to-Protect”

Disaster law initiatives to combat climate change – “Duty-to-Protect”

How to grapple with the increasing frequency and severity of a wide array of both ‘human-made’ and ‘natural’ disasters.

Experts say we have three years to save the planet

International law must comply by 2020 latest with national #disasterlaw

Under Sendai Framework priority 2 – Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk (Duty to protect);

Global and regional levels
28. To achieve this, it is important:
(a) To guide action at the regional level through agreed regional and sub-regional strategies and mechanisms for cooperation for disaster risk reduction, as appropriate, in the light of the present Framework, in order to foster more efficient planning, create common information systems and exchange good practices and programmes for cooperation and capacity development, in particular to address common and trans-boundary disaster risks;

Are disaster management services the main duty-bearers to roll out DRR?

Break down legal fragment between DRR, Climate adaptation, the Tree proposal, Sendai framework, the SDGs, also between nuclear regulations.

Land use and forestry proposal for 2021-2030 – Forest laws to reduce deforestation.

National framework regulations needed now in;

  • Land use and urban planning
  • Building codes – Retrofits of existing buildings, Exemplary new buildings and Efficient equipment
  • Environment and resource management
  • Safety standards


Connect DRR and climate change, after New Zeeland 2010 Building code demolish or rescue.

2011 International convention from prevention of pollution from ships.

Mexico mainstreamed DRR law in all sectors. France mayor sent to prison for ignoring DDR laws.

Civil protection law = Disaster management (law to much focus on response)

Sectoral laws like Climate change adoption laws and development approvals important in rural and sub-urban areas. Linkage between environment laws and climate change laws.

Why do we need a lawyer? Protection of rights links to disaster

Legal disaster

Customs law disaster

Why compulsion and force?

Why international? Paragraph 14 Cooperation legal and not

Consent Capacity Building (ILC) framework adopted 2 months after Sendai 2018 next

Legislation/Regulations Is it a Self form of disaster risk reduction DRR?

Can monitoring DRR indicators alone identify (urban/rural) hazards and exercise disaster relief law of public response?

Disaster Ill-star

1950-60 Defense did research on disaster

Values scope and scale of a loss

Volition choices in relation to hazards

Valocity policies response times’ project, risk, predict – time horizon

Vicinity geography also social cultural economic, legal overlays

Vulnerabilities = impact outcome (origin)

Viewpoints philosophy

Victims disaster label, response label (victim-hood)

Katrina –> Depress obsess –> Super dome

Victims vs. Cash / Charity patterns

Natural more emo than man-made disaster

2003 August heatwave 14 802 (living on climbing 7th floor) – Time frame Chernobyl 100 (1 000 cancer)

Does climate legislation and regulation protect Who is an (urban/rural) disaster victim, healthy/sick people?


Core DRR mitigation and prevention response to disasters and hazards – linked to relief union

1st November 1755 Lisbon earthquake 1/3 loss – Urbanisation important

Voltaire unforeseeable and random – Urbanisation important

1927 National Relief Union

Preventive measures against disasters

UN early warning systems – Iran earth quake 1963

Pollution Sustainable Development

1980 Prevention Natural Disaster Reduction

1992 Rio declaration

UNFCCC – Framework Climate Change

Kyoto protocol

1991 Resolution 46182

Yokohama Framework

Millennium change

Climate change, Human rights, Environment law


PREVENTION at activities and measures to avoid existing and new disaster risks.

MITIGATION de-licensing or minimizing of impact of hazardous events.

PREPARDENESS capacity developed by governments responds and recover organisation, community or individuals to effectively anticipate respond to and recover from the impact of likely or imminent or current disasters.


Early Warning Systems


The obligation of recording casualties is not an instrument of to reflect disaster victims

Urban Disaster Law

Duty is a conduct and not a result, to shall reduce risk of disaster and harm precaused thereby.


The U.?N. Human Rights Council adopted the resolution, which was submitted by the Brazilian and Ecuadorian governments, last month at its headquarters in Geneva. Diplomats say the document could now lay the groundwork for more cities-focused work by the council –>

GOOD NEWS Adopted resolution #L30 – 37th Meeting, 35th Session Human Rights Council

Can the Sendai framework be enforced? Is there a will to extend the new international treaties within the domestic jurisdiction?

Exploring accountability, implementation and enforcement in the Sendai framework

States have a disaster law impact on human rights not only in their own territories.  Also, often there is an extraterritorial disaster law impact – on people in the rest of the world.

This project aims to provide a critical evaluation of the law and policy of whether and to what extent disaster law vs. human rights law is and should be applicable to states extraterritoriality.

When forced climate migrants decide to make perilous border crossings: the causal role of disaster

Climate Change, Community-based DRR, Education & School Safety, Environment & Ecosystems, Gender, Health & Health Facilities, Disaster Risk Management, Critical Infrastructure, Vulnerable Populations, Children and Youth

#ClimateChance #CCAgadir17 #Cities #EUSEW17 #c40cities #NUA #NAU #CCCRdg #Habitat3 #Humanrights


#SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #Policy #Governance

#Cities #Safety #Arctic #Maritime






#EWS #EarlyWarningSystems


#Federation Disaster Law Programme

#RedCross #Oilspills #ocean #ships #environment

#Disasterlaw #UrbanDisasterLaw

#law #disaster #risk #reduction


Sustainable Urban Opportunities for Dummies 2016

Sustainable Development Goals No. 11 plus No. 5 – #SDG11 + #SDG5
Vision – suggested ECO4CLIM_Rdg Climate, Innovation +Jobs Draft Strategy w/ target: Urban eco-philosophy will, in a few years, develop 50 labs across the world / empower more than 500 urban ecopreneurs / generate 3,000 green jobs and directly avoid hundreds of tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Urbanisation and industrialisation has gradually led people away from living in natural environment depriving them of the health benefits of nature such as natural light, green views, local biodiversity, and natural landscapes.

Anyone can, contribute to a sustainable and resilient city structure as long they stay within to the city’s territorial boundaries and do not trespass it’s surrounding greenbelt. If new land is taken for development the case is lost.

The magic “Glocal” urban safe formula has formed from the perspective less is more, such as “back to the basics concept” or just “keep it simple”;

  • A healthy environment is based on healthy (100% clean) quality levels in soil, water and air, this is ecology.
  • A healthy social environment (society) is based on fundamental humane values (all living beings included) wholesome eating, living and interaction.

There are about 1000 #urban videos circulating the web
The following eight videos will explain most of it, what you are missing you can Google.





Why not support our next generation and share the hashtag #COY12

This three minute video explains all you need to know about the 2015 Paris Agreement and how it will help to address climate change and promote the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The Paris Agreement entered into force on 4 November 2016, creating binding commitments. The video highlights the need for further ambition by governments and businesses.Track 0 is releasing an animated video - The  in a Nutshell - Inspiring decisive action on climate change, to get on track for a zero emissions future compatible with the Paris Agreement and 1.5°C limit

Over a hundred advanced Conventions, Treaties, Agreements and Frameworks have been globally agreed and put in place during 2016. We decided to take a look at a handful of simpler declarations, of thousands of papers, policies, guidelines and text documents.

In writing Climate Change Centre Reading (CCCRdg) has added 7 current general Declarations on sustainability and protection, women leaders and the global transformation, to deeply consider for local government implementation;

Basque Declaration


UNEP – Principle 10 and the Bali Guideline –

Nantes Declaration of climate actors –

UNACLA Quito Declaration –

Global Climate Action Agenda – The “feminization of urbanisation” Roadmap –

Belt and Road- New Path to Regional Development ––.html

The Marrakech Vision –

How can resilient cities buy us time to secure and safeguard our habitats against coming superstorms?

Based on the fact that everything is connected, how do we know which pathways to follow?

The way forward is lasting habitats CO2lutions* enhancing Garden or Wildlife Cities, car free with underground density functions where all of us take on a purpose driven keepers role. These spatial urban aerial habitats are disaster response ready of course.

43 urban innovations that could be applied to the #Reading2050 vision,


* We also need to undertake a work programme under the CP21/New Urban Agenda framework for SDG11 + SDG5 approaches to sustainable safe development with the objective of considering how to enhance linkages and create synergy between, inter alia, mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology transfer and capacity-building, and how to facilitate the implementation and coordination of SDG11 + SDG5 approaches.


#WTPD2016 #climatechance #COP22 #innovation #cities #Climathon #CWNYC #Innovationmonth #InnoTrans2016 #Business #RE100 #IoE #Sustainability #ParisAgreement #AccordDeParis #SDG11 #Changemaker #villes #regions #smartcities #startup #energy #entrepreneur #climat #climate #renewable #economy #NetZero #EnergyStorage #sharing #BatteryStorage #Photosyntesis #SBI45 #SBSTA45 #CMA 1 #APA