After a disastrous shock, what can we learn from isolated groups in historic disperse breakout patterns?
Vegetarian diet a cure – Scurvy
Scurvy has followed in the wake of human-made disasters and war, where starvation, famine and rationing threatened both civilians and soldiers.
It has appeared during the crusades and during poorly equipped travel expeditions. The best known, however, are the stories of all the seamen who became ill and died when long cruises between the continents became common centuries later. At that time, many thought that scurvy was due to poisoning.
The initial stages of scurvy begin with fatigue, irritability, impaired workload and intellectual ability. Experiments made in England in the 1940’s have shown that after 17 weeks of vitamin C low-fat diet, symptoms begin to seriously occur with the destruction and congestion of the hair follicles, the skin forms small wounds that do not want to heal, blood vessels break, the gums begin to swell and bleed, one gets nasal blood, bowel ducts, internal organs and joints begin to bleed. Additionally, you get pain in your muscles and joints. Symptoms may vary depending on where the bleeding occurs. Death can come suddenly at scabbard, for example, bleeding from the heart muscle.
Catastrophic numbers bleed to death – Pandemic
A pandemic is a disease that rapidly and surprisingly spreads across large parts of the globe, and researchers assume that the next will be a flu. The virus is particularly dangerous when a variant from animals, such as birds or pigs, infects humans.
If a bird and a human influenza attack the same cell, their DNA is copied simultaneously, thus combined into a new virus that exploits the most dangerous properties of both fluids.
If a killer virus breaks out near you, make sure you cough and sneeze in a disposable tissue or in your sleeve – not in your hand. You should wash your hands frequently with warm water and soap or alcohol, and do not share personal belongings such as towels, sheets and toothbrushes.
Clean surfaces like door handles, tables, toys, keyboards and toilets frequently. Avoid contact with infected people or stay away from others if you become ill.
Trauma – Earthquakes
Trauma is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in a number of different disastrous scenarios but it is the predominant mechanism of injury following earthquakes and constitutes the majority of earthquake‐related hospital admissions in the first 24h. The very young and the very old have the highest risk of mortality from an earthquake. Chest trauma is present in around 10% of earthquake casualties who present to hospital and management may be complicated by delays of several hours or even days in extricating some of those trapped under the rubble.Chest injury is often accompanied by injuries to other organ systems and multiple injuries are associated with increased mortality.
Excluding superficial abrasions to the chest, the spectrum of injuries seen in those with chest trauma following earthquakes includes: rib fracture (17–50%), which may be complicated by flail chest, pneumothorax (6–52%), haemothorax/haemopneumothorax (11–19%), subcutaneous emphysema (10%), pulmonary contusion; rupture of cardiovascular system and diaphragmatic rupture. In addition, pulmonary embolism and pneumonia may complicate chest trauma, and ARDS and renal failure can develop in those with severe polytrauma or crush injuries.
Management of the trauma patient should follow in accordance with the advanced trauma life support (ATLS) guidelines and is beyond the scope of this review. In addition to immediate airway management and cardiovascular support, tube thoracostomy is one of the most important thoracic interventions in the acute setting. Tube thoracostomy was the second most common procedure (behind fasciotomy) performed in one hospital following the 1999 earthquake in Turkey, occurring in 34/263 (13%) of patients.
How will we respond to fast approaching haemorrhaging disasters?
It is not rocket science to recognise that melting from all white, sea- and land ices and glaciers will cause unprecedented need for global disaster risk resilience (#SDG18). Global warming year 2070, after this tipping point will it ever snow on Earth again?

‘Utterly Terrifying Haemorrhaging Feedback Loops’ – What’s next, when the oceans turns acidic how will this affect ecosystem’s oxygen cycles? Ecological apocalypse, what new mono-cultures will spread in vegetated habitats? Will regions loose control to prevent invasive spices from taking over? Will only underground life thrive in the new natural environment?
What will the damaging effect be with the extinction of all winter mammals and fish dependent of cold temperatures? What human consequences will occur as a result of biggest planetary biomass mass death event in modern time?
We must predict and calculate unpredictable threats attacking the humanity via land, sea, air and geospace. Super-powered global practises are needed to slow down this dyer warming process caused by humans everlasting desire to grow more and stronger prosperity. Could the answer lay right within our collective communities state of commodity dependence?, to put a halt on all new development for the next fifty years? Would you adapt!? The increasing risks of climate disaster are haemorrhaging, so maybe…
Can advances in artificial intelligence rise be a prominent driver in to help tackle disastrous temperature rise?
In the XXIst century you can no longer work isolated in your corner. Coalitions rule!
Baylor University Medical Center
University of Huddersfield Repository