Is this what we can expect from a four degree increase in temperature by 2050?

It this what we can expect from a four degree increase in temperature by 2050?

  • The sea rises, and at least 1.5 million people are homeless only in Egypt.
  • Bangladesh loses over 30% of their lands, tens of millions of people become homeless.
  • Antarctic ice may melt quickly and sea levels rise by five meters.
  • Agricultural production is decreasing globally.
  • Most of the Indian subcontinent becomes dehydrated.
  • Drought affects especially south-western North America, Central America, the Mediterranean and South Africa.
  • In Southern Europe disappear 70% of the summer rains, heat waves lasting an average of 65 days longer.
  • Forest fires in the Alps.
  • British summer temperatures are likely to reach 45? C
  • Europe receives 80% less snowfall, creating water shortages.
  • A little better harvests in Canada and Russia.
  • Greenland ice melts rapidly, as the Antarctic ice. It can create an “Atlantic circulation,” which can temporarily cool Western Europe and lead to severe storms.
  • Permafrost in Siberia melts; large amounts of methane are released. Since methane is 23 times stronger than carbon dioxide, this could at a stroke increase greenhouse gas emissions by 700%.

Reading can become a Climate Change leader with your support,
– What are you waiting for?

Are you responsible for planing your Eco-friendly business, if so, please take part in our 10+10 Climate Change poll

Here are the links to the survey, thank you (closes 4th February)

TVB_ClimateChallenge Climate Change Business Poll A

TVB_ClimateChallenge Climate Change Business Poll B

/Team TVB_ClimateChallenge



How to develop/implement an environmental sustainability plan.

Sandeep Goswami • Although my thoughts are more Oriental, as I write on India centric issues, you may find some common thread in reading about how Gandhi, thought about a sustainable village. It is more about adapting what is available around you and giving it a value so that others join. Some would for the cause, some for profit. You would find some Green Business Ideas in my blog, ( if they help by modifying to your needs, please feel free to use.

How is our very own Local Climate Change programme going on?

As you may know the consultation deadline for the Climate Change Strategy has been extended to the end of January to allow for greater engagement with local business ensuring that the final version reflects the range of views received.

You can also get involved by visiting  The consultation ends 31/01/13

The consultation is an excellent opportunity for the business community to embrace knowledge and bring value to the region by presenting wise green solutions / advise in companion ship with the local council regarding Readings new ‘green’ legislation programme that will have impact on investments and taxes.

How do we attract business to invest in a Sustainable TVB Reading raising awareness on the Climate Change Programme?

This is really a unique chance to feedback your climate business views back to the council

A vision for us all
Reading is a vibrant environment with compact, functional developed areas. There are good communications to shopping and services, workplaces and the surrounding nature. Buildings and infrastructure are characterised by sustainable energy solutions and smart environmental design, and are adapted to future climate change. The city has clean rivers and watercourses, and plenty of parks that are both beautiful and safe..

Keep us updated, do you have a local business case to share, join us in the group TVB_ClimateChallenge – The conference group will be open until February 1st.
Please send invites to your connections or ANY INTERESTED PARTIES E.G.THE SUST. MANAGER

Businesses, you can’t do it alone, together we can achieve so much

/Team TVB_ClimateChallenge

Cities Special Interest Group – Hotting Up? Low Carbon Plans in UK Cities

The battle against climate change and resource depletion will be won or lost in the world’s cities. Cities present us with huge environmental challenges, but also offer huge opportunities, because they create economies of scale in technology deployment and access to capital, both of which are vital if we are to make the existing built environment of our cities sustainable and resource efficient by 2050..

Future Cities Special Interest Group – Hotting Up? Low Carbon Plans in UK Cities

The school where everyone is encouraged to play Minecraft


Learning climate-smart solutions in school; students play the computer game Minecraft. The aim is to be able to understand how abstract subjects work in practice.


Minecraft uses square blocks based stuff, a bit like a digital version of Lego. For some time all students in the seventh grade in high school play the game.  It is part of an interdisciplinary project that spans the subjects of chemistry, physics, biology, social studies and English.

Should learn to build climate change smart

The project involves students working together to build a future city with pleasant climate smart solutions based on the knowledge they receive within their classes.

The purpose of this project is that students should be forced to make decisions relating to environmental issues in order to know what to build in the game. It creates a desire to learn, says teachers in science and mathematics.

In the game, students have built houses, among other things, containers for sorting and electricity through wind and hydro and solar cells.

I think it’s great fun for students to learn in a different way.  Because you get to try to really build things so you understand more easily how they work, says a student at the school.

Required in teaching

Minecraft is a game that currently has around 40 million registered users worldwide. Most played of course at leisure, but at Reading’s coeducational schools it has now become mandatory for an entire year. Students must regularly submit ratings founding essays and keep accounts where they show what they have done and why.

We must not let the PC gaming take too much time. The students really know what they’re doing and understand what the purpose is,  it is important to combine the game with the regular teaching.

So far pleased with the results

The project will continue in the spring term and as long as the school are happy with the results.  In any case, we have gained a new perspective on some things.

Now I’m almost tempted to waste sorting because I learned what the consequences are if we do not take care of the environment properly.

Links to brief about this:

How changing car buyers’ behaviour can help cut CO2 from road transport


easitNETWORK is a powerful working partnership designed to support
and encourage the most influential businesses in a local area to adopt
alternative and sustainable transport behaviours to reduce pollution,
ease congestion and increase satisfaction within its staff base.

By bringing together the major employers in an area, easitNETWORK
generates a critical mass, enabling the introduction and use of far more initiatives
that could not necessarily be taken up by one of the organisations alone. The benefits of this approach are in establishing a working partnership and a sizeable group that is more effective in lobbying for changes to public transport provision, generating funding for new initiatives and creating a better sense of community. Since launching in 2005, easitNETWORK has grown to represent over 60 businesses employing over
200,000 staff in the South East!


BROCHURE: MAKING THE BOAT GO FASTER (Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership)

Local growth 2013
Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership (TVBLEP)

This outline strategy for local growth has been developed by the LEP Forum and
Executive during 2012 and provides a starting point for the eventual production
of a full ‘Strategic Plan’, as set out in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement of
December 2012. The process of reviewing the strategic priorities set out here will
commence in January 2013.

Thames Valley Bershire Local Enterprise Partnership

Download TVBLEP´s MAKNIG THE BOAT GO FASTER brochure 2012/13 via the link;