Dedicated to Greata Thunberg, this ’Calendarium Greata’ demonstrates a matrix barcode based on ancient numerology (sacred arithmetic) which is fit for purpose with our modern society and aims to slow humankind’s destructive path on the environment and instead protect nature.

A correct 12-based 432 days calendarium will soon replace our old Julian and 365 day’s Gregorian calendar*. 36 weeks of 12 days (8/4) will enable work-life balance and guide us further towards a millennia renaissance awakening and respond with humane resonance for the future. The present generation’s DNA will tap into the vacuum’s energy and magnetic field. Equipped with powers on connectivity, gravitation and spacetime travel slowing climate change is possible.


We all want to avoid a disastrous mono-climate, with prompt climate action governance to slowly see the four seasons comeback balanced in all Earth’s climate zones.


A spacetime** system upgrade is a match with the universal “golden ratio” in and between the square, circle and triangle, also rectangle and all polygons. Here illustrated in Togethernessship with a regular dodecahedron*** (Platonic solid), a hexagon and in the centre a “Flower of life” (ref. the ‘Vitruvian Man’ decoders)


The Greata Calendarium Year is 1.2 sun years and spirals beautifully with the moon calendar – “one year is a circle loop while two years is a year cycle”.


Help the youth of the world by spreading this info. #Youth4Climate

Let’s share what colours you would use on this model and why? #432degrees


  Greenwich Mean Time Zone****

         Deslin Aug/2 2020



*The Gregorian calendar is the calendar used in most of the world. It is named after Pope Gregory XIII, who introduced it in October 1582. The calendar spaces leap years to make its average year 365.2425 days long. The Julian calendar was the predominant calendar in the Roman world, most of Europe, and in European settlements in the Americas and elsewhere, until it was gradually replaced by the Gregorian calendar. It was designed with the aid of Greek mathematicians and Greek astronomers such as Sosigenes of Alexandria.

The Julian calendar has two types of year: a normal year of 365 days and a leap year of 366 days. They follow a simple cycle of three normal years and one leap year, giving an average year that is 365.25 days long.


**Space time, since time is distance in space, time is memory on the structure of space. Without memory, there is no time. Without time, there is no memory. It then follows that the energy that we perceive as the material world must be information, or energy on the structure of space.” –- Nassim Haramein, Resonance Science


***The regular Dodecahedron with twelve flat faces. All of these have icosahedral symmetry, order 120.


****Greenwich Mean Time Zone (the modern (1884) form of mean solar time at 0° longitude) needs to be based on a new longitude/latitude system linked to a 12-based 1.2 360 circle of 432 degrees (days) instead and/to replace the old view of 360 degrees of 60 arc angle minutes in a circle, also to be disconnected from the nautical mile.


#climatestrikeonline #StayAtHome #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #flattenthecurve #FaceTheClimateEmergency #ResonanceforFuture


#nature #naturalgometry #scale #perspective #hexagon #hexagonal #hexa #polygon #floweroflife #GretaThunberg #GreataThunberg


#ancientknowledge #ancientwisdom #geometryart #ancienttechnology #consciousness #therealdavincicode #davinci #leonardodavnci #mathematics #universalmathematics #dna #timeforexpansion #balance


#davincicode #vitruvianman #ancientknowledge #sacredgeometry #goldenratio #hiddenknowledge #maths #symbol #ascension #pyramid #mysticism #sacredmath #math #truevalueofpi #thetruedavincicode #sacredarithmetic #ancientsymbols #philosophersstone


#changingparadigms #ageofacquarius #theworldisready #areyouready #embraceabundance #YouAreWorthIt #deslindegrees #Miracle #ThreefromONE


#vectorequilibrium #cuboctahedron #universalgeometry #spacetimegeometry #geometry #synergetics #unifiedfield #zerophase #symmetries #polarity #energy


#unifiedfield #antenna #nervoussystem #brain #mind #consciousness #receiver #epiphenomenon #biology #fedback #feedforward #information #planckfield #antenna #nervoussystem #brain #mind #consciousness #receiver #epiphenomenon #biology #fedback #feedforward


#resonance #resonancescience #information #spacetime #space #gravity


#past #present #future #physics #unifiedscience #time #spacememory #unifiedphysics #ether #energy #weedays #days #time #calendar #cycles #rotation #earth #timespace #timenumbers #magic


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