Try to book these two dates for climate activity, In solidarity with the French Climate Coalition gathering for climate, level up mobilization,
28th and 29th November do we want to celebrate the work of people in the UK who are helping create a more sustainable society be it jobs, justice, transport, energy, food or community action, why?
The last weekend in May is in the middle of an intense period in terms of international mobilizations, to name a few: the USA, the movement will celebrate the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina by a series of actions across the country, Germany, others will mobilize on the sidelines of the G-7, while in France, the World Environment Day (5 June) will mark the start of the tour in tandem 4 places of Alternatiba (180 steps through 5,000 kilometers to engage on climate issues). On the side of the Coalition, we hope that this weekend is an opportunity for the hundreds of existing and emerging dynamics in France to manifest, for the two days of initiatives we will announce our determination to mobilize collectively face the climate emergency, in view of the top of the COP21 and beyond to be a real movement for ?#?climatejustice?.
In small or large group, with more or less of organization, I propose us to join in launching our own ?#?WNE initiatives
#climatejusticejobs #?PeoplesMarch #?Climat21? ?#?1000initiatives? initiatives always start small, but they grow when people like us get involved — please take a second right now to help out by signing and passing it on. Thanks so much
..and Ohh check out Great campaign material to use here