The Schwarzenegger Climate Initiative

Schwarzenegger Climate Action

Alexander Van der Bellen, we are as excited for his speech tomorrow,  Tuesday as you are! 🎤
Austrian Federal president @vanderbellen has been a dedicated environmentalist since the beginning of his political career and traditionally takes over patronage of the AUSTRIAN WORLD SUMMIT.

Quickly address the Ukraine War and geopolitical fallout.


According to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), human-induced climate change has caused widespread adverse impacts on ecosystems, people, settlements, and infrastructure resulting from observed increases in the frequency and intensity of climate and extreme weather events such as heatwave, powerful cyclone, heavy precipitation events leading to flood, drought, and wildfire.

Climate change (CC), the loss of nature and persistent poverty are complex problems threatening our societies, economies and ecosystems.

Ensuring Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) can influence decision-making, have agency over environment and development actions, and control over finances and resources is important as active agents of change. The green global South will identify the challenges and build momentum for the uptake of critical solutions and drive forward the transformation needed at all levels to enhance support for just, equitable and locally-led solutions through the decade ahead.

The role of locally-led action for people, nature and climate, and proposes recommendations for governments, multilateral development banks and global funds to drive change through support for local level decision-making over resources and finance.

Multiple estimates has gone wrong simply cos global warming is trapping heat faster and faster with feedback added. Scale is not comprehended, urban growth, the sole main factor putting natural environment in decline.

How can so called stake holders go about?

A day of thought-provoking (changing) talks and discussions on how global climate change is acting as a threat multiplier, accelerating and intensifying hazard risks, and how stake holders navigate the future pre the 27th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP27) meeting in Sharm El-Sheikh in addressing ‘Loss and Damage’, climate mitigation and adaptation.

/IRDR 12th Annual Conference – Disaster Risk, Loss and Damage, or Action


So go with the flow put the bagel in the middle, the planet already divided in 400+ regions – perfect.

Adopt a stake holder organisation for each region, keep it local.

“We have drawn lessons from previous state-level summits on climate: we must change our way of thinking and doing. It’s time. Decisions coming from the top do not work, it is out of the science and field-level that initiatives must be born. If all the regions and cities of the world take concrete action, unite their efforts and create a value chain with businesses as well as public and private investors, around portfolios of real projects in the green economy sector (energy, efficiency, renewable energy, storage, waste management, water management and green jobs), then we will have a real chance of halting the climate fluctuations and redesigning our economic model based on energy transition. We will need everyone to reach an agreement at COP This is why we are calling on all leaders of regions, cities and local government, all businesses and investors, to join us in a better future for our children.”~A.S.2014

Recommendations for non-state actors, time for action. Really a Climate #Scienceaction opportunity (operative), with United Nations normative Climate Action Agenda it’s a match made in Heaven. The success of Climate Chance 2017 offer a mandate to go ahead and fulfil an important role, the urgency of implementation of the SDGs together with the Loss & Damage agenda.

Debated was a proposed platform/facility for Multi-actors governance and Multi-stakeholders to carry out this future operative role. An independent UN Partner for Decentralized Urban/Rural Cooperation to Assess and Enhance Strategic Effectiveness of the UN perhaps?

Follow suit of Climate Chance Stakeholder Org, France for a great successful operative stake holder initiative. Ready to multiply by 200 this year another 200 next year. Easy peasy, but we’re out of time. There are about 10 similar orgs like ICLE, Munich RE, IIED IISG, UNDRR, The Marrakech Partnership, FEMP, CCRE CEMR, GIZ, SEEDS India, CEEW + +


Terminate pollution – No time to waste, time management

What comes after disaster events – Extinction events ~ 1/3 survival rate.


Why and how to recognise and enshrine Ecocide in international Law

  • creates rule to prevent serious harm to nature
  • compliments human rights to a clean and healthy environment
  • protects eco systems in an off themselves from the worst harms

Stop Ecocide –


After thoughts? Check out Arnold’s Stammtisch –


Why so little life in our universe?, Cos planets resets


Of course climate change has affected the Moon, our closed body and will return soon with another unknown CC feed-back effect to prepare for. I wonder if it not already started resonate with a few unusual colour spectra.

Human caused CC can be compared with a human caused comet event.
What needed is change, change of direction <>

It’s still possible to have impact before actual impact happens. Will it solve the problem, it will slow the problem – How long for?, until the next disaster.

Humankind has caused many disasters. Scale is a human problem. Are we the problem?

Survival Ego cannot survive from catastrophic events so the EGO must be controlled, then addressed.



#greeneconomy #parisdeclaration #road2paris2015 #climat #climate #climatechange #change #greendrinks #PCAN

#TerminatePollution #emobility #sustainablebuilding #cargobike #climateprotection #stadtwien #austria #summit #onlineevent #hofburg #climateinitiative

#AWS22 #climatesummit #June14 #arnold #schwarzenegger #climatechange #ClimateAction #sustainability #VanderBellen #quote #inspirationalquote  #austria #president #greenfuture #event #livestream

#ClimateActionPartner #google #AustrianWorldSummit #vienna #netzero #carbonfree #energyuse #sustainableliving #austria #footprint #checkitout #livestream


Success of UN COP24 in Katowice – we have a global climate agreement

Negotiators from 196 countries and the European Union worked for two weeks on the Katowice Climate Package, implementing the Paris Agreement.

More than a dozen intense meetings enabled negotiations to be successful on different topics regarding principles aimed at implementing the Paris Agreement, which was signed in 2015. For two weeks, a wide range of issues were discussed – some fundamental, others very detailed and technical – which gave birth to a complex and difficult document. Finance, transparency and adaptation are some of its aspects.

In Katowice, within the framework of COP24, many heads of state, government and almost 100 Ministers of the Environment and of Foreign Affairs from all over the world were present. Thanks to the consensus, which has been agreed on by the Parties because of their commitment, Katowice has become, after Kyoto and Paris, another milestone on the way towards a sustainable global climate policy. In the Katowice Rules, different parties adopted a path that will be followed by each of them when it comes to stepping up actions for climate protection 2020.

“I can say it aloud now – interests of all the parties have been taken into account in the Katowice Package in a sustainable and honest way”, said the COP24 President Michał Kurtyka. “More importantly, its impact on the world will be positive. We have taken a big step towards achieving the ambitions set in the Paris Agreement. Ambitious Climate Action.”

The Polish Presidency at COP24 also initiated three declarations, which have been broadly supported by the Parties. On the first day at COP24 President Andrzej Duda made a statement about the just transformation based on solidarity. Its adoption was the most important point of the Summit of Heads of States and Governments. The next day, a common initiative of Poland and the UK Katowice Partnership for Electromobility, presented in the presence of the UN Secretary General António Guterres, was presented by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and the COP24 President Michał Kurtyka. In the second half of the conference the “Forests for Climate” declaration was announced.

Greta Rebellion Alarm 30 NOV – #FridaysforFuture

We must change ourselves.

Why should I study for a future that is not available?

To all of you out there: it’s time for civil disobedience. It’s time to rebel.

What you do now, we, the children, cannot change when we grow older.


Many say Sweden is a minor nation and that what we do does not matter. But if some school students can make world news just because we skipped school for a few days – imagine what we can accomplish if we all work in Togethernessship.
Every person counts. Just like any greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Each SINGLE GHG kilo. Everything counts in large amounts. So, please treat the climate crisis as the emergency crisis it is and give us a
– Our lives was in your hands.

The adults have failed us. And since most of them, including the press and the politicians, keep ignoring the situation, we must take action into our own hands.


The Earth is not dying, it’s being killed. And the people killing it have names and addresses.

We are the Government and we are here to help.

Maybe if the people in power listened to the climate scientists and took action to stop dangerous climate change then we wouldn’t have to resort to all become climate activists.

What is the point in expecting kids to study science and logic in school and go onto STEM based professions when our government won’t even listen to and act on the advice of the World’s top scientists?

We’re choosing to no longer be powerless. We will be striking with thousands of other students, to show we will not stand for our government’s inaction on climate change – Well be voting soon.

Im striking for school consider it a climate lesson.

We need to keep fossil fuels in the ground if we are to have any hope of a safe climate.

Young people will face the consequences of climate change long after the current political leaders are gone. They aren’t going to be around when climate change hits us the most so we need to be doing something now.
This is just the beginning.


Some said I should be in school. But why should any young person be made to study for a future when no one is doing enough to save that future? What is the point of learning when the most important facts given by the finest scientists are ignored by our politicians?

This is not a warning it’s an Alarm of the future of humanity.

Our leaders are behaving like children, turning parliaments into kindergarten schoolyards, we will have to take the responsibility they should have taken long ago,” she said. “We have to understand what the older generation has dealt to us, what mess they have created that we have to clean up and live with. We have to make our voices heard.


Wise statements by Greta Thunberg, you cannot argue against



Dear Changemakers, 15 days to go.
Stand with Swedish Greta going to strike at #COP24 #COY14 #Poland #KatowiceRulebook #Fridaysforfuture #ClimateHeartBeat pumps again!

Come you too! 😊💚🌎👊 to the National #ClimateStrike
(((30th November))) #SavetheDate This is going to b FUN – EVERYONE WELCOME 🙂
Climate strike for the planet, in solidarity with #Fridaysforfuture **Save the Date 30 Nov, Friday**

THIS IS IN ONLY TWO WEEKS! Super excited to see you all there.
Bring your banners, a pack lunch, snacks to share, a raincoat and a warm smile!
Friday from 13:01-14:59
Parliament Square, London, SW1P 3, United Kingdom

IMPORTANT: We will meet at Parliament Square (next to the big gates), #Climatestrike in solidarity with #Fridaysforfuture

Brief agenda:
13.01pm – Welcome to Country + leaflet sharing
1.30pm – #Facebook and #twitter live and knowledge sharing
2pm – Call MPs: and tell them school students want climate action! Send our message to politicians via phone and social media  
2.30pm – Next steps and making plans to continue climate action!
2.59pm – Finish up and CELEBRATE!

Students are rising to demand serious action on climate change. Adults welcome to join and stand in solidarity with school students, but this event is led by and for young people who are standing up for their future.

The SCHOOLS FOR #CLIMATESTRIKE has now gone global with strikes happening in Belgium, Australia, Sweden, UK, Canada, Japan, Brasil, Phillipines, Spain and more!

For more info head to:


Please use the hashtag #FridaysforFuture and share this event


Global Call; Support Climate Strike every Friday

Greta Thunberg is the the schoolgirl who, following Sweden’s hottest summer ever, decided to go on school strike and sit in front of the parliament to get politicians to act on #climatechange and align with the #ParisAgreement. Read her messages on #climateaction at #COP24.

We have to prepare for our death #alreadydead


The belief in new technology allows us to avoid the insight that this civilisation has no future.

Last year, Therese Uddenfeldt visited an exhibition at Bonniers Art Hall; I’m not an art critic so I’m going to leave my views on the exhibition there, but in passing, I can mention that it was awful.

The work originated from the opera “Aniara”, that is, the music of Harry Martinson space epics. You know, the earth has been wrecked by environmental degradation, and humanity’s last hope is to set the course toward Mars.

The artist Susan Philipsz had picked out the leading part tune and let a violinist record the ballot, tone by tone. Accordingly first C. Then C#, then D and so on. Afterwards, the tones had been placed in the correct order but in different channels, after which in the art gallery were played in twelve different speakers hanging here and there. Twice I went there; both times it was grassy.

Then I realised the genius. Philipsz had in a screwed way illustrated how we approached the “environmental issue”. Just like “Aniara” had shrunk from a powerful harmony to scattered tones, we have long ago ceased to see the biosphere as a living space. In many ways, it is a rational strategy, because it allows us to believe that now, now we are overtaking it. The death of our civilisation.

Does it seem far-fetched?

Let me share a text with youSome time ago, I came across a chapter by the sociologist Zygmunt Bauman. One of his basic ideas is that modernity, what we live and breathe – so to speak, since the Enlightenment is characterised by the belief that everything is going to be fixed. For man there is no obstacle too big to overcome.

But there is a small problem. Death. And not just a small problem, but the ultimate mockery. In fact, death can not be defeated and therefore it threatens our entire world image. Death must be handled in some way.

One way, according to Bauman, has been to stop talking about death instead of talking about health. So much more reassuring, right? Another approach has been to divide the death of a lot of isolated areas dealing with their own speciality. In these boxes we plow down the capital and cutting-edge research and every medical progress, preferably as expensive and technically advanced as possible, dampens our concerns. Soon, we will even abolish death!

During the reading of Bauman, I thought about how we just have dealt with “the environment”.  At the furious and accelerating pace, the core of Western life is transforming high-quality natural resources into debris (products on the shelves). It is a process that on the road generates extinction of species, overfishing, deforestation, plastic islands in the Pacific, toxic chemicals and so on. In short, there is a constant degradation of the biological system. Thus, if we continue as now, our civilisation is sentenced.

But instead of realising it, we choose to discuss sustainability. That sounds nicer? In the same way as death, no sorry health, has been divided into separate, highly specialised expert areas, “Sustainability” has been sliced into manageable pieces of the cake with their own brand new technological achievements. Solar cells glued to skyscrapers! Car batteries being charged when we burn on the highway! Artificial photosynthesis! Sure it feels like everything is going right? Because we will come up with new solutions. That is how the modern man works. But as much as a vaccine against Alzheimer’s makes us immortal, cheap solar cells will make a growth society sustainable.

Just as a vaccine against Alzheimer’s makes us immortal, cheap solar cells will make a growth society sustainable.

Although I suspect that it is contrary to the theory of paradigm shifts (It is not so that only afterwards can put into words what happened?), I think we find ourselves in such a moment, and that the break point is the view of solar cells (PV). For those who belong to modernity, green technology is the solution. To me, and some other foil hats, they only make the situation worse.

It is not the first time in history that humanity has lived in parallel realities, side by side, with such a diametrical view of something so trivial. A fine example is in Yuval Noah Hararis “Sapiens”, in a passage about Christoper Columbus. As a Christian, Columbus collected his worldview from the Bible and there are only three continents mentioned: Europe, Africa and Asia. A fourth continent was therefore unthinkable.

But while the bubbling of ideas in 14th century Italy. Out of curiosity, and a pure desire to understand the world as a whole. The Renaissance challenged the biblical world order and laid the foundations for a scientific, empirical approach. Suddenly there was room for a new continent: America.

One might say that America was both there and did not exist during this period: some acknowledged the continent and others did not. The Renaissance and the Middle Ages lived side by side. As for Columbus, he held fast to that he had cast anchor on the coast of Asia. He was into the last a medieval man, Harari states.

The new America of our time, I would like to say, is the solar cells (PV). Those who believe in “Green Tech” are still in a paradigm where the idea is, we always find a solution. This is predominant or prevalent. Which could thus make large parts of the environmental movement into: Columbus.

So who is the new Renaissance manor woman of our time, today’s Leonardo, if anyone? I have a suggestion.

Writer Roy Scranton. Our crisis can not be tackled by electric cars or agreements at all, he claims. “Our greatest challenge is of philosophical nature: to understand that this civilisation is already dead.”

Scranton’s personal background plays a certain role. He is also the war veteran. After surviving 14 months at the Iraqi front, he came home to the United States and hoped for a comfortable middle class life as a poetry teacher. But when the World Bank and the IPCC gave its gloomy future scenarios, it struck him that these institutions are not a flutter from the left but, on the contrary, deeply invested in global capitalism, so … it kind of blew my mind. I had this moment: this is for real. Scranton needed to process his insight in any way and resulted in an essay: “Learning to die in the Anthropocene”. 

Scranton is accustomed to giving his experience of Iraq a particular mystery; You do not have to be a soldier to experience constant terror. But he admits that, as a veteran, he had an advantage when he began to twist and turn the “Anthropocene” because he had done something strange to many environmentalists: confronted his own death.

Learning to die is hard, he writes. It requires daily exercise. And every morning, after taking care of his Humvee, Scranton trained. He saw in front of him how he was blown, shot, raised, crossed, torn by dogs, captured and throat. Then, before rolling over the barbed wire, he thought he did not have to worry about it anymore because he was already dead.

As said, he does not want to give war experiences a special aura. But he believes that, thanks to the daily interaction with the idea of ​​his own wreck, he could more easily see what our supremacy about new technology really is about. Namely fear of death. The belief in new technology allows us to avoid the realisation that this civilisation is already dead.

Many fade from such a pessimism and question how it can help us. I myself feel that someone has released fresh air in an unhealthy environmental debate that revolves around the fact that the price of solar cells only drops a bit so … 

Yes what? Well, then we can continue to convert high-grade natural resources to junk. Cheap Renewable Technology – Thumbs Up. The downside – more exploitation, deforestation, plastic islands in the Pacific, toxic chemicals, extinction of species – are topics for other conferences, other studies, other protocols. Because the modern approach can not handle the holistic manner, but only narrow slices of the cake.

The First Violin, the the leading part tune finely-divided into twelve different speakers instead of an entire orchestra.

We compartmentalise, with a long word. Chops and pour the biosphere in the various vessels that do not communicate with each other. This is why we can sign the #ParisAgreement, and at the same time believe that it is possible to maintain a high standard of living.

Has it been caught better than by the poet Jonas Gren?

“The car sales record and the 2-degree goal, aimed at 1.5

Royal Dutch Shell and the 2-degree goal, aimed at 1.5

Statoil and the 2-degree goal, aiming at 1.5

TTIP and 2-degree goal, aiming at 1.5

Tokyo Stock Exchange the 2-degree goal, aiming at 1.5″

Paris calling. Did you know that we Swedes must reduce our emissions to one tenth per person per year to live up to the 1.5-degree goal? In my instinct, I thought that I would be bombarded by a newly established authority on how to make a lighter burden for the earth. That the Bulletin Board would resurface to spread good advice to the entire Swedish people. But I have not heard a sound, because there are no brochures. There is no new authority. There are no political suggestions about how to reduce my consumption.

The hope is that our shopping pleasure will increase, while new technology will miraculously tear away the traces of the biological system.

It’s because nobody wants us to do it. On the contrary, hope is that our shopping pleasure will increase, while new technology will miraculously tear away the traces of the biological system.

Because it leaves its mark. The resources to be converted into products on the shelf are taken from – the natural environment. The waste that this activity generates is dumped in – the natural environment. Economic growth at our level breaks down the ecological system. There is no way around it.

The absence of this thermodynamic reality in the debate makes me from confused to desperate, hit straight in the heart :. But I’m not alone.

Yes, I may be a little crazy. In here, in my bubble, in our shared solutions bubble there are also a lot of disjointed tones from a lonely violin solo, and they drive me to insanity.

Imagine – if we had to listen to the opera in its entirety. What would be possible then?




Secure a safer city in Reading’s New Local Plan

Reading Borough Council will not be able to accept representations made after Friday 26th January 2018.

Please see Climate Change Centre Reading’s representation below,

#NewLocalPlan – #climatechange #ParisAgreement #SDGs

The purpose with this Representation/Objection is via policy innovation and risk/protection impact evaluation, to improve Reading’s local urban development practices and planning, to support the British realm and ambitions to become a great global leader in the fight against global warming. #UK

Climate Chance Summit in #Agadir

Morocco’s concerns about the climate are not fading. After Marrakesh, it is Agadir’s turn to bring together the concerned actors, but this time in the framework of a Summit. Indeed, the city of Agadir will host the 2nd;

It’s a privilege to participate n’ #ClimateChance 2017, formalising the conversation on;
– reducing the vulnerability of countries to the impacts of climate change by strengthening their resilience adaptation.
– integration of adaptation to the climate change in development policies, programmes and projects as well as in National Budgeting.
– facilitation of access to climate risk transfer for disaster adaptation.
The first one took place in Nantes, this 2nd edition is Moroccan and will measure the progress of the action, To deepen exchanges on successes and difficulties and to foster the pooling of experiences and innovations. Also, this edition will place particular emphasis on the stakes of the African continent and more widely the countries of the South.


On this occasion, the organisers stressed: “Almost one year after COP22,  This Summit will be an opportunity to take stock of the agenda of the action and in particular the Marrakesh partnership. It will also be an opportunity to prepare joint messages to be delivered to States at the COP23 as a Follow-up The Nantes Declaration, which remains the most widely signed text by non-state actors. Since the adoption of the Rio Convention on Climate in 1992 “. It should be recalled that the Declaration of Nantes was adopted at the World Summit in September 2016 in Nantes and coordinated by the Climate Chance Association.


It has as its motto “Strengthening concrete action to bridge the gap between current commitments and the objective of the Paris Agreement”. The program of this edition consists of three usual pillars of Climate Chance:  There are first the forums to Take stock of COP23 on the actions of the 20 sectoral coalitions (transport, energy, etc.). To these forums are added plenaries, organised in the usual way of Climate Chance. These opening and closing plenaries will address the themes of Financing, the challenge of cities in Africa and migration. The workshops constitute the 3rd pillar. A call for papers was launched on 28 February and remained open until 15 May to decide on the workshops that will enrich the program and make it a moment of sharing and reflection. The selected contributors authorize the Climate Chance Association to reuse and communicate their work.


Climate Chance also thought about organising stands, totally free, Where non-state groups and African associations will be represented. The Summit also provided specific events to highlight crafts and local territory.


With more than 80 workshops of good practice, which will be presented around 17 themes affecting different sectors and a large participation involving more than 3,000 members, this 2nd edition of the Climate Chance Summit is promising.


Source: Libe’ration


Dear All,

Please find below a link to Climate Change Centre Reading´s (CCCRdg) abstract –

CCCRdg know “#drr and sustainable urban opportunities”, it is within our expertise area, we find it is important, it is our duty and responsibility to publish our paper abstract to the public. To establish a local private sector law case, providing collaborative commitment to “DISASTER RISK REDUCTION PLAN IN RDG COUNCIL LEGISLATION”

#switch2sendai #MEXICOGP2017 #Localisation #CitiinCiti #Citi2Citi

Also an emergency adaptation DRR – Disaster Risk Reduction and restoration plan for every city needs to be implemented in local legislation #UCEEP – All cities need to draft Urban Climatic Emergency Evacuation Plan (#UCEEP) by 2020.

Walker INSTITUTE and University of Reading DRR AND INTERNATIONAL LAW SYMPOSIUM cannot excel cities impact on DRR law without connecting it to the agreed outcome of the Habitat III:s conference on urban settlements, the agreed New Urban Agenda in relation to the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goal 11 and Goal 13.


Dear Climate Change Centre Reading,

Regarding Climate Change Centre Reading’s (CCCRdg) paper abstract on the upcoming symposium on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and international law:

“Regrettable your paper; “Aiming for cities ambitious task to take on and implement the Sendai framework on DRR in the New Urban Agenda

(Making a link to the following theme; (2) how DRR related law and policy will/should develop within specific fields of city law), (participation of governmental, intergovernmental, private, NGO/civil society, academic, and media sectors)

has been rejected.

Best wishes”

29 June-1 July 2017, University of Reading, UK



SYMPOSIUM OVERVIEW Please join us at the University of Reading between 29 June and 1 July 2017 for the Disaster Risk Reduction and International Law Symposium organised by the Reading School of Law and the multidisciplinary Walker Institute, co-sponsored by the American Society of International Law (Disaster Law Interest Group). Framed around the principles and objectives underpinning the Sendai Framework on DRR 2015-30, and cognisant of the relevance of other global initiatives including the Sustainable Development Goals 2015 and UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, this will be a unique opportunity to discuss, debate, inform and progress the development of law, policy and practice governing DRR and disasters at the national, regional and international levels.

CALL FOR PAPERS Papers are invited which examine one or more of the following research questions, and should be framed around key principles and objectives of the Sendai Framework on DRR:

(1) What ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ law DRR related norms currently exist within international law, whether more generally or within specific legal regimes?

(2) How will/should DRR related law and policy develop within specific fields of law?

(3) What are the current and potential law, policy and/or practice implications of findings in (1) and/or (2), especially in relation to improving the coherence of DRR law at national/regional/ global levels, and associated implementation and enforcement mechanisms? Adopted approaches should include: (a) regional or country-specific case studies; (b) theoretical/ conceptual frameworks; and/or (c) examples of state/non?state actor practice.

Reading, UK 19/03/17

School of Law

University of Reading, UK

My local council tried to ignore the #ParisAgreement – They shouldn’t

Strategic Environment, Planning & Transport Committee 23-NOV-2016
With regards to Meeting 23 November 2016 at 6:30pm in the Council Chamber
Civic Offices, Bridge Street, Reading RG1 2LU
Committee Administrator(s)
Peter Driver.

Please see our concerns, cccrdg-concern_rbc_strategic-environment-planning-and-transport-committee-23-nov-16

A signed copy has been delivered to the Reading Borough Council.


For further information: ECO4CLIM_Rdg’s Climate Organisers in Reading: Carl Emerson-, eco4clim @ cccrdg .org .uk or Tanja Rebel – tanjarebel @ hotmail .com



#ParisAgreement #AccordDeParis #NewUrbanAgenda #NuevaAgendaUrbana #ReadingCouncil #Habitat3 #SDGs #GlobalGoals #Agenda2030 #Go100RE