
Key A-M for Reading #CitiinCiti to Suggested #Eco4ClimRD Climate Innovation +Jobs Strategy 2.0 can be found here:

Give an overview of the city and a general background to the application, including examples of social, environmental and economic sustainability in the city.

Discuss positive and negative factors that have influenced the quality of the environment within the city and its surrounding area.

Provide a description of the key environmental challenges which the city faces including historical, geographical and/or socio-economic factors which have influenced the cities development:

City Area Key
  1. A. Climate change: Mitigation & Adaptation
  1. B. Local transport
  1. C. Green urban areas incorporating Sustainable Land Use
  1. D. Nature and biodiversity
  1. E. Ambient air quality
  1. F. Quality of the Acoustic and Lighting Environment
  1. G. Waste production and management
  1. H. Water management
  1. I. Waste water management
  1. J. Eco-innovation and sustainable employment
  1. K. Energy performance
  1. L. Integrated Environmental Management
  1. M. Sharing Economy