Inscription in entrance Khufu pyramid #5184





Inscription in entrance Khufu pyramid


!So happy I rediscovered the 12-based number system 1.2. It’s failproof and makes sense every single time 📐


If the Glyphs Inscription, Emblem, Seal is equivalent to the Great Pyramid’s number #5184 (1296°x4) Pyramidhedron 4 in 1 – 5184°, see As below…


51844815 = 1512 (42) = 0.67+0.33 = 1(9) 👉1👈


48155184/88 = #547218 Colour Hex 😊


5184     51

4815     84

9999 = 36 x 2 = √5184 = 1 Djeba of 0.72 (142857) in x 4 = 2.88 (857142) palm


Pyramid #Khufu’s exact measurements & 1.0206


Base 740,270221272  alt 740.66667 alt 741.619848 ➡️ 756.9


Half-base 370.135111 alt 370.333335 370.809924 ➡️ 378.45


Hight 471.699057 ➡️ 481.41


Hypotenuse 600 ➡️ 612.36


Slant 51.84 51 50’40


Edge 42


I’m honoured 2b in touch with some amazing SGD

@instagram fellows


🌀 ♾ 📏 📐 💫 These guys are totally ancient rebirths, reincarnated ♠️


Do follow the peps,

1 @sagesilent The One and only Mr DUBUAR (DB3R in Hebrew) alias #Hemiunu picking #DaVincis brain literally. At some point the hidden God chamber will be excavated. If you join the next Pyramid Explorer AIP Tour (American Institute of Pyramid Research, check out their logo) – You might want 2b there when it happens👌 💫  April, shout! Links in bio, to #magic in #Egypt!

2 @theoryofevery0ne sitting on the great code of TheoryofeveryOne CHECK IT OUT

3 @louiseevans.11 – Stunning quality maker 11

4 @thebardcode One of the SGD (Sacred Geometry Decoders) of all times

5 @369moriya First Spiritualist


Of course massive gratitude to Manu Seyfzadeh, Zahi Hawass and all Egyptian Egyptologists


What if the real #HolyArk of #Egypt never reached the Temple of #Solomon in #Jerusalem. Could the original #ArkofConvent still be hidden in an undiscovered secret void in-under the #GreatPyramid, in a secret void, under the #WhiteHouse #Washington, or under Hemiunu’s tomb, So below…


“Alpha inside Omega &

Outside the Beginning, inside the End”


#Encryption #DaVinci #Pyramid #TheGreatPyramid #meaning #AlphaOmega #AΩ

#therealdavincicode #Giza #TheCode-X #Egypt2021AχΩ #leonardodavinci #Void

Planetary Earth Discharge

– #Energyindependence thanks to stable natural medium #369


Increase distance for effect in scale – Can we use #scale in reversing climate change #FaceTheClimateEmergency? The altitude trend is clear –> Flying antigravity cities tapping into the 5D “electromagnetic field” of basics energy (heat) and water (moisture) + the 6D “unified field” of consciousness.


Did #NikolaTesla want to build two towers? If so why?


NT said: “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”.




📣TAG 2x friends that would enjoy this post or page!🙌🏼😃🌠

#Altitude #Transmitter #Reciever #Unifier #Frequency

#Brachiosaurus #Quetzalcoatlus #Saurpods #Brontosaurus


What do we have to scarify to tap into the field?


#Teslapyramid, “The purpose with an awake-wake human body is to keep and balance our spinal chakras below round and above the heart in an upright position w/ spine, neck charged in standard gravity”. Generating natural flow as opposed to blockage. For every light beam star out there is a need for a deep sleep sleeper.


So given we are all fractally connected as Humans, Towers or Pyramids driven in cycles, Tesla knew, the question was, what defines the charge from its physical scale (shape, size and vibration and light) etc also in relation to silence/darkness. It is clear, everything raising up above the base surface works as a force receiver/transmitter. Four humans 5D in a close range, still far away from 6D. It will be. It was unfortunate that invention prevailed innovation.


#resonancescience #heart #unified #unifiedfield #universaldynamics #torus #unification #NikolaTesla #electromagnetism #holobrain #Ionsphere #charge #discharge #flux #CustoBolsonaro