Business case 6 – Let´s take a closer look at Willmott Dixon Group

A  business case to study. Here is one good example that is both sustainable and climate change-friendly from Willmott Dixon Group. See links for info,
(Sustainability – Willmott Dixon Group)
(Planning for energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction)
(Learning for the future)
(Green travel policy)
(Protecting the local community with environmental benefits)
(One of their twitter examples)

Are you responsible for planing your Eco-friendly business, if so, please take part in our 10+10 Climate Change poll

Here are the links to the survey, thank you (closes 4th February)

TVB_ClimateChallenge Climate Change Business Poll A

TVB_ClimateChallenge Climate Change Business Poll B

/Team TVB_ClimateChallenge



How changing car buyers’ behaviour can help cut CO2 from road transport


easitNETWORK is a powerful working partnership designed to support
and encourage the most influential businesses in a local area to adopt
alternative and sustainable transport behaviours to reduce pollution,
ease congestion and increase satisfaction within its staff base.

By bringing together the major employers in an area, easitNETWORK
generates a critical mass, enabling the introduction and use of far more initiatives
that could not necessarily be taken up by one of the organisations alone. The benefits of this approach are in establishing a working partnership and a sizeable group that is more effective in lobbying for changes to public transport provision, generating funding for new initiatives and creating a better sense of community. Since launching in 2005, easitNETWORK has grown to represent over 60 businesses employing over
200,000 staff in the South East!




A community of folks who’ve found out that car sharing beats the heck outta car rental or ownership.

green benefits – this idea is bigger than all of us…

Imagine a world with one million fewer cars on the road. We do. Every day we are working towards a place with less dependence on personally-owned vehicles. Why? Because it matters. Less cars on the road means less congestion, less pollution, less dependence on oil, and cleaner, fresher air to breathe. Some folks don’t believe it’s possible for car sharing to have such a huge impact.


Please use existing traffic regulation powers to prohibit unnecessary idling!

Idling is something that costs money and causes unnecessary emissions. Idling is often prohibited or regulated in urban areas. By avoiding running the engine at idling speed, a motorist can save money and avoid unnecessary environmental impact.

Do not idle
• One minute of idling requires more fuel than restarting the engine.
• Ten minutes of idling requires 1.3 dl (0.13 l) fuel.
• The idling of a cold engine is an unnecessary emission of toxic fumes.

According to estimates from the Transport Administration running your engine on idle unnecessarily will increase your motoring costs by up to £100 annually. Besides the monetary cost, the car running idle out causes unnecessary emissions.

The exhaust gases that are emitted are the most toxic when the engine is newly started and cold. Scrape the windows before you start the car. Also make sure that there are no children around the car when the engine is idling. Children are more sensitive to fumes and because they are shorter, they are also closer to the exhaust pipe #footprintgallery

(In Stockholm, local health protection regulations mean that you can´t run the car engine on idle for more than a minute. The only exception to this is for vehicles that need to keep the engine running to operate a plant, such as garbage trucks.)


4 §
The legislation concerning the running of the engine of a stationary vehicle that is outside for more than a minute does not apply: if
O Traffic conditions cause vehicles to stay in a traffic queue
O The engine is kept running to the extent required for the vehicle’s efficient use, or to power plant other than those related to heating. The best technology from an environmental and health protection should be used.

An immediately idling ban, however, is required for vehicles stopped at a bridge opening.

Violation can result in a fine
If a violation of the one minute rule for idling is noted, the incident can be reported to the police. The matter is then investigated by a public prosecutor. Conviction can result in a fine. If you see someone running the car engine at idle for more than a minute, you can report this to the police by phone XXY XY.