10 bullet points for survival to avoid underground living –> #G20 #COP26Summit ~ #COP27 and beyond.. #ClimateChangeAwareness #ClimateSummit2021 #ClimateAction
- The Straight of Gibraltar to become a barrier (Messinian again)
- Disconnect the Mediterranean Sea from the oceans
- Turn the Mediterranean to a brack-water sea
- The world’s population give up everything and move to a doughnut area around the Mediterranean Sea
- Settle within a 400 mile radius around the Sacred Mediterranean Sea
- Sit tight for 12 years, the planet needs to rest
- Or, as long its needed for the climate to restore balance
- Assurance, humanity will be fine growing food locally, using desalinated water
- World to unite, total arms control and disarmament, shared economy, finally
- Not one person will sign up to this fun experience – wonder why?