Reading People’s March 2015

For immediate RELEASE: Community Event

Reading People’s March for Climate, Justice and Jobs

28th November 2015

It is time to act!

We need everyone! EVERYWHERE!

It’s happening! It’s exciting! It’s out there!

We have venues! A route*! Speakers! We need you!

It a pleasure to invite you to our local climate event 28th ahead the national march the 29th.

Please bring your banner, take any 45 min train (£22 return) from Paddington to Reading. Assembling from 12pm at Christ Church RG2 7AB (located 30 min from Rdg train station).

MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD – Let’s make this Huge. [share widely]

“Peace for France”

Peace for Paris_600x600

Sign up for the event here –


Walk with us on Saturday 28th from Christ Church to the Town Hall Reading or feel free to join in at any point along the route.

Be part of the solution. Make a placard or banner. Come along. Support ambitious action on climate change and injustice.

Climate change affects everyone. Whoever you are and whatever your politics – left, right, centre or turned off altogether – global warming threatens you and your children. Let’s forget our differences and come together on 28th November in Reading to show governments the huge scale and urgency of popular concern. Let’s do the right thing.

This is an opportunity for people in South Oxfordshire and Berkshire to add their voices and feet to worldwide marches on the weekend of 28th and 29th November – marking the start of the crucial Paris climate talks COP21.

Leaders must listen when hundreds of thousands of people march and say:

  • Yes to renewables
  • No to dirty energy (fossil fuels)
  • Yes to Justice for People and the Planet
  • Yes to new Climate Change related clean jobs
  • Yes to sustainable development NOW
  • Yes to science and clean tech for the future

We believe that change is possible and within our reach if we stand together.

 For further information, please contact Carl, Eleanor or Suzie at
climate @

Reading Climate Demo team






Green leader wants Reading Council pension fund to stop investing in fossil fuels

Green leader wants Reading Council pension fund to stop investing in fossil fuels

The leader of Reading Council’s Green group want the borough’s pension fund to shed its connections with fossil fuels.

This is so crucial — it’s time to divest from destruction. Please sign:

Cllr Rob White will be calling on the Reading Borough Council’s full council meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, October 20, to lobby Royal Berkshire Pension Fund to freeze any new investment in the top 200 publicly-traded fossil fuel companies and to “divest from ownership of any “commingled funds that include fossil fuel public equities and corporate bonds by 2020”.

He is also calling on the council not to accept any sponsorship or advertising from fossil fuel companies and to encourage Reading businesses and institutions to divest from fossil fuels too.

In a motion to the council, Cllr White says: “It is irresponsible and immoral for public bodies and pension funds to invest in fossil fuel extraction companies and instead they should where possible direct investment into ‘green energy’ infastructure.”

He went on: “The pension funds can and should find ways of directing a share of their investment to supporting the sustainable development of their local economies.”

His motion will be debated and voted on by councillors tomorrow night.


Source: Get Reading