#WhereIsYourPlan #TelltheTruth #ActNow #PeoplesAssembly
At the very time of writing this, we are aware of new delhi dating sites in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland that have declared a Climate Emergency (149 have set a target of 2030 or earlier). #Peoplesdemands can’t be ignored. It’s a cross party movement, with political control as follows: 80 No Overall Control • 75 Labour • 60 Conservative • 22 Lib Dem • 4 Independent • 1 Plaid Cymru. (SNP are minority lead on some of the NOC Councils).
Our #cities and towns are the main solution to respond to the #climatecrises, the key for combating climate change. Many cities have committed to meeting the #ParisAgreement goals (60% of UK Councils have in 2019 declared a Climate Emergency). But are those targets translating to action on the ground? The need for an urban climate emergency toolkit is clear. London, Manchester City and Leeds are on a quest to achieve 100% carbon-free electricity not later than #NetZero 2038 and what other cities can learn from this experience.
#ClimateEmergency planning must apply to every New Local Plan
The adoption of Reading’s UNSUSTAINABLE Local Plan will be discussed at a meeting of Council on 4th November. Once adopted, it will replace all existing development plans (the Core Strategy, Reading Central Area Action Plan and Sites and Detailed Policies Document) as the main consideration in deciding planning applications within Reading.
As it is, the inspector’s conclusions ASSESSED AGAINST NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK 2012 are that, subject to a number of ‘main’ modifications, the Local Plan is sound and legally compliant, and can proceed to adoption.
– Climate Change Centre Reading (CCTC) urge a meeting of the Reading Borough Council’s Strategic Environment Planning and Transport Committee (SEPT) this month to agree the final “climate emergency” phase of New Local Plan consultation, BEFORE the document is re-submitted to the Secretary of State, for final examination by independent inspector to determine whether it is ‘sound’ and legally compliant and therefore can be adopted.
The revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) published in 2018 contains four headline implications for planning for climate change, which are as follows:
- The revised #NPPF retains the key link between planning policy and the provisions of the Climate Change Act 2008. This means all local plans must set a carbon dioxide emissions reduction target and lay out clear ways of measuring progress on carbon dioxide emissions reduction
- Guidance for viability testing has been re-balanced, creating more opportunity for policy that might address climate change
- There is still real confusion about the scope of planning authorities to set ambitious targets beyond the Building Regulations on energy efficiency
- There is nothing to stop local plans adopting requirements for on-site renewable energy generation
“ – This is the final phase of public consultation on what is a key planning document which will play a major role in helping to shape Reading over the next 20 year period (2016-2036).”
Reading Council climate emergency declaration;
#RenewableEnergy #Renewables #Environment #Environmental #SmartCities #CarbonNeutrality #SustainableSolutions #Electricity #Solar #SolarEnergy #SolarPower #GRESB #LEED #CarbonFree #Climate #ClimateChange #Water #Waste #WasteManagement
The short film outlines the peoples demands and asks governments where is their carbon plan to tackle climate change –
#WhereIsYourPlan #RebelForAction #RebelForLife
#TelltheTruth #ActNow #PeoplesAssembly #peoplesdemands
#WhereIsYourPlan #EverybodyNow #TellTheTruth