#DRR Disaster Risk Reduction – #DutytoProtect

Africa – Americas – Arab States – Asia & Pacific – Central Asia – Europe


When all the ice has melted, first I will be Warm and then I will be Cold.

Stay up-to-date with the analysis and outcomes of Disaster Risk Reduction and International Law Symposium 2017 by our Reading blog posts.

#ClimateChance #ClimateChance2017 #Agadir #COP22 #COP23 #ONG #Climat #Humanrights

1 #DRR Disaster Risk Reduction – “#Duty-to-Protect”

Disaster law initiatives to combat climate change – “Duty-to-Protect”

How to grapple with the increasing frequency and severity of a wide array of both ‘human-made’ and ‘natural’ disasters.

Experts say we have three years to save the planet

International law must comply by 2020 latest with national #disasterlaw

Under Sendai Framework priority 2 – Strengthening disaster risk governance to manage disaster risk (Duty to protect);

Global and regional levels
28. To achieve this, it is important:
(a) To guide action at the regional level through agreed regional and sub-regional strategies and mechanisms for cooperation for disaster risk reduction, as appropriate, in the light of the present Framework, in order to foster more efficient planning, create common information systems and exchange good practices and programmes for cooperation and capacity development, in particular to address common and trans-boundary disaster risks;

Are disaster management services the main duty-bearers to roll out DRR?

Break down legal fragment between DRR, Climate adaptation, the Tree proposal, Sendai framework, the SDGs, also between nuclear regulations.

Land use and forestry proposal for 2021-2030 – Forest laws to reduce deforestation.

National framework regulations needed now in;

  • Land use and urban planning
  • Building codes – Retrofits of existing buildings, Exemplary new buildings and Efficient equipment
  • Environment and resource management
  • Safety standards


Connect DRR and climate change, after New Zeeland 2010 Building code demolish or rescue.

2011 International convention from prevention of pollution from ships.

Mexico mainstreamed DRR law in all sectors. France mayor sent to prison for ignoring DDR laws.

Civil protection law = Disaster management (law to much focus on response)

Sectoral laws like Climate change adoption laws and development approvals important in rural and sub-urban areas. Linkage between environment laws and climate change laws.

Why do we need a lawyer? Protection of rights links to disaster

Legal disaster

Customs law disaster

Why compulsion and force?

Why international? Paragraph 14 Cooperation legal and not

Consent Capacity Building (ILC) framework adopted 2 months after Sendai 2018 next

Legislation/Regulations Is it a Self form of disaster risk reduction DRR?

Can monitoring DRR indicators alone identify (urban/rural) hazards and exercise disaster relief law of public response?

Disaster Ill-star

1950-60 Defense did research on disaster

Values scope and scale of a loss

Volition choices in relation to hazards

Valocity policies response times’ project, risk, predict – time horizon

Vicinity geography also social cultural economic, legal overlays

Vulnerabilities = impact outcome (origin)

Viewpoints philosophy

Victims disaster label, response label (victim-hood)

Katrina –> Depress obsess –> Super dome

Victims vs. Cash / Charity patterns

Natural more emo than man-made disaster

2003 August heatwave 14 802 (living on climbing 7th floor) – Time frame Chernobyl 100 (1 000 cancer)

Does climate legislation and regulation protect Who is an (urban/rural) disaster victim, healthy/sick people?


Core DRR mitigation and prevention response to disasters and hazards – linked to relief union

1st November 1755 Lisbon earthquake 1/3 loss – Urbanisation important

Voltaire unforeseeable and random – Urbanisation important

1927 National Relief Union

Preventive measures against disasters

UN early warning systems – Iran earth quake 1963

Pollution Sustainable Development

1980 Prevention Natural Disaster Reduction

1992 Rio declaration

UNFCCC – Framework Climate Change

Kyoto protocol

1991 Resolution 46182

Yokohama Framework

Millennium change

Climate change, Human rights, Environment law


PREVENTION at activities and measures to avoid existing and new disaster risks.

MITIGATION de-licensing or minimizing of impact of hazardous events.

PREPARDENESS capacity developed by governments responds and recover organisation, community or individuals to effectively anticipate respond to and recover from the impact of likely or imminent or current disasters.


Early Warning Systems


The obligation of recording casualties is not an instrument of to reflect disaster victims

Urban Disaster Law

Duty is a conduct and not a result, to shall reduce risk of disaster and harm precaused thereby.


The U.?N. Human Rights Council adopted the resolution, which was submitted by the Brazilian and Ecuadorian governments, last month at its headquarters in Geneva. Diplomats say the document could now lay the groundwork for more cities-focused work by the council –>

GOOD NEWS Adopted resolution #L30 – 37th Meeting, 35th Session Human Rights Council http://webtv.un.org/watch/ahrc35l.30rev.1-vote-item3-37th-meeting-35th-regular-session-human-rights-council/548071109600

Can the Sendai framework be enforced? Is there a will to extend the new international treaties within the domestic jurisdiction?

Exploring accountability, implementation and enforcement in the Sendai framework

States have a disaster law impact on human rights not only in their own territories.  Also, often there is an extraterritorial disaster law impact – on people in the rest of the world.

This project aims to provide a critical evaluation of the law and policy of whether and to what extent disaster law vs. human rights law is and should be applicable to states extraterritoriality.

When forced climate migrants decide to make perilous border crossings: the causal role of disaster

Climate Change, Community-based DRR, Education & School Safety, Environment & Ecosystems, Gender, Health & Health Facilities, Disaster Risk Management, Critical Infrastructure, Vulnerable Populations, Children and Youth

#ClimateChance #CCAgadir17 #Cities #EUSEW17 #c40cities #NUA #NAU #CCCRdg #Habitat3 #Humanrights


#SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #Policy #Governance

#Cities #Safety #Arctic #Maritime






#EWS #EarlyWarningSystems


#Federation Disaster Law Programme

#RedCross #Oilspills #ocean #ships #environment

#Disasterlaw #UrbanDisasterLaw

#law #disaster #risk #reduction


Sustainable Urban Opportunities for Dummies 2016

Sustainable Development Goals No. 11 plus No. 5 – #SDG11 + #SDG5
Vision – suggested ECO4CLIM_Rdg Climate, Innovation +Jobs Draft Strategy w/ target: Urban eco-philosophy will, in a few years, develop 50 labs across the world / empower more than 500 urban ecopreneurs / generate 3,000 green jobs and directly avoid hundreds of tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Urbanisation and industrialisation has gradually led people away from living in natural environment depriving them of the health benefits of nature such as natural light, green views, local biodiversity, and natural landscapes.

Anyone can, contribute to a sustainable and resilient city structure as long they stay within to the city’s territorial boundaries and do not trespass it’s surrounding greenbelt. If new land is taken for development the case is lost.

The magic “Glocal” urban safe formula has formed from the perspective less is more, such as “back to the basics concept” or just “keep it simple”;

  • A healthy environment is based on healthy (100% clean) quality levels in soil, water and air, this is ecology.
  • A healthy social environment (society) is based on fundamental humane values (all living beings included) wholesome eating, living and interaction.

There are about 1000 #urban videos circulating the web
The following eight videos will explain most of it, what you are missing you can Google.





Why not support our next generation and share the hashtag #COY12

This three minute video explains all you need to know about the 2015 Paris Agreement and how it will help to address climate change and promote the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The Paris Agreement entered into force on 4 November 2016, creating binding commitments. The video highlights the need for further ambition by governments and businesses.Track 0 is releasing an animated video - The  in a Nutshell - Inspiring decisive action on climate change, to get on track for a zero emissions future compatible with the Paris Agreement and 1.5°C limit

Over a hundred advanced Conventions, Treaties, Agreements and Frameworks have been globally agreed and put in place during 2016. We decided to take a look at a handful of simpler declarations, of thousands of papers, policies, guidelines and text documents.

In writing Climate Change Centre Reading (CCCRdg) has added 7 current general Declarations on sustainability and protection, women leaders and the global transformation, to deeply consider for local government implementation;

Basque Declarationhttp://conferences.sustainablecities.eu/basquecountry2016/declaration

10 EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE AT EE GLOBAL 2016! – http://eeglobalforum.org/latest-news/10-exciting-announcements-made-at-ee-global-2016

UNEP – Principle 10 and the Bali Guideline – http://www.unep.org/civil-society/Implementation/Principle10/tabid/105013/Default.aspx

Nantes Declaration of climate actors –http://www.climatechance2016.com/uploads/media/5800c65beb61c.pdf

UNACLA Quito Declaration – http://unhabitat.org/unacla-quito-declaration

Global Climate Action Agenda – The “feminization of urbanisation” Roadmap – http://newsroom.unfccc.int/climate-action/global-climate-action-agenda

Belt and Road- New Path to Regional Development –http://www.cn.undp.org/content/china/en/home/operations/projects/south-south-cooperation/global-governance–.html

The Marrakech Vision –

How can resilient cities buy us time to secure and safeguard our habitats against coming superstorms?

Based on the fact that everything is connected, how do we know which pathways to follow?

The way forward is lasting habitats CO2lutions* enhancing Garden or Wildlife Cities, car free with underground density functions where all of us take on a purpose driven keepers role. These spatial urban aerial habitats are disaster response ready of course.

43 urban innovations that could be applied to the #Reading2050 vision,


* We also need to undertake a work programme under the CP21/New Urban Agenda framework for SDG11 + SDG5 approaches to sustainable safe development with the objective of considering how to enhance linkages and create synergy between, inter alia, mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology transfer and capacity-building, and how to facilitate the implementation and coordination of SDG11 + SDG5 approaches.


#WTPD2016 #climatechance #COP22 #innovation #cities #Climathon #CWNYC #Innovationmonth #InnoTrans2016 #Business #RE100 #IoE #Sustainability #ParisAgreement #AccordDeParis #SDG11 #Changemaker #villes #regions #smartcities #startup #energy #entrepreneur #climat #climate #renewable #economy #NetZero #EnergyStorage #sharing #BatteryStorage #Photosyntesis #SBI45 #SBSTA45 #CMA 1 #APA

Reading_ECO4CLIM – Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2016 – 28 Oct 2016 -Global

Reading_ECO4CLIM – Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2016 – 28 Oct 2016 -Global

PressRelease_Reading_ECO4CLIM – Climate Innovation +Jobs Draft Strategy Outcome Document 1 November 2016

The “Ecopreneurs for the Climate” gathered last week in 14 different countries to leverage sustainable businesses tackling climate change – Please see #ECO4CLIM_Rdg

Enclosed our initial, #ECO4CLIM_Rdg “draft strategy outcome document 31 October 2016” from the first Ecopreneurs meeting in Reading. We hope that Reading and its stakeholders will commit to a zero emissions vision together with “green” companies acting as an economic engine for the region.

Climate Change Centre Reading focus on how to reduce cities emissions as quickly as possible. More and more cities set net zero targets between 2040 and 2050. The question is no more when or how much, only how.

It has been a remarkable year with all treaties and agreements, conventions and declarations coming in place being agreed globally. With a staggering incredible development of daily new energy CO2lutions and Climate Innovations, with ongoing new climate preparedness worldwide, we believe local emissions reductions could happen much faster aided by leaders that are committed to taking the crucial right decisions. It is the local government and its stakeholder responsibility to implement zero targets decisions.

As the planet is warming and more and more refugees of food shortage are seeking urban shelter for protection, demanding right to protection, cities need not only adequate housing but adequate climate housing. The cradle of life is ecology, climate innovation for urban growth is where one can have most impact to improve soil, water and air quality for all (Permaculture principles and the unnecessary principle). What is needed is reservation, sustainable use and restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity, with the dual objective of mitigating climate change and adapting Reading region to its effects. It is essential to reduce the human footprint whilst the planet’s population is growing.

Target: Thanks to partnerships and companies’ generous contributions this eco-campaign will, in a few years, develop 50 labs across the world / empower more than 500 ecopreneurs / generate 3,000 green jobs and directly avoid hundreds of tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Please see suggested ECO4CLIM_Rdg Climate Innovation +Jobs Draft Strategy Outcome Document 31 October 2016,

As the Ecopreneurs of Reading we would like to connect new climate innovation with green business. In the name of Ecopreneurs” green entrepreneurs” US are forming a British Wing (Bat) Flap for climate CO2lutions with the aim to reduce release of carbon dioxide CO2 and other toxic Greenhouse gases and prevent 100’ tonnage from leaking out in to the Greenhouse gas area causing further warming.

We address these direct implications to one day hit the Greater Reading Area as food shortages, hurricanes, disaster relief, flooding, home insurance, wildfires, water scarcity, heat waves, national security, droughts, lost wages and air conditioning #BeforetheFlood

The Global Context; Cities today occupy approximately only 2% of the total land, however:

  • 70% of the Economy (GDP)
  • 60% of Global Energy Consumption (more than)
  • 70% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • 70% Global Waste

Zero vision CO2lutions are urgently needed in cities morph into Green business resource Eco systems

Suggested Innovation: Shadow Local Government to voice the people’s sustainable initiatives and create a balance between general stakeholders like business, organisations and academia. “Bridge the gap” to achieve the best possible democratic outcome for the benefit of sustainability, quality of life and long term health indicators.

“Ecopreneurs for the Climate” is rooted on the leadership of its climate organisers, working at the intersection of business and civil society in their communities; the extensive support provided by its sustainable business networks; and the wide reach of its global partners, including Impact Hub, SwitchMed, Green Shift Africa, Ecopreneur.eu, GreenEcoNet, and the NESI Forum.


For more information:

For further information, contact ECO4CLIM_Rdg’s Climate Organisers in Reading: Carl Emerson- eco4clim @cccrdg .org .uk alt. Tanja Rebel – tanjarebel @ hotmail .com

Download: PressRelease_Reading_ECO4CLIM – Climate Innovation +Jobs Draft Strategy Outcome Document 1 November 2016

Laboratory of Climate Innovation
• Identify challenges arising from the changing climate: mitigation and adaptation / resilience
• Co-create enterprise solutions at the heart of the ecosystems of the green economy

3 challenges of importance to reduce CO2 emissions for Berks region as soon as possible:
• 1 urgent need 2020 is a CO2lution that can be trialled and implemented within 6 months
• 1 medium term need 2030 is a CO2lution that exist but needs to be implemented
• 1 long term need 2050 is a CO2lution that needs innovation

ECO4CLIM_Rdg draft strategy outcome document 31 October 2016 #WorldCitiesDay

Get involved and become a sponsor for Ecopreneurs for the Climate in Reading

@ECO4CLIM_Rdg Join the Ecopreneurs for the Climate in Reading “Glocal Week of Green Business for #Climate, #Innovation + #Jobs OCT 24-30”

This is going live in the U.K. in October 28th!

Whether you are a student or an Ecopreneur, whether you are a free-lancer or work in an SME, or even in a large company, as long as you believe change is possible; our contribution makes a true difference for the people and the planet. This is your movement – Inclusive, diverse, fun and transformative. Your generous contribution to this campaign will, in a few years, develop 50 labs across the world / empower more than 500 ecopreneurs / generate 3,000 green jobs and directly avoid hundreds of tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

How can you join?

The 2016 edition “ECO4CLIM_Rdg” will take place on October 24-30, 2016. It will comprise of multi-stakeholder eco-innovation workshops and the Climate Champion Awards. **Save the Date28 Oct** ECO4CLIM_Rdg’s coordinators, climate-champion ecopreneurs and global partners participate in prestigious international forums the likes of CLIMATE CHANCE WORLD SUMMIT in France, the Women Leaders and the Global Transformation Summit, the #COP22 Climate Summit in Morocco, or SwitchMed Connect 2016 in Barcelona. Now is the time, participate, add your city or join our ecosystem of partners:

Looking to unlock Reading’s green potential. We will, in three weeks, seek to locate and highlight eight local climate innovations (Eco-preneurs)! Do not hesitate to put forward to us yours or any local low-carbon Innovation that can reduce Reading’s Greenhouse gas emissions footprint!

!Green entrepreneurs for the #Climate, the Global Week of Green Business and the Climate Movement – October 24-30, 2016 #ECO4CLIM16 Climate organiser for #ECO4CLIM_Rdg Please let us know if you like to be trans-boundary involved. We are looking for – Space partner, – Media partners, – Sponsors and – Enablers for Reading Climate Champion Awards 2016 – Email eco4clim @ cccrdg .org .uk

We warmly welcome you to participate in the ECO4CLIM_Rdg Event – Climate, Innovation +Jobs “Glocal Week of Green Business and the #ClimateMovement” Friday 28th October.



Feel free to pledge-as-you-feel to get UK’s first Climate LAB started 🙂



Prague to host the United Nations’ European Habitat Conference #habitat3


Climate Change Centre Reading, is honored to participate at the UN regional meeting European Habitat Conference as a climate advocate for natural weather shelter / protection of #urbanthinkers. The conference will take place in the Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic between March 16 to 18, 2016

Habitat III Europe Regional Meeting “European Habitat” will involve a wide range of participants, that will debate regional priorities for the New Urban Agenda, and policy recommendations in the form of a final regional participants’ declaration. The “European Habitat”, is an international regional conference organised within the framework of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). It is one of five regional commissions of the United Nations, bringing together 56 member countries from Europe, the Balkans, North America and a part of Asia. The event is an official part of preparations for the third global UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development “Habitat III”. Based on a decision of the UN General Assembly adopted in December 2014, this conference should be held in Ecuador in October 2016. The event is being prepared by the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). UNO regional conferences are organised by individual regional economic commissions – and it is UNECE that covers the 56 above mentioned member countries (UNECE Member States).

In this regard, “European Habitat” will gather recommendations reflecting the consensus reached at the regional level on sustainable housing and other topics from the spectrum of a proposed New #UrbanAgenda.

Join us at this exciting opportunity to discuss the challenges of Sustainable “Housing in Liveable Cities”.

In the process towards a New Urban Agenda, Habitat III Europe Regional Meeting “European Habitat” will discuss how to ensure access to decent, adequate, affordable and healthy housing for all, with due attention to reducing the impact of the housing sector on the environment. Final declaration from “European Habitat” will be considered official inputs to the Habitat III process. Join us at this exciting opportunity to discuss the challenges of Sustainable Housing in Liveable Cities.

The official outcome of the European Habitat conference will be the Prague Declaration whose draft was discussed in December 2015 at the plenary session of the UNECE Committee on Housing and Land Management, the UNECE executive body for housing and urban development. In October 2014, the Committee discussed and adopted the Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing, which was then approved by UNECE’s Plenary in April 2015 as the official contribution of the relevant region to the Habitat III conference. The Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing is an essential strategic document which the Prague Declaration develops further. The European Habitat is one of the first UN implementing conferences reflecting the goals of UN post-2015 Development Agenda.

Final “Prague Declaration” from “European Habitat” will be considered official inputs to the Habitat III process.

The #UN European Habitat Conference, is part of the roadmap to #Habitat3 in QUITO – OCTOBER 2016.

#TheWorldWeWant #TheCityWeNeed #Futureofplaces #Placemaking #SDG13 #SDGs #FutureofPlaces #COP21 #COP22 #Habitat3 #NewUrbanAgenda #PublicSpace #WUC #TheFutureWeWant #TheCityWeNeed #UrbanSDG #UrbanAction #UrbanThinkers #Youngplacemakers #ClimateAction #OpenSpace


Based on a decision of the UN General Assembly, the city of Quito, Ecuador, will host the third global UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (the “Habitat III conference”) from 17 to 20 October, 2016. These summits take place every twenty years; the first one was organised in June 1976 in Vancouver, Canada, the second summit “Habitat II” took place in June 1996 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The official outcome of the Habitat III summit will be the adoption of the discussed document (New Urban Agenda), responding to development in urban areas, with respect to the ever increasing share of the world’s population living in towns and cities (by 2050 the share will be 70%).

Preparations for the Habitat III summit are carried out according to the procedure approved by UN General Assembly; the process is managed by the Steering Committee of Habitat III.

(UN–Habitat) is the United Nations agency for human settlements and sustainable urban development. It was established in 1978 as an outcome of the First UN Conference on Human Settlements and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat I) held in Vancouver, Canada in 1976. UN-Habitat maintains its headquarters at the United Nations Office at Nairobi, Kenya. It is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. It is a member of the United Nations Development Group. The mandate of UN-Habitat derives from the Habitat Agenda, adopted by the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) in Istanbul, Turkey, in 1996. The twin goals of the Habitat Agenda are adequate shelter for all and the development of sustainable human settlements in an urbanizing world.

Invitation Boroughs of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire

Nordic_declarationInvitation to BOBShire’s Capitals‘ Declaration on #ClimateChange 2017

Venue and programme for the workshop need to be set,
Pre-register interest here, BOBShire @ CCCRdg .org .uk

Join the wave of change. Sign the Appel de Paris here, http://www.parispledgeforaction.org/read

Project ideas emerged from breakout groups for each of the following #RE100 challenges:


  • How to include quality of life (the social dimension) in climate-oriented city solutions
  • How to create incentives for people to choose to be ”climate smart” in their everyday choices
  • How to create city climate targets, measure progress and engage more actors
  • How to remove barriers that enable cities to implement more (and better) testbeds

Check back for more information

/Climate Change Centre Reading


Source: reykjavik.is

For immediate Release GaiaDoc.org

For immediate Release

GaiaDoc.org has launched a fit for purpose replacement text for #COP21 #Paris2015 Urgent International Draft



Source: GaiaDoc.org



CCCRdg´s Issue Papers comments on Habitat III Issue Papers

The Habitat III Issue Papers are summary documents that address one or more research areas, highlight general findings, and identify research needs on topics related to housing and sustainable urban development.

The Issue Papers provides in depth review and analysis of specific issues relevant to the discussions of the Conference.

The Issue Papers are the departing point for the work of the Policy Units.

placemaking3The Issue Papers are prepared by the UN agencies and programmes (UN Task Team on Habitat III), as well as several experts and organizations related to the different topics.

The methodology of elaboration of the Issue Papers is in line with the elaboration of the compendium of issues briefs prepared by the United Nations inter-agency Technical Support Team for the United Nations General Assembly Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals.

The Issue Papers provide with a background on each area analyzed, key challenges and recommendations on next steps.

Please find below Climate Change Centre Reading´s (CCCRdg) Issue Papers comments on Habitat III Issue Papers pre PrepCom3 regarding – Issue papers;
1 – Inclusive cities (a.o. Pro Poor, Gender, Youth, Ageing)
6 – Urban Governance
8 – Urban and Spatial Planning and Design
11 – Public Space
17 – Cities and climate change and disaster risk management
21 – Transport and Mobility

1. Campaigning for secure urban public space and ambient air quality

2. Campaigning for public space and ambient air quality (Urban Action)


#FutureofPlaces #COP21 #Habitat3 #NewUrbanAgenda #PublicSpace #WUC #TheFutureWeWant #TheCityWeNeed #UrbanSDG #UrbanAction #UrbanThinkers #Youngplacemakers #ClimateAction

7 MARCH – Join the Car-Free Work-Day Bloc @ Time To Act National Climate March!

In our efforts to motivate as many people as possible to leave the car for a day and join in our Car-Free Days, Climate Change Centre Reading (CCCRdg) has taken a huge lap forward by campaigning for Car-Free Days until the end of the year.

Yes, we are proud of announcing CCCRdg supporting the Join the Car-Free Work-Day Bloc @ Time To Act National Climate March!

BREAKING: Please see our press release below, we hope you will find the piece interesting,

Climate Change – It’ s time for decisions now! not waste billions on campaigning.

The Future of Places

Join us at the Car-Free Work-Day Bloc on the Time to Act Climate demonstration on 7th March!


12.30pm, Saturday 7th March

Lincoln’s Inn Fields [map]

Nearest tube: Holborn

Join the facebook group here

Let´s work together to help achieve this, it will be an important step in solving and laying a just and fair developing pathway, switching to zero carbon fuels.

Learn about the fossil fuels problems, that causing climate change in our local community and further afield, and what we in the local community are doing, and can do to help tackle such matters.

2015 CHANGE will honour the 2-degree Celsius limit as a limit to safeguard the world environment in Togethernessship 😉

BREAKING: CCCRdg has launched a campaign for a national “Monthly Car-Free Work-Day in the UK”  

A regular car-free work-day in Reading and UK could fuel an International monthly Car-Free Work-Day which could be an astonishing example of traffic development and public realm. Reading has great potential to embrace the sustainable pathway and become a British role-model in climate change (the air is our all urban common) to honour a successful climate change agreement taking place in Paris December 2015.



Every day more and more people are waking up to climate change. What scientists predicted decades ago is happening right now. And we have little time left to advert catastrophe. But those in power have not yet woken up, or are unwilling to act.

On March 7th, two months before the election, we will take to the streets of London in a creative mass action. We will set out clearly what must happen now to cut emissions and build a better future. No more half-hearted promises: it´s Time to Act on Climate change.

Join the Car-Free Work-Day Bloc @ Time To Act  National Climate March!
Event – https://www.facebook.com/events/632679746859395/

2015 is a crucial year for the climate. in the UK, we must tell politicians seeking election that there is no mandate for climate-wrecking business as usual. Then at UN talks in Paris in December, governments will come together to strike a deal for the climate.

Our future is at stake.

Find out how you can help:

Welcome to Join our local facebook group “Climate Change Reading”https://www.facebook.com/groups/CCCRdg.community/