Pre COP27 Presidency 7-18 November 2022
Informal Working Group LD3 / Round 3
– Acceleration m0bilisation of finance
– Digital transformation and effective partnerships
– Collective action and strengthened multilateral cooperation
GREEN SPILLING must take care of negative climate change overspill
Numbers and climate change, on the brink to collapse
Conference on the Human Environment (CHE I)
1972 is 50 years and need to overlap 22 years until 2044
1922 CHE II is 11+72 years until 2106
We are out of time..
#UNEP50 #Stockholm50 #COP27 #Agenda2030
We must stand up and save our planet MEarth
THE UN Climate Change Conference 2022 (UNFCCC #COP27)
The #Youth movement is building momentum (#SDGs)
A very unique opportunity for the Old Kingdom and Africa to get back on track with the Conference of the Parties (COPS)
4 The BLA-BLANKH Tablet of #Egypt:
The stakes of #COP27 (9), scheduled
for Sharm al-Shankh will take place
7-18 November 2022, the sixth COP
after COP21(3). 30 000 delegates on
renewable transportation to visit the
6 ^^^ GIZA plateau,
The Karnak and Luxor complexes
and The Grand Egyptian Museum
#Pyragram 4
The Giza #MEarth Grid, the SUM of all points – “Point Nil” #396
Let’s do this 2slow #climatechange
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #UprootTheSystem
#Egypt #Luxor #Karnak #Giza #TheGeometrycode #5184 #369
#gizaplateautemplate #suncross #5D #324 #108
#pyramid #cross #Everything12 #chinampa #formidable