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We share the willingness to work towards metropolises for and by their citizens, where participatory and effective metropolitan governance fosters economic development, sustainability, social cohesion and justice, gender equality and good quality of life;

We are committed to fostering links and exchanges between political leaders, policy makers and practitioners worldwide; to advocating for metropolitan interests and improving the performance of metropolises in addressing local and global challenges;

We are dedicated to the transformation of our institutions and the strengthening of governance systems to respond to the aspirations of a rapidly urbanising population; addressing urban sustainability challenges related to housing, infrastructure, basic services, climate change, food security and migrations; and ending violations of human rights;

We recognize that metropolitan areas are expanding due to the galvanising power of proximity, agglomeration and innovation; that targeted transformation of cities and city regions, which are the cradle of our heritage, is critical to the vision of a brighter and more inclusive future; and that urbanisation is already bearing fruits by lowering overall poverty, raising household incomes, and creating new opportunities;

We acknowledge the impact of metropolitan areas on their surrounding territories, hinterland, peripheral cities and intermediary cities; and that metropolitan priorities and policies need to consider these effects on countries as a whole;

We celebrate that the Forum of African Metropolises is convened as an important mechanism to develop knowledge and know-how among peers in a rapidly urbanising continent;

We understand that the objectives set forth by the international community to meet global challenges cannot be fulfilled without the involvement and commitment of metropolises and all local governments.


More means to effectively localise the Sustainable Development Goals, the New Urban Agenda and Paris Agreement on Climate Change; and to address the environmental, economic, social and governance dimensions of exclusion in metropolitan areas;

Partners around the world to join us in advocating for metropolitan interests, as we address local and global challenges, thus enhancing our collaborations towards the ideal of inclusive metropolises for and by their citizens;

A seat at the global table, recognizing the role that metropolitan areas must play in the development of policies at national, regional and international level;

Support in research and innovation on metropolitan governance and needs;

Enhanced mechanisms to allow exchange between metropolitan areas, and specific programmes that can support renewal and policy innovation at all levels;

International acknowledgment of the existing mechanisms that promote dialogue between the international community and subnational governments of all sizes, the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments.


Foster inclusive cities expand opportunities through inclusive settlements and mobility options, support asset-building for sustainable livelihoods, and tackle land-based exclusion;

Defy the trappings of social exclusion which occur in the form of inequality, discrimination, racism, patriarchy, sexism, hetero-sexism and intolerance;

Exercise leadership on the world stage to solve the local and global issues that affect the world population, as set forth in the Montréal Declaration proclaimed at the XII Metropolis World Congress held last year;

Harness the potential of technology to reduce costs and level the playing field for inclusive development, and foster just, inclusive, adaptive, responsive, transparent and accountable governments;

Work together with national and international institutions, and especially with peers from the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments, in advocacy mechanisms, such as the Urban 20 initiative, towards achieving the shared ambitious objectives of the global agenda, while enhancing the voice of metropolitan communities worldwide;

Call upon more partners around the world to join us advocating for diverse metropolitan perspectives, in our commitment to the ideal of inclusive metropolises for and by their citizens.

More so the Metropolis family will continue to draw inspiration from the life convictions of our global icon, Nelson Mandela.


Source: Metropolis Gauteng 2018