


Paisley Deslin

The L1ght &S0nd sySTEM,
The Precise Royal Cubit
a quantum manifest
Quantum Mechanics are the Mechanism by with Heartfelt Emotion Manifests Motion

A possible way to IN-UNITE and help our stressed planet MEarth.

Short paper 50 pages about all numbers and their correlation with light speed.

The Divine ONE l1ght &S0nd sySTEM

#Everything12 #d1lls




Moonthly weekday chakra calendar

Your shareable,
Moonthly weekday chakra calendar

🕉️ 🕉️ 🙏 🕉️ 🕉️
Happie NEW yr 2023 6+1

The Sun-star Surya (Mitra) keeps everything in place while the biggest sphere/s orders the Position of the planets.

#MEarth midjectivly observing/sensing the system while in #Togethernessship orbiting Surya (Mitra)

👉 Follow the line throughout the 4 weeks in the Moon calendar (13 Moonths, 13 spheres 6+1+6). Via the visible Sun ellipse through Jupiter/Saturn space 💫 to the other side’s Black Sun ellipse and its sightless dark horses 🌌

Half the Moonday encompasses also MEarthday.

#sixplusone breakdown
– another NEW WORLD DISCOVERY’The Sharps of the Spheres’

Pluto Tuesday – 2 Turquoise C
Uranus Friday – 3 Blue D
Eris Black Sunday – 4 Indigo E
Moon X Monday – 5 Purple F
Neptune Wednesday – 6 Red G
Vulcan 8 Saturday – 7 Yellow A
Jupiter 5 Thursday – 8 Light B green
The holistic Solar system ↓ ↑
Jupiter 5 Thursday – 9 Purple B
Saturn 7 Saturday – 8 Indigo A
Mercury 4 Wednesday – 7 Blue G
Moon 2 Monday – 6 Green F
Sun/MEarth 1 Sunday – 5 Yellow E
Venus 6 Friday – 4 Orange D
Mars 3 Tues – 3 Red C

#MEarth midjectivly observing/sensing the system while in #Togethernessship orbiting Surya (Mitra)

Your resonance depends on how much u resonate or/and your position. Believe 😺

#Climatecrisis: Children are going to be in the business of survival

– Link in comments

Sacred Geometry Decoders believe that the concept of a Tree of light with different nodes encompassing aspects of Xx1.2 traces its origins back to the ancient (bc) duodecimal (12-based) system. The beginnings of the #Encodex Divine Ratio are traced back by scholars to the measurements of the Great Pyramid relating to Anno mundi, originating from the last ice-age, through the Great flood. However, the early historical instances of the sacred geometry light diagrams appeared in millennials later in the six cradles of civilisation pre the Greek/Roman classical era. The origin of The Tree of Light is unknown.

#Vishnusloop #treeoflight #treeoflife
#chakra #chakras #sacredgeometry #geometry
#innumerology #magemaat
#everything12 #numbers #plairrs
#numerology #polymath



‘ATON’s CU2rse’

‘ATON’s CU2rse’

Charm El-Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

26-Rabi al-thani-1445


#climatemoonchange <<



Crack On Egypt!

SUCCESS but not in the txt 🌍 #Geb

THE UN Climate Change Conference 2022 (UNFCCC #COP27) 🇪🇬

The #Youth movement is building momentum (#SDGs)

From #climatechange increase to decrease 2025 to half emissions by 2030

“Atmospheric levels of all three greenhouse gases hit record high – These are respectively 149%, 262% and 124% of pre-industrial levels.”


A very unique opportunity for the Old Kingdom and Africa to follow up on track with the Conference of the Parties (COPS)

4 The BLA-BLANKH Tablet of #Egypt:

The stakes of #COP27 (9), scheduled

for Charm al-Shankh took place

6-18 November 2022, the sixth COP

after COP21(3) (COP25 was cancelled), offered 30 000 delegates

renewable transportation to visit the

6 🔺🔺🔺^^^ GIZA plateau,

The Karnak and Luxor complexes

and The Grand Egyptian Museum

#Pyragram 4

The Giza #MEarth Grid, the SUM of all points – “Point Nil” #396

Let’s do this 2slow #climatechange

#FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #UprootTheSystem #climatemoonchangeisreal

#Egypt #Luxor #egitoantigo #Karnak #Giza #TheGeometrycode #5184 #369

#gizaplateautemplate #suncross #5D #108

#pyramid #cross #Everything12

European Movement Hammersmith, Kensington, Chelsea and Fulham

Youth want to support West Ldn 27th October, check out this Sunday’s youth demo –

European Movement Hammersmith, Kensington, Chelsea and Fulham

PR – Children take to the streets of Raab’s constituency to “fight for their future in Europe”




#ENVIRONMENT / @UNFCCC #COP22 Wrap Up | #Marrakech, #Morocco

 ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  , , 


/Climate Change Centre Reading (CCCRdg), who participated in COP 22, which closed on Saturday, 19 November, The meeting rode on the momentum from Paris the uncertainty created by the US election outcome, During the closing plenary, developing countries, expressed concern that this momentum was for post-2020 action, which requires industrialised nations to take the lead.

Produced by Asheline Appleton. Filmed/edited by Herman Njoroge Chege

Below a “glocal” achievment list for local Reading Borough Council and Reading 2050 to commit to of Climate Action Tracker’s ten short-term target, in the footsteps of the Marrakech Vision –


1)       Electricity: sustain the growth rate of renewables and other zero and low carbon power until 2025 to reach 100% by 2050

2)      Coal: no new coal plants, reduce emissions from coal by at least 30% by 2025

3)      Road transport: last fossil fuel car sold before 2035

4)      Aviation and shipping: develop and get agreement on a 1.5°C compatible vision

5)      New buildings: all new buildings fossil-free and near zero energy by 2020

6)      Building renovation: increase rates from <1% in 2015 to 5% by 2020

7)      Industry:  all new installations in emissions-intensive sectors are low-carbon after 2020; maximise material efficiency

8)      Reduce emissions from forestry and other land use to 95% below 2010 levels by 2030, stop net deforestation by the 2020s

9)      Commercial agriculture:  keep emissions at or below current levels, establish and disseminate regional best practice, ramp up research

10)  CO2 removal: begin research and planning for negative emissions


Cities100 proves that innovative and progressive climate action is well underway in cities around the world. Here are 100 solutions from 61 cities which show how local governments around the world are taking the necessary steps to mitigate and adapt to climate change, while at the same time creating valuable co-benefits for their economies, communities and citizens’ health. Click below

/Team Ecopreneurs for the Climate in Reading – Climate Change Centre Reading

#Goal13 City Levels Green, Amber or even Red

#Goal13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

The highly developed industrialized nations’ responsibility to combat climate change is obvious and cannot be overestimated. Similar to the issue of sustainable consumption and production patterns, the rich countries need to become leading examples if the goal of combating climate change and its consequences is not to remain mere lip service. Effectively reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions is imperative in this regard. The data displayed in figures 13.1 and 13.2 show how far many OECD countries are still lagging behind compared to the respective benchmark countries of the sample.


Click on the picture to enlarge

Figure 13.1 provides information on production-based CO2 emissions per capita. “Production-based” means that emissions refer to gross direct CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion, emitted within the national territory excluding bunkers, sinks, and indirect effects. In the fi ve leading countries, Mexico, Turkey, Sweden, Portugal, and Hungary, as well as in sixth-ranked Chile, production based CO2 emissions are below 5 tons per capita. These countries’ performances stand in stark contrast to the respective emission levels of countries placed at the bottom of the list, such as Canada, the United States, Australia, and Luxembourg. Here, CO2 emissions range from 15.3 (Canada) to 19.47 tons per capita (Luxembourg).


Click on the picture to enlarge

The second snapshot indicator links emission levels to the size of a country’s economy, and refers to total greenhouse gas emissions per GDP. Greenhouse gas emissions include land use, land-use change, and forestry, and are measured in CO2 equivalents as a percentage of GDP (tons per million constant 2005 int. USD PPP). The findings are remarkable: While Sweden is by far the top-performing country with an amount of 66.75 tons, Estonia comes in last place with 680 tons – more than ten times as much as in the case of the leading country. Moreover, Sweden is the only country ranked among the top five on both indicators chosen here.

With regard to greenhouse gas emissions per GDP, Norway, Switzerland, Finland, and France follow in places two to five. In fifth-ranked France, however, emissions are already nearly four times as high as in Sweden. At the negative end of the spectrum, Canada and Australia again find themselves in the bottom group. Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions per GDP amount to 641 tons, which means that the country ranks second to last on both indicators of goal 13.

Source: SDG Index and Dashboards – Global Report

Togethernessship, why the world is changing!

Over the past few years, with the explosion of startups, thousands of entrepreneurs turned their garages in offices to bring their billion dollar ideas to life. The vortex of entrepreneurship was to find an investor and get funded. To be funded was like winning the World Cup, or the Super Bowl.

But what happens after you get funded?

You get back to being an employee. You may have brought in people not sharing your dream, not in agreement with your purpose and soon it’s all about the money. The financial end becomes the main driver of your business.

People are suffering with it. Excellent startups began to tumble because the money seeking model is endless.

A new way to endeavour is needed. Good people are doing it already.

Many people have figured out that it doesn’t make any sense to go on by yourself. Many people have awakened from the “each man for himself” mad mentality.

Stop, take a step back and think. Isn’t it absurd that we, 7 billion of us living in the same planet, have grown further apart from each other? What sense does it make to turn your back on the thousands, maybe millions, of people living around you in the same city Fortunately, things are changing. Sharing, collaborative economy concepts are being implemented, and it points towards a new direction. The direction of collaborating, of sharing, of helping in togethernessship.

This is beautiful to watch. It touches me/
There is something extraordinary happening

/Gustavo Tanaka Co-creator, Baobba’ Lab
