Africa – Americas – Arab States – Asia & Pacific – Central Asia – Europe
When all the ice has melted, first I will be Warm and then I will be Cold.
Stay up to date with the analysis and outcomes of Disaster Risk Reduction and International Law Symposium 2017 by our Reading blog posts.
#ClimateChance #ClimateChance2017 #Agadir #COP22 #COP23 #ONG #Climat #Humanrights #UNURBAN #UNHABITAT
3 #DRR Disaster Risk Reduction – “#Duty-to-Respond”
(urban/rural) disaster law, an urgent step-up of multi-stakeholder collaboration, coalitions of non-state actors and their flagship disaster adaptation initiatives?
Their objectives are to stay mobilized, accelerate climate action and streamline the implementation of the Paris Agreement, the Agenda for Action.
We ponder on what role law and policy governing disaster risk reduction should play in a changing global landscape.
Experts say we have three years to save the planet
International law must comply by 2020 latest with national #disasterlaw
Paris Agreement to be implemented
Montreal Convention (Environment)
1972-4 Stockholm – UN Regional Seas Programme, binding (18 regional agreements (action plans))
(Not tied to one convention only)
Autonomous institutional arrangements within environmental law
1978 ROPME Protection of marine environment Bahrain, I.R. Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Persian Gulf
Priority 2. Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk.
Disaster risk governance at the national, regional and global levels is very important for prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and rehabilitation. It fosters collaboration and partnership.
III. Guiding principles
19-(a) Each State has the primary responsibility to prevent and reduce disaster risk, including through international, regional, sub-regional, trans-boundary and bilateral cooperation. The reduction of disaster risk is a common concern for all States and the extent to which developing countries are able to effectively enhance and implement national disaster
risk reduction policies and measures in the context of their respective circumstances and capabilities can be further enhanced through the provision of sustainable international cooperation;
Regional DRR action plan and DRR agreement with additional protocols to earthquakes, typhoons etc.
SARC agreement arrangements
What role can regional approach play to bridge the national domestic implementation with the global guiding principles and framework in place?
Binding-Non-binding – New-Existing – Hard/Soft law
Where is the community agency?
Existing institutional arrangements
New international environmental treaties are the future risk/harm (conservation) Sendai future risk treaties.
Canon of disaster law – Cross cutting with human rights
Disaster law cross-cutting theme as broader application?
COPs light constitutional arrangements soft, harder with action plans all can apply to;
Disaster adaptation can take a variety of approaches depending on its context in vulnerability reduction, disaster risk management or proactive adaptation planning.
- Social, ecological asset and infrastructure development
- Technological process optimisation
- Integrated natural resources management
- Institutional, educational and behavioural change or reinforcement
- Financial services, including risk transfer
- Information systems to support early warning and proactive planning
There is increasing recognition of the value of social (including local and indigenous), institutional, and ecosystem-based measures and of the extent of constraints to disaster adaptation and resilience. Effective strategies and actions consider the potential for co-benefits and opportunities within wider strategic goals and development plans.
Disaster risk shouldn’t be field orientated
Lessons to be learned from other legal regimes such as environmental law, in particular the UN Regional Seas Programme, for stronger regional platforms in relation to DRR.
Governments often explicitly reference co-bene?ts in climate and sectoral plans and strategies.
As research develops, state practice becomes more coherent, and science and technology more refined, it is pivotal that cross-sectoral engagement, discussion and cooperation takes place to inform what course of action to take in an ever more turbulent world, so that we can achieve the goal of minimising suffering and harm resulting from disasters.
The U.?N. Human Rights Council adopted the resolution, which was submitted by the Brazilian and Ecuadorian governments, last month at its headquarters in Geneva. Diplomats say the document could now lay the groundwork for more cities-focused work by the council –>
GOOD NEWS Adopted resolution #L30 – 37th Meeting, 35th Session Human Rights Council
Arctic/Sea ice -50% is melting
Ice-free 2040
Transport and Tourism
Enhance skills of sea farers
Infrastructure for floating town disasters
Global training, risk awareness not binding
Polar code on vessels
23 hours of sunlight
Mess up your biorhythm to make you tiered
Ice on the vessel’s surface
Awareness building
Arctic Information changing
Exploitation risks, territory claims, oil exploration, mining
Continental shelf major issue between Russia and other countries
Gas fields in Northern Siberia huge effect on local communities
FLEX states flagged about disasters in the arctic
Air law – risks around conflict zones
Risk reduction and response (accident investigations)
Local government issue NOTA (Notice to airmen)
Where to and how high you can fly
Warning can also be taken as a Guarantee
Chicago Air law convention
Article 1
State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over air space
Why not avoid conflict areas, in reality most conflicts take place on land.
Airlines rely on accurate in-time information.
Concerning national security, right to withhold information to protect humans.
Different flight levels for danger, even between France and UK, US Russia and China and UAE
Code shares practise
Which codes to trust and choose
Risk assessment from conflict zones has not been harmonised, due to government control of parts of its territory linked to political replications.
Disaster risk – We should share intelligence, even under loss of territorial control.
Disaster response – Objection of investigation to prevent
Exerting (IKL) Implemented into practice
Seek and find the loop holes, in order to;
1 Promote a “coordinated culture” and understanding of the investigations.
2 How coordinate national aviation safety assessments
3 How proceed with direct finding and build up mutual trust and coordination
State has responsibility to prevent
Duty to issue warnings (model nuclear regime)
Validate information
Relay on Sendai framework’s normativity hard or soft, represent sense of direction which is important.
Sovereign law bloc transfer of information
Establish obligation to share information in air law
Red Cross wonder if accident come under disaster law or IAK rules?
The state has the power to investigate, can invite registered nation and victims nations.
IAK new resolution from reactive to preventive approach
Human rights as a value instrument in air law.
Human Rights and Cultural Property
International culture law and disaster law
Risk of floods and landslides, earthquakes (Manilla UNESCO-site)
1983 Natural disaster – Prevention, danger and response to natural heritage
Disaster law and cultural heritage
Article 21 UNESCO – At potential immediate danger emergency assistance for response
UNESCO implemented article 4 to safe guard / risk prevention strategy from Hyogo framework
How much lobbying Sendai to introduce cultural in drr (to protect cultural heritage sites against impact)
1972 Art Definition of the Cultural and Natural Heritage. Article 1 convention
Some protection with traditional knowledge
Disaster protection of People, property and environment + culture (property heritage (asset))
Commentary – Disaster effect mass displacement, loss of community
Social rights abuse??
Christmas tree approach vs the general principle approach
Listed heritage sites and not be unlisted
#ClimateChance #CCAgadir17 #Cities #EUSEW17 #c40cities #NUA #NAU #CCCRdg #Habitat3 #Humanrights
#SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #Policy #Governance
#Cities #Safety #Arctic #Maritime
#EWS #EarlyWarningSystems
#Federation Disaster Law Programme
#RedCross #Oilspills #ocean #ships #environment
#Disasterlaw #UrbanDisasterLaw
#law #disaster #risk #reduction