Urban Development a public health disaster even bigger than the comet (Extra-terrestrial Hazard, Airburst). A truly human-resistant virus. Birth into death. Planners and developers competing with each other to create more and more space into place, next on the agenda is floating cities. More and more urban heat islands are warming the planet.

• How are developers not conditioned to mitigate their carbon footprint impact created?

United Nation and all programmes linked are not dealing with #degrowth in a serious way.

As humanity has expedited 85% of all land in/of the natural environment. Was the number 50% in 1970 I believe? This is 50 years of environmental rape through mass consumption.

The #SDGs will have suffered a mortal blow if the world does not get to grip with increasingly systemic nature of disaster risk, including health. The #COVID19 is a wake-up call, that normal is not covering our ‘Needs’!

BIG WARNING The single largest CC hazard due to “loss of land” is man-made urban development, criminal land grabbing and deforestation, this is not listed as a risk to land in “Making Cities Resilient”. Urban development, criminal land grabbing or deforestation is not even listed as Anthropogenic Main Hazards.

This disturbing confirmation of an unprecedented catastrophe in the making should be a wake-up call to the #G20 countries to assume leadership in this age of #CORONA before it’s too late. The world has to start reducing greenhouse gas emissions now.


Land loss

Re-wilding programme is large-scale conservation aimed at restoring and protecting natural processes and core wilderness areas, providing connectivity between such areas, and protecting or reintroducing apex predators and keystone species

The problem we don’t have the #climatespacetime. Every restoration back to wild will take as long time as it took to destroy it, micro-climating is a very delicate thing. There is a global conservation movement to restore Earth’s land into 50% wilderness, one lung of the planet. So 50 years from now is 2070, not a day later. Many more resonance restoration re-recoveries to follow the decades up to year 2070 and beyond… as many as needed.

Look inbound and focus on the word Unification what it means and how to achieve immediate results with rational resilience decision making.

The rule is: For every land developed two Lands must be rewilded. Understand #SDG18, the economic impact of Disaster and the need for Risk investments in developing Resilience.

Why does this make financial sense, and what is the business case? – Lots of high-density residential buildings – less likely to promote future infection.

– No budget, or no protection of the budget, for fighting urban growth disaster. – Potential sources of finance not tapped. – Accounting for use of funds is weak.

Look outbound for actions to achieve maximum development resilience: Identify and develop financial mechanisms, that can support resilience activities. Ring-fenced budget, local & national revenues + public partnerships Provide incentives in #togethernessship, Governance Integrated Planning and Preparation Response

Trying to cross-bridge health risk resilience with urban climate disaster in regional governance.

ARREST WARRANT #ClimateCriminal

This is embarrassing, I’m issuing an arrest warrant for Tony Page and Louise Gibbon for unlawfully submitting Reading’s New Local Plan to proceed to adoption with adopted main modifications.

“Over 200 towns and cities in the UK have in 2019 declared #climateemergency!

Climate Change Centre Reading – CCCRdg just had it confirmed, that #Reading’s New Local Plan #NLP (2016-2036) final modifications are based on #NPPF2012 not #NPPF2018 #NPPF2019!!!

Final report over Reading New Local Plan 2017-36 / Adopted Main Modifications;

Why the hell is this the case?? It’s a complete scam. After years of consultations on #climatechange. Proposals, advice and objections identifying the most important neighbourhood planning and policy issues facing our society which have been ignored.

All planning climate criminals in the SEPT committee #RBC should be h-d. I’m sorry for the wording, but that is exactly how I feel.

I refuse to believe team Tony Page and partner in crime Louise Gibbon are that stupid, idiots to go against #science.

I expect a written apology to the residents of Reading, on how to completely revamp the Reading New Local Plan to be fit for future.

It’s totally unbelievable that the SEPT committee (RBC) are trying to get away with the New Local Plan proceed to adoption in accordance with a pre-climate framework and 5 years old sustainability appraisals (these are being consulted on now).

Can someone please explain how this can happen in 2019. Can anyone with legal skills stop this coupe at this very final stage.

What is needed before is an honest re-assessed New Local Plan in accordance with an up-to-date planning framework and the new sustainability appraisals assessments, BEFORE it proceed to adoption!

Further on, four requirements of the New Local Plan must be synergised with;

  • – The RBC internal climate emergency toolkit
  • – The Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030
  • – The global New Urban Agenda, SDG 11

Finally the Local Plan must be risk assessed to prove disaster resilience.

Restoring Hope: Rethink & Re-imagine Our #Cities – Adopt #SDGDRR – #SDG18


David Evans, UN-Habitat, opened the session. Explaining that, ‘our actions should build on the resilience of people,’ he warned that excluding those affected by disasters during rebuilding will cause unintended harm. In his keynote address, Robert Glasser, UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, noted that lack of knowledge and financial capacity leads to disaster vulnerability – gaps that can be filled through implementing the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction. Moderator Sri Husnaini Sofjan, Huairou Commission, invited panellists from Haiti, Iran, Mexico, Mozambique, Nepal and the Philippines to share their experiences of how they responded to disasters in their country. Panellists highlighted the importance of conducting training schemes for masons and engineers, and enabling affected populations to actively participate in rebuilding their communities following a disaster. Many underscored the importance of disaster preparedness.
Hans Guttman, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, moderated a second panel in the session. Panellists from the European Commission, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the UN Development Programme, and the World Bank called for increased engagement with those affected by disasters and recognition of their agency, emphasising the need for accountability, coordination and across all sectors and levels. Several added that time-sensitive preparedness plans are crucial, and the European Commission questioned how to ‘build back’ not just from natural disasters but from man-made disasters caused by civil war.
Audience members called for the inclusion of grassroots leaders, and particularly women, in disaster recovery, emphasising their roles as agents of change #SDGDRR#SDG18

Non-avoidable risk-impact assessment in urban planning and design – #wuf9

For once, please put your professional career on hold for just six days and take it to the 9th World Urban Forum (WUF9).


In just 17 years nothing is going to look the same again. The unprecedented threats from our changing climate being discussed are: Multi- droughts, floods, heat-waves, superstorms, forest fires, land degradation or tree diseases (beetles or fungi) and acid rains will have hit everyone everywhere. Mass-migration, warfare, airborne viruses, pathogen diseases and epidemies just to mention a few of the forth coming horrors… To slow down these non-avoidable man-made (non-climate related) hazard scenarios emergency and evacuation, we need to plan urban resilience right now.

Local government leaders must prioritise climate change action (CCA) to mitigate and prepare for urban disaster risk reduction (DRR).


The World Urban Forum is the one existing multi-scalar context to plan and prepare for global development in our changing climate, please take learning from its extensive and comprehensive programme and discussions between 7th to 13th February – It offers a unique opportunity to share good practices from the cities resilience profiling programmes on the development and mainstreaming of DRR plans and multi-stakeholder’s engagement in the operationalization of resilience building strategies.


WUF9 will provide insightful examples for cities not only on the planning and implementing of the risk-sensitive plans but also on engaging multi-sectoral dialogue in resilience building processes.


This is a final call upon local governments leaders to develop integrated local Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Resilience plans to guide their actions. Professionals, promote local-level-authorities power and capacity for resilience in developing and implementing DRR policies and actions in local legislation. It takes time to invest and deliver urban shock tolerance.


This call is as in effect an early warning system as a way of raising awareness and mobilising public interest more than that public demand for changes to reduce disaster risk.


Six days of your life, you can do this.



If worst come to worst, we must NOW plan for underground living. Urban Underground Space with the aim to increase mobility, liveability and resilience of urban area. Places urban underground space within the context of climate change, city resilience and rapid urbanisation.


“Bigger picture thinkers make better humans”, “SDGs will not be achieved unless we address climate risks and disaster risks”~Amina Mohamed UN Dpty Sec Gen


#Cities2030 #Citiesforall #NUA2030 #SDGs #WomensAssemblyWUF9 #COP24 #AAAA
#wuf9 #wuf9kl #forumbandarsedunia9 #MarrakeshPartnership #UCEEP #Bonn #Fiji #Talanoa #Talanoa4Ambition

Secure a safer city in Reading’s New Local Plan

Reading Borough Council will not be able to accept representations made after Friday 26th January 2018.

Please see Climate Change Centre Reading’s representation below,

#NewLocalPlan – #climatechange #ParisAgreement #SDGs

The purpose with this Representation/Objection is via policy innovation and risk/protection impact evaluation, to improve Reading’s local urban development practices and planning, to support the British realm and ambitions to become a great global leader in the fight against global warming. #UK

Climate Chance World Summit – Agadir declaration of climate actors

WooW Ecopreneurs,

I took part in 2nd Climate Chance World Summit 4 days of recommendations for non-state actors, time for action. Really a Climate Chance action opportunity (operative), with United Nations normative Climate Action Agenda it’s a match made in Heaven. The success of Climate Chance 2017 offer a mandate to go ahead and fulfil an important role, the urgency of implementation of the SDGs together with the New Urban Agenda.

Debated was a proposed platform for Multi-actors governance and Multi-stakeholders to carry out this future operative role. An independent UN Partner for Decentralized Urban Cooperation to Assess and Enhance Strategic Effectiveness of UN perhaps?

With the new much needed global grassroots platform for Climate Innovation Labs Ecopreneurs for the Climate has an impacting role to play. An instrument for facilitative dialouge in bridging the gap between non-state climate organisers and implementers engaged in the fight against climate change 🙂 #COP23 #WUF9 #Cities4All #Cities2030

Climate Change Centre Reading / Ecopreneurs for the Climate in Reading

(Ecopreneurs for the Climate, a glocal community of climate practice, a global network of climate innovation labs #ECO4CLIM17) Priorities should be aimed at resilience and urban disaster response with reinsurance ~ “Leaving no one behind”


The Climate Chance World Summit 2017 has just ended in Agadir, Morocco. With 5,000 participants from 80 nationalities, this summit represents a real success and reinforces the Climate Chance approach as a framework for enhanced cooperation between non-State actors.

#ccagadir2017: Launch of local and regional elected representatives of Africa to mobilize African civil society.

Please find here the text of the Agadir Declaration by climate actors, adopted at the closing plenary of the Summit this Wednesday 13 September.

The #Agadir declaration of the non-state Climate Actors “Intensify together action and ambition” #OnePlanet #Katowice #COP24

This declaration was prepared with the focal points of the major groups recognized by the UN (environmental NGOs, trade unions, businesses, local governments, indigenous peoples, youth, women and so forth.). It has already been signed by a significant number of the leading world networks of climate actors (CGLU, ICLEI, NRG4SD, R20, C40, YOUNGO, AIMF, CAN, WECF, CSI/ITUC, IPACC…)

Entitled “Stepping up climate action and goals together” w/ the #MarrakeshPartnership #PlanetClimate #OnePlanetSummit, this declaration, which follows on from the two previous declarations from the “Climate and territories – Lyon, 2015” and “Climate Chance – Nantes, 2016” Summits, is not meant to be yet another declaration of intent, but rather a specific roadmap to backup and roll out concrete action more widely in local territories and consolidate the frameworks for dialogue between non-State and national government climate actors, particularly in connection with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Climate Chance place particular emphasis on the importance of the facilitative dialogue planned for 2018 and the need to reassess States’ ambition as set out in their voluntary contributions (NDCs), which could draw on the mobilization and capacity for action of their climate actors who are still frequently ignored or undervalued.

We agree with its points – content and are proud to be a signatory for the “Déclaration d’Agadir / Climate Chance World Summit of climate actors” to be presented at COP23 etc.

– The necessity for a common approach regarding climate and development;
– The necessity for an easier access to finance, particularly for actors in developing States;

– Key point for this non-State actors’ roadmap: to get ready to contribute to the evaluation of the 2018 voluntary contributions (NDCs), each State will present to the Paris Agreement framework.

As an vital driver for urban resilience progress;
– Being an operational stakeholder and partner with non-governmental actors, civil society and private sectors at all levels for urgent implementation.

We fully support The declaration of Local and Subnational Leaders of Africa « Fighting against climate change in Africa together »

Wouldn’t we prefer to see purpose-driven agenda, with one purpose to sustain, all urban human activities..

The declaration focuses especially on the challenges of adaptation, access to funding and the importance of the thematic coalitions and sectoral plans of action. It stresses the willingness of non-State climate actors to work more closely with the scientific community pending the next IPCC reports and pays homage to the mobilization of American elected representatives, businesses, researchers and NGOs through the “We are still in” initiative.

Eco4ClimRD Climate Innovation +Jobs Strategy 2.5

This is not happening!

To save lives and reduce impact, we have no choice but to reject Reading Borough Council’s New Local Plan setting out how Reading will develop the next 18 years… What is the design-life of the new housing stock? Has any risk evaluation been conducted? The plan is not adequate and thorough enough to meet immediate and near future requirements for city development planning. Use the form below to STOP the madness.

Please refer to the;
Eco4ClimRD Climate Innovation +Jobs Strategy 2.5 published on the 12.12 at 12.12 pm


Ecopreneurs for the Climate in Reading
1st December 2017 –
“Better City – Better Life “~Shanghai Expo 2010