Swedish New #Sustainability Act


The Swedish government wants to introduce a law that primarily affects 2,000 major Swedish companies to implement a sustainability report. If it goes through it shall enter into force on 1 July 2016. The Act is based on an EU directive in September 2014.

Many believe that the current voluntary sustainability reports deemed to be superficial reports designed to keep the company’s stakeholders in a good mood for sustainability. Some representatives believe that the new law can serve as a decision-making model and thus an effective management tool.

What we know about the law are among others companies to explain how they work with a range of sustainability issues. Current areas to be considered are environmental issues, social issues, issues regarding employment such as work environment, respect for human rights, anti-corruption and bribery.

Description of the diversity policy apply to the company’s board. The goal of the policy and how the policy has been applied and the result of the policy’s implementation. If the company does not apply any diversity policy, the reasons for it noted. Applies only company in the last 2 years, met more than one of the conditions for “big business”.

This bill defines “large companies” of companies that meet at least two of the following conditions. The average number of employees in the company amounts to more than 250 pieces. Total assets will amount to more than 175 million (20 million) or net sales amounted to more than 350 million (40 million euros).

Enterprises of “public interest” is likely to include listed companies, insurance companies and credit institutions Even companies with “social-bearing activity” can be covered and can be comprised of electric utility or other activities in infrastructure and in health care.

Advantages of a sustainability may be that the company has an in-depth dialogue with all stakeholders and understanding of the challenges. Good survey of sustainability activities and the risks and opportunities. More benefits are to involve management in sustainability efforts.

Auditor should verify that the non-financial report has been submitted. No claim today that the report must be certified.

Last but not least, your brand is affected positively by sustainable business. Maybe we dare say that a sustainable business gives your business even more good years on the market.


#Climate Change Prevention Judicial Review Seed Fund

If you missed… COP 21

Here is you chance to pledge against, give an adequate response to the Paris Agreement’s weak unbinding content,



The crowd funding web page is up and running and our work is currently stalled due to lack of funds, please donate to our crowdfunder to kick start our critical legal action. When you pledge your donation you will automatically become a member of the Judicial Review Supporters Group or you can do it anonymously as suits you. The funding will allow us to initiate a process that overturns the Paris Agreement so frackers, oil men and rainforest eating ranchers can’t just keep destroying. Safeguarding our children requires this action as confronting climate change issues and laying the foundations for a safe future by shifting to clean, safe, affordable #energy needs drastic legal action now.

Safeguarding of the planet and the conditions of life on Earth is everyone’s concern. — These are first steps in getting real action on climate change in 2016.

This is a matter of extreme urgency as time is fast running out to take the drastic steps. Please share it with friends and colleagues. Thank you so much for your time and donation.

Invitation Boroughs of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire

Nordic_declarationInvitation to BOBShire’s Capitals‘ Declaration on #ClimateChange 2017

Venue and programme for the workshop need to be set,
Pre-register interest here, BOBShire @ CCCRdg .org .uk

Join the wave of change. Sign the Appel de Paris here, http://www.parispledgeforaction.org/read

Project ideas emerged from breakout groups for each of the following #RE100 challenges:


  • How to include quality of life (the social dimension) in climate-oriented city solutions
  • How to create incentives for people to choose to be ”climate smart” in their everyday choices
  • How to create city climate targets, measure progress and engage more actors
  • How to remove barriers that enable cities to implement more (and better) testbeds

Check back for more information

/Climate Change Centre Reading


Source: reykjavik.is

For immediate Release GaiaDoc.org

For immediate Release

GaiaDoc.org has launched a fit for purpose replacement text for #COP21 #Paris2015 Urgent International Draft



Source: GaiaDoc.org



UK – WOW! Amazing work, thanks & debriefing :)

Guy Shrubsole, Friends of the Earth’s Climate & Energy Campaigner


“Hi folks

WOW! We did it!

Huge thanks for everyone’s amazingly hard work in making yesterday’s climate march the biggest in UK history!

The People’s March for Climate, Justice & Jobs had *at least* 50,000 people on it. We spoke to the Bolivian ambassador (who else?!) near the start and she reckoned it was actually closer to 60-70,000 – either way, massive numbers and pipping 2009’s The Wave to the post for biggest climate demo ever.

It was also the most diverse climate march I can remember being on (my first was in 2005…) and, whilst there’s much more to do to make the climate / environment movement reflect and represent the diversity of our society as a whole, I hope we have now made a good start.

Thanks to recent sign-ups we now had 67 organisations mobilising for this Sunday’s demo. Hurrah!

Let’s celebrate the good news and encourage the momentum.


Images from Reading People’s March 2015

@StaticRainChris There we go – photos of Reading People’s March 28.11.15 captured by Dave Cole on last Sat. We were there!  


Hi RPM 2015 ?#?PeoplesMarchRdg?
Here’s a slideshow I made for ‘youtube’
Best regards
Dave justdave2 @ gmail.com (enquiries only)


21 Dozens take part in ?#?Reading? People’s March 2015 on ?#?climatechange?


Hi, this is the blog & photos of the ReadingPeoplesMarch.org?#?ClimateMarch? ?#?Rdg? | ?#?Greenpeace? Greenwire ?#?UK? https://greenwire.greenpeace.org/uk/en-gb/node/51049


Sorry there are so many pics, but there were just so many people. If you see yourself, feel free to tag away, or if you don’t want to see yourself pm me and I will remove the photo. Even more to come of the After March Rally at the Town Hall.

?#?PeoplesMarch? 2015. 300+ honourable ?#?Changemakers? and great speakers too https://readingpeoplesmarch.wordpress.com/speakers


#?peoplesmarchrdg? Peoples Climate March through Reading next week on 28 November


RT Images sent out for press syndication today from the banner drop?#?RdgUK? ?#?PeoplesMarchRdg? ?#?RUSU? ?#?COP21?

#PeoplesMarchRdg 28th NOV

For immediate RELEASE: Community Event

Reading People’s March for Climate, Justice and Jobs, 28th November 2015

Gaia needs you! – It is time to act!


Walk with us on Saturday 28th from Christ Church to the Town Hall Reading or join in at any point along the route. (Assemble 12 noon tea and coffee, get organised)

Exciting speakers announced for the 28th November

Join us afterwards at the Town Hall from 2:15 for welcome by the Mayor; music and speakers (including 10:10, Campaign Against Climate Change, Quakers, Global Justice Now, National Trust, Green Party, and Deputy Leader of the Council)
This weekend, people across the world will join together and make a spectacular stand. Marches and creative actions are planned globally – and Reading will be a part of that as communities join together for a message of hope and optimism.
We are delighted to announce an amazing range of people who will speak at Reading People’s March for Climate, Justice and Jobs this Saturday. Be sure to look out for some Local Champions too marching with us throughout the demonstration and speak in the Town Hall!
We have worked hard to bring the big issues facing us in Britain and across the world to the protest – from fracking, to flooding, to the need for investment in renewables and jobs.
We want everyone to leave the day inspired and ready for action.

Climate change affects everyone, it is a global issue People are already facing the furious impacts of environmental devastation through floods, droughts, landslides, and typhoons

Be part of the global solution People all over the globe will be marching on 28th and 29th November to mark the beginning of the COP21 summit in Paris.

If there is an issue that is important to you and your friends, then make a banner, make placards, form a bloc and let your voices be heard!

Leaders must listen when hundreds of thousands of people march and demand that they support ambitious action on climate change and injustice.

  • No to dirty energy (fossil fuels)
  • Yes to renewables
  • Yes to Justice for People and the Planet
  • Yes to new Climate Change related clean jobs
  • Yes to sustainable development NOW
  • Yes to science and clean tech for the future


We believe that change is possible and within our reach if we stand together.

Check website for updates and information

 For further information, please contact Carl, Eleanor, Julia or Suzie at climate @ readingpeoplesmarch.org

Reading People’s March 2015

For immediate RELEASE: Community Event

Reading People’s March for Climate, Justice and Jobs

28th November 2015

It is time to act!

We need everyone! EVERYWHERE!

It’s happening! It’s exciting! It’s out there!

We have venues! A route*! Speakers! We need you!

It a pleasure to invite you to our local climate event 28th ahead the national march the 29th.

Please bring your banner, take any 45 min train (£22 return) from Paddington to Reading. Assembling from 12pm at Christ Church RG2 7AB (located 30 min from Rdg train station).

MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD – Let’s make this Huge. [share widely]

“Peace for France”

Peace for Paris_600x600

Sign up for the event here – https://secure.avaaz.org/en/event/globalclimatemarch/Reading_Peoples_March_for_Climate_Justice_Jobs


Walk with us on Saturday 28th from Christ Church to the Town Hall Reading or feel free to join in at any point along the route.

Be part of the solution. Make a placard or banner. Come along. Support ambitious action on climate change and injustice.

Climate change affects everyone. Whoever you are and whatever your politics – left, right, centre or turned off altogether – global warming threatens you and your children. Let’s forget our differences and come together on 28th November in Reading to show governments the huge scale and urgency of popular concern. Let’s do the right thing.

This is an opportunity for people in South Oxfordshire and Berkshire to add their voices and feet to worldwide marches on the weekend of 28th and 29th November – marking the start of the crucial Paris climate talks COP21.

Leaders must listen when hundreds of thousands of people march and say:

  • Yes to renewables
  • No to dirty energy (fossil fuels)
  • Yes to Justice for People and the Planet
  • Yes to new Climate Change related clean jobs
  • Yes to sustainable development NOW
  • Yes to science and clean tech for the future

We believe that change is possible and within our reach if we stand together.

 For further information, please contact Carl, Eleanor or Suzie at
climate @ readingpeoplesmarch.org

Reading Climate Demo team

TO JOIN READING CLIMATE MARCH sign up here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1625216147745987





Avaaz https://secure.avaaz.org/en/event/globalclimatemarch/Reading_Peoples_March_for_Climate_Justice_Jobs

Green leader wants Reading Council pension fund to stop investing in fossil fuels

Green leader wants Reading Council pension fund to stop investing in fossil fuels

The leader of Reading Council’s Green group want the borough’s pension fund to shed its connections with fossil fuels.

This is so crucial — it’s time to divest from destruction. Please sign: https://campaigns.gofossilfree.org/petitions/reading-divest-from-fossil-fuels

Cllr Rob White will be calling on the Reading Borough Council’s full council meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, October 20, to lobby Royal Berkshire Pension Fund to freeze any new investment in the top 200 publicly-traded fossil fuel companies and to “divest from ownership of any “commingled funds that include fossil fuel public equities and corporate bonds by 2020”.

He is also calling on the council not to accept any sponsorship or advertising from fossil fuel companies and to encourage Reading businesses and institutions to divest from fossil fuels too.

In a motion to the council, Cllr White says: “It is irresponsible and immoral for public bodies and pension funds to invest in fossil fuel extraction companies and instead they should where possible direct investment into ‘green energy’ infastructure.”

He went on: “The pension funds can and should find ways of directing a share of their investment to supporting the sustainable development of their local economies.”

His motion will be debated and voted on by councillors tomorrow night.


Source: Get Reading

Adjudicating the Future: Climate Change and the Rule of Law symposium_update

The ‘Adjudicating the Future: Climate Change and the Rule of Law’ symposium was held in September at King’s College London, the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the UK Supreme Court, with support from UNEP and the Asian Development Bank.

The symposium brought together judges, attorneys and legal academics from around the world to examine the challenges and opportunities faced by courts in adjudicating climate change issues.

Online materials include a report on the conference and audio interviews with participants.

Professor Philippe Sands QC’s keynote lecture on climate change and the rule of law may be viewed here, chaired by Lord Carnwarth of the UK Supreme Court and with comments by Judge James Crawford of the International Court of Justice and Professor Lavanya Rajamani of the Centre for Policy Research.

Source | Transnational Law Institute
The Dickson Poon School of Law
King’s College London