EU Environment Briefing: ILUC, ETS, Emission Standards and Waste

Brussels Briefing on Environment: All you need to know for the month of October 2013

October 9, 2013 – Environment

In this latest Brussels Briefing on Environment, leading environment journalist Sonja van Renssen provides an overview of the latest developments in the field of EU Environment Policy.

Topics discussed include:

– Indirect Land Use Change (ILUC)

– European Emissions Standards for cars and vans

– Emissions Trading System

– Ban on F-Gasses

– Plastic waste and a Landfills ban proposal

Featuring statements by: Corinne Lepage MEP, ILUC Rapporteur and Jos Delbeke, Director-General for Climate Action at the European Commission.

via EU Environment Briefing: ILUC, ETS, Emission Standards and Waste.

As The World Tipped Trailer – Wired Aerial Theatre

“As the World Tipped @derbyfeste was astonishing last night – Derby’s never seen anything like it!” ~ “ #astheworldtipped was mind blowing! Bn long time since I’ve watched live performance and said ‘wow!’ out loud. Twice! @derbyfeste well done!” ~ “As The World Tipped @derbyfeste an Incredible performance with a powerful message, thank you Feste!” ~
Have a look at what they saw in Derby

The timing for their “Tipping Point” is perfect
More pics here:


Microscopic debris worries marine environmental scientists  – IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute

Micro Scrap

The problem of microscopic debris in the ocean is much greater than previously thought. Water samples taken in the harbour of Lysekil, by researchers from IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, contained 30 times more microscopic debris than previously measured in similar samples along the Swedish coast.

– The results are disturbing. Microscopic debris is not visible to the naked eye, but it can damage the marine wildlife to a larger extent than other debris, says Fredrik Norén, marine biologist at IVL.

Microscopic debris consists of small particles of plastic, textile and other kinds of waste, and since they are the same size as phytoplankton and zooplankton they will either be eaten by animals in the sea, or can adhere to the gills of fishes. The particles can also be carriers of toxic substances and that way transport environmental toxins into the animal that eats the debris.

The largest source of microscopic debris is not, as one could expect, marine transports or boats, but rather the debris from our cities. Debris thrown on our roads and streets will be transported by rainfalls towards the oceans and the problem exists in all cities where the currents will concentrate the debris at the water’s edge. The Swedish west coast is also the recipient of debris from other costal European cities and rivers, due to ocean currents.

– The way we live in the cities is a major source of the microscopic debris we now see in the sea. The good thing about that situation is that we as a society can do something about the problem. We can both improve our processes to treat storm water, as well as to educate people to throw less garbage in their urban environment. The municipalities can in turn increase the number of available garbage bins, says Fredrik Norén.

He is critical to how storm water currently is disposed along the Swedish west coast. There is too much microscopic debris that passes through the wastewater treatment plants and runs straight into the ocean.

– We need to do more studies on the debris that is currently slipping through the treatment plants filter and we must also develop new techniques for the treatment of storm water. There is plenty more to be done in this area, says Fredrik Norén.

For more information, contact: Fredrik Norén,,
phone +46 31 708 65 05

Visit as well:

via Microscopic debris worries marine environmental scientists  – IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet.

Move our beloved NHS landmark from the London Road to a grand rural location in Reading

EXCLUSIVE: Royal Berkshire Hospital reveals shock sell-off plan

Published: 24 Sep 2013 14:55

HEALTH bosses announced shock plans this week to sell off the iconic frontage of the Royal Berkshire Hospital – to turn it into a free secondary school.

Come back later for a news update.

Royal Berkshire Hospital

Can our iconic building turn into a state of art renewable energy building?

Philadelphia County Medical building

Philadelphia County Medical building

More info here:

Will Reading be the European Green Capital 2016?

Rdg CAN!:

– Have a well-established record of achieving high environmental objectives.

– Commit to ambitious goals for future environmental improvement and sustainable development.

– Inspire other cities through new ideas, best practices and experiences.

LOGO CE_Vertical_EN_quadri

Will your city be the European Green Capital 2016? The Commission has launched its search for the 2016 European Green Capital. The European Green Capital Award recognises cities that are at the forefront of environmentally-friendly urban living. The..

Read more here:

“Likes” for CCCRdg

CCCRdg has RECENTLY launched a new facebook page. This is a test to see how many likes we can receive over a MONTH locally from our businesses, the community, the Government, local government and education.

The purpose with this is as always to increase our contact area and to flag the green card.

Please “Like” us by visiting our facebook page
(Our milestone target is 3000 “Likes” for Berkshire, keep track on us)

All your connections are welcome to join the LinkedIn group – Climate Change Centre Reading

“Consider Climate Change in every action”~Climate Change Centre Reading

Team CCCRdg

Climate change: Challenges and solutions — University of Exeter — FutureLearn


This course aims to explain the science of climate change, the risks it poses, and the solutions available to reduce those risks.

Join this course, Starts on 13 January, Duration: 8 weeks, 3 hours pw

Watch the trailer

The course is aimed at the level of students entering university, and seeks to provide an inter-disciplinary introduction to what is a broad field. It engages a number of experts from the University of Exeter and a number of partner organisations.

The course will set contemporary human-caused climate change within the context of past nature climate variability. Then it will take a risk communication approach, balancing the ‘bad news’ about climate change impacts on natural and human systems with the ‘good news’ about potential solutions. These solutions can help avoid the most dangerous climate changes and increase the resilience of societies and ecosystems to those climate changes that cannot be avoided.

Tim Lenton

No previous experience or qualifications required

via Climate change: Challenges and solutions — University of Exeter — FutureLearn.

Reading 2050: Revealing Reading’s Potential

Following our inaugural Reading 2050 networking event for young property professionals, this report examines Reading’s standing in the UK, areas where the town could be improved and ideas for development going forward.

Barton Willmore have compiled thoughts and ideas from the June networking event alongside some interesting statistics on Reading in the Reading 2050 Introductory Report.


You can download the report here:


Journalism and Climate Change: A conversation about this bad…

There are some big changes happening on the ol’ “Brace For Impact” blog and I thought I’d introduce them myself in my first ever “vlog!”  It’s a bit long, for which I apologize, but as they say: “If I’d had more time, I would have…

Tipping Point from Faun Kime on Vimeo.