This is embarrassing, I’m issuing an arrest warrant for Tony Page and Louise Gibbon for unlawfully submitting Reading’s New Local Plan to proceed to adoption with adopted main modifications.
“Over 200 towns and cities in the UK have in 2019 declared #climateemergency!
Climate Change Centre Reading – CCCRdg just had it confirmed, that #Reading’s New Local Plan #NLP (2016-2036) final modifications are based on #NPPF2012 not #NPPF2018 #NPPF2019!!!
Final report over Reading New Local Plan 2017-36 / Adopted Main Modifications;
Why the hell is this the case?? It’s a complete scam. After years of consultations on #climatechange. Proposals, advice and objections identifying the most important neighbourhood planning and policy issues facing our society which have been ignored.
All planning climate criminals in the SEPT committee #RBC should be h-d. I’m sorry for the wording, but that is exactly how I feel.
I refuse to believe team Tony Page and partner in crime Louise Gibbon are that stupid, idiots to go against #science.
I expect a written apology to the residents of Reading, on how to completely revamp the Reading New Local Plan to be fit for future.
It’s totally unbelievable that the SEPT committee (RBC) are trying to get away with the New Local Plan proceed to adoption in accordance with a pre-climate framework and 5 years old sustainability appraisals (these are being consulted on now).
Can someone please explain how this can happen in 2019. Can anyone with legal skills stop this coupe at this very final stage.
What is needed before is an honest re-assessed New Local Plan in accordance with an up-to-date planning framework and the new sustainability appraisals assessments, BEFORE it proceed to adoption!
Further on, four requirements of the New Local Plan must be synergised with;
– The RBC internal climate emergency toolkit
– The Sustainable Development Goals and Agenda 2030
– The global New Urban Agenda, SDG 11
Finally the Local Plan must be risk assessed to prove disaster resilience.
The purpose with this Representation/Objection is via policy innovation and risk/protection impact evaluation, to improve Reading’s local urban development practices and planning, to support the British realm and ambitions to become a great global leader in the fight against global warming. #UK
Morocco’s concerns about the climate are not fading. After Marrakesh, it is Agadir’s turn to bring together the concerned actors, but this time in the framework of a Summit. Indeed, the city of Agadir will host the 2nd;
It’s a privilege to participate n’ #ClimateChance 2017, formalising the conversation on;
– reducing the vulnerability of countries to the impacts of climate change by strengthening their resilience adaptation.
– integration of adaptation to the climate change in development policies, programmes and projects as well as in National Budgeting.
– facilitation of access to climate risk transfer for disaster adaptation.
The first one took place in Nantes, this 2nd edition is Moroccan and will measure the progress of the action, To deepen exchanges on successes and difficulties and to foster the pooling of experiences and innovations.Also, this edition will place particular emphasis on the stakes of the African continent and more widely the countries of the South.
On this occasion, the organisers stressed: “Almost one year after COP22, This Summit will be an opportunity to take stock of the agenda of the action and in particular the Marrakesh partnership. It will also be an opportunity to prepare joint messages to be delivered to States at the COP23 as a Follow-up The Nantes Declaration, which remains the most widely signed text by non-state actors. Since the adoption of the Rio Convention on Climate in 1992 “. It should be recalled that the Declaration of Nantes was adopted at the World Summit in September 2016 in Nantes and coordinated by the Climate Chance Association.
It has as its motto “Strengthening concrete action to bridge the gap between current commitments and the objective of the Paris Agreement”. The program of this edition consists of three usual pillars of Climate Chance: There are first the forums toTake stock of COP23 on the actions of the 20 sectoral coalitions (transport, energy, etc.). To these forums are added plenaries, organised in the usual way of Climate Chance. These opening and closing plenaries will address the themes of Financing, the challenge of cities in Africa and migration. The workshops constitute the 3rd pillar. A call for papers was launched on 28 February and remained open until 15 May to decide on the workshops that will enrich the program and make it a moment of sharing and reflection. The selected contributors authorize the Climate Chance Association to reuse and communicate their work.
Climate Chance also thought about organising stands, totally free, Where non-state groups and African associations will be represented. The Summit also provided specific events to highlight crafts and local territory.
With more than 80 workshops of good practice, which will be presented around 17 themes affecting different sectors and a large participation involving more than 3,000 members, this 2nd edition of the Climate Chance Summit is promising.
Sustainable Development Goals No. 11 plus No. 5 – #SDG11 + #SDG5 Vision – suggested ECO4CLIM_Rdg Climate, Innovation +Jobs Draft Strategy w/ target: Urban eco-philosophy will, in a few years, develop 50 labs across the world / empower more than 500 urban ecopreneurs / generate 3,000 green jobs and directly avoid hundreds of tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
Urbanisation and industrialisation has gradually led people away from living in natural environment depriving them of the health benefits of nature such as natural light, green views, local biodiversity, and natural landscapes.
Anyone can, contribute to a sustainable and resilient city structure as long they stay within to the city’s territorial boundaries and do not trespass it’s surrounding greenbelt. If new land is taken for development the case is lost.
The magic “Glocal” urban safe formula has formed from the perspective less is more, such as “back to the basics concept” or just “keep it simple”;
A healthy environment is based on healthy (100% clean) quality levels in soil, water and air, this is ecology.
A healthy social environment (society) is based on fundamental humane values (all living beings included) wholesome eating, living and interaction.
There are about 1000 #urban videos circulating the web The following eight videos will explain most of it, what you are missing you can Google.
This three minute video explains all you need to know about the 2015 Paris Agreement and how it will help to address climate change and promote the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The Paris Agreement entered into force on 4 November 2016, creating binding commitments. The video highlights the need for further ambition by governments and businesses.Track 0 is releasing an animated video - The #ParisAgreement in a Nutshell - Inspiring decisive action on climate change, to get on track for a zero emissions future compatible with the Paris Agreement and 1.5°C limit
Over a hundred advanced Conventions, Treaties, Agreements and Frameworks have been globally agreed and put in place during 2016. We decided to take a look at a handful of simpler declarations, of thousands of papers, policies, guidelines and text documents.
In writing Climate Change Centre Reading (CCCRdg) has added 7 current general Declarations on sustainability and protection, women leaders and the global transformation, to deeply consider for local government implementation;
How can resilient cities buy us time to secure and safeguard our habitats against coming superstorms?
Based on the fact that everything is connected, how do we know which pathways to follow?
The way forward is lasting habitats CO2lutions* enhancing Garden or Wildlife Cities, car free with underground density functions where all of us take on a purpose driven keepers role. These spatial urban aerial habitats are disaster response ready of course.
* We also need to undertake a work programme under the CP21/New Urban Agenda framework for SDG11 + SDG5 approaches to sustainable safe development with the objective of considering how to enhance linkages and create synergy between, inter alia, mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology transfer and capacity-building, and how to facilitate the implementation and coordination of SDG11 + SDG5 approaches.