2024 The DD EMME

a quantum manifest for collective REalignment 


The Divinity DΦdeca – Now at the end of the third act, we introduce the DD EMME.

The works of the Divinity DΦdeca reintroduce the Egyptian Royal Cubit as the Universal Standard Unit of Measurement. The significance of which is revealed in the Recalibration to the True Speed of Light.

Light alignment is the Key to reconnecting humanity with the universal frequencies of creation: Unlimited Source Energy.


Our Consciousness experiences material existence through light communication signalling to and from our Celestial Sun. From the kava root that feeds a whole continent, to the mycelium network that breaks down life and delivers resurrection codes across all plants and trees, to the water whispering through the cells of every piece of our body. We are all unique-yet-interconnected energetic light beings; part of One Universal Consciousness harnessing Light Speed Technology to manifest into every imaginable form.

Through continuing scientific rigor, we’ve realized that our original Divine Light System matches everything from time, distance, weight, and volume, to intra and interplanetary correspondence. These numbers interlink all energetic frequency signatures point-to-point to and from our Sun Star.

Once the significance of Original Light Speed is reintroduced into the equations, it becomes very self-evident through numbers that as ONE Planetary Body, we have been electro-magnetically out of alignment with our Light Signal; altered rotation and spin compromising the electrical grid of Consciousness relatively. The first step was Awareness of this foundational misalignment, and now, here we are…aware, observing, and remembering…

Accordingly, the Solar codec of 1/17.28 is reintroduced, based on the diameter of our Whole Sun 864,000 Niles and its Light velocity speed of 186,624 Niles/sec and its duality. Two years of actively assessing the 1/17.28 codec has proven its precision.

Utilisation of the Solar code is allowing us to refocus the picture of correlative cause and effect systemically provides all science with an irrefutable Light-based numbers system from which to accurately assess and navigate acclimatory imbalances as we regain quantum coherence with our Unlimited Source Energy.

What was lost now is found. The answer to every imbalance can now be resolved through the lens of light frequency realignments. Our roadmap home has been identified and steps forward are unequivocally clear. Our Light System is divinely designed, and system-wide alignments are only conversions away. The Ancient Egyptian and Chinese Light Tables provide parallel logarithms for gathering empirical correlations. The paired system is ideal for use across all STEM institutions, utilising comparative analysis to align outcomes informing the correct Standard Model.

BIPM reinstitution of the foundational measurement standards outlined in the EMME will now unilaterally support the advancement of our highest collective timeline.

The DD EMME is presented in a short paper (5 pages) providing readers with facts from the codec 1/17.28 numerical system. Available for download here: https://tvb-climatechallenge.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/theEMME.pdf

In French here: https://tvb-climatechallenge.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Francaise_theEMME.pdf

Our entire ecosystem has now become vulnerable to human activities and settlements; the choices made in the unconscious state. REunification with divine order will provide humanity with the knowledge REquired to course correct and exponentially evolve in a fREe flowing, harmonic energetic state from which to manifest.

Just Do It


Climate Change Centre Reading is an ENGO working to evolve human consciousness and help our planet MEarth.

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