For immediate Release

For immediate Release has launched a fit for purpose replacement text for #COP21 #Paris2015 Urgent International Draft






Adjudicating the Future: Climate Change and the Rule of Law symposium_update

The ‘Adjudicating the Future: Climate Change and the Rule of Law’ symposium was held in September at King’s College London, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the UK Supreme Court, with support from UNEP and the Asian Development Bank.

The symposium brought together judges, attorneys and legal academics from around the world to examine the challenges and opportunities faced by courts in adjudicating climate change issues.

Online materials include a report on the conference and audio interviews with participants.

Professor Philippe Sands QC’s keynote lecture on climate change and the rule of law may be viewed here, chaired by Lord Carnwarth of the UK Supreme Court and with comments by Judge James Crawford of the International Court of Justice and Professor Lavanya Rajamani of the Centre for Policy Research.

Source | Transnational Law Institute
The Dickson Poon School of Law
King’s College London

Explore the #SDGs #100Indicators and a Monitoring Framework

Indicators by Goal

Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

  1. Availability and implementation of a transparent and detailed deep decarbonization strategy, consistent with the 2°C – or below – global carbon budget, and with GHG emission targets for 2020, 2030 and 2050.
  1. CO2 intensity of new power generation capacity installed (gCO2 per kWh), and of new cars (gCO2/pkm) and trucks (gCO2/tkm)
  1. Net GHG emissions in the Agriculture, Forest and other Land Use (AFOLU) sector (tCO2e)
  1. Official climate financing from developed countries that is incremental to ODA (in US$)

Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

  1. Percentage of urban population living in slums or informal settlements (MDG Indicator)
  1. Percentage of people within 0.5km of public transit running at least every 20 minutes.
  1. [Ratio of land consumption rate to population growth rate, at comparable scale] – to be developed
  1. Mean urban air pollution of particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5)
  1. Area of public and green space as a proportion of total city space
  1. Percentage of urban solid waste regularly collected and well managed

Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries

  1. [Indicator on inequality at top end of income distribution: GNI share of richest 10% or Palma ratio]
  1. Percentage of households with incomes below 50% of median income (“relative poverty”)
