The role of non-state actors
Heading to COP22, Marrakech after featuring prominently at COP21 will be the community of non?state actors, chief among them cities, regions and businesses. A conference on low?carbon technologies will bring together representatives from the top universities. And the “Women Leaders and the Global Transformation” summit planned for November 16, 2016 will host women politicians, NGO chairs and CEOs in Marrakech, Morocco (See Close?Up: “Non-State Actors: Better Organized Every Year“).

Women Leaders and the Global Transformation Summit Under the High Patronage of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI
In the Context of the adoption of the United Nations Sustainable Development goals and the historic Paris Climate Agreement at COP21, both followed by the perspective COP22 in Marrakech, the Kingdom of Morocco is convening a worldwide summit on Women Leaders and Global Transformation needed to bring humanity on a low carbon economy trajectory. Through an impressive gathering of active women leaders in different sectors, from all horizons (business CEOs, City Mayors, NGO activists , Politicians, Scientists) this unique Summit was an opportunity to reiterate the new paradigm shift this is happening globally in the area of sustainable development, climate mitigation and adaptation due to solutions provided by women.
Women Leaders and the Global Transformation Summit took place Wednesday, 16 November, Palmeraie Golf Palace – Marrakech, Morocco
White Paper “Women, health and climate, moving on in #togethernessship towards #Call4Climate@COP22”
Strongly mobilized via the call of 08 December 2015 at the COP21, the networks Supplement of Women and Sustainable Development continue to alert by launching a white paper entitled “Women, health, climate, move together towards the COP22 and beyond” Of the conference of 16 November 2016 with the Ministry of Families for Children and Women’s Rights, the Ministry of Environment Morocco at Palmeraie Golf Palace – Marrakech. This publication gathers 22 testimonies of women and men, from the private or public sphere, working in their own way against climate change and its impact on women and health.
Annakhil, Royaume du Maroc
All unsustainable unfairness must STOP here and now;
Congratulations to @Michele_SABBAN, then to the top of the women leaders  the @COP22 for the Presidency of the green background for women! @ArnoldUpdate
#ECO4CLIM16 #GenderEquality #COP22 #Solidarity Roundup by moderator M. Sabban #UN Declaration Women Leaders and…
Climate #GenderEquality Solidarity Roundup by moderator M. Sabban #UN Declaration Women Leaders and the Glocal’ TRAN…
Roundup by moderator M. Sabban #UN Declaration Women Leaders and the Glocal’ #TRANSFORMATION Summit #UNFCCC#COP22
Avec Mme Dominique SERRA Directrice Générale de la Holding @Maienga @COP22 @COP21 @RoyalSegolene @ABDELMALICKf @kas_sall @UCLGBogota2016
Thank you @Akon for the @AkonLighting initiative. Access to clean energy leads to #HumanDignity & is a key to fight #ClimateChange #COP22
@natashai16 Thnx to @Akon supporting women in their fight against climate change #womenleaders #cop22
Yohoo AKON is here at women leaders summit @COP22 and talking about the need of electricity that he was deprived off in his childhood.
Solar lights go down the street crime, allow the children to do their homework – @Akon– @AkonLighting
Thank you @Michele_SABBAN your commitment for the #femmes pr and pr struggle against the #climatechange! Let’s tackle #genderequality! #COP22
Conclusions of the #womenleadersandtheglobaltransformationsummit with Fathia Bennis and @Michele_SABBAN #femmesenaction @HakimaElHaite
@1millionwomen Climate Leadership for “Glocal” #TRANSFORMATION #GloabalGoals #ClimateAction #COP22 #EarthToMarrakech
@1millionwomen Climate Leadership4 Glocal’ #GenderEquality #TRANSFORMATION #Agenda2030 #ActionTime #COP22 #Marrakech
@natashai16 Bravo @MariaLenasemedo an example of fighting spirit and hope for women in the Cape Verde! We must all stay mobilized @FAOclimate
The poem on climate change that shocked the UN
Marshall Islands Poem Has Powerful #ActinTime Message for #COP22 Women Leaders “Tell Men”
#COP22 #women … leaders, read at the moment at the top
From Marshall Isl inspiring lesson of wisdom+engagement. Women leadership at work to fight climate change @cop22ma
.@rkyte365 calls for #women to mobilize – and demand a clean, resilient and just energy system @SE4ALL #COP22
We are here to support you and show that women are major actresses of combat change AC. – @HelenClarkUNDP
Women have to be fully engaged if #ParisAgreement will be reached @HelenClarkUNDP at #womenleaders #COP22
@IrinaBokova on #genderequity at Womens Leaders and the #Glocal #TRANSFORMATION Peace & security #planet2050 #COP22
Women are not only victims of the #ChangementClimatique, they are carriers of solutions #COP22
@HakimaElHaite M. Robinson reflect on “Doha miracle” #GenderEquality & #ClimateChange Focus on #TRANSFORMATION #SDG7
“We need examples of women in first line of action for the climate, resilient and ready to fight back,” Mary Robinson @MRFCJ
@natashai16 Thanks to @MRFCJ for his support in fault in women in their fight against climate change @UN_Women #womenleaders
Mary Robinson congratulated the Moroccan women’s leadership for their commitments
Tomorrow is the first climate justice day – #Mary Robinson
Let’s tackle
#genderequality ! join the Women Leaders and the Global Transformation Summit tommorow #COP22 the the winter solstice goes on… _ _ _ …