Sustainable Development Goals No. 11 plus No. 5 – #SDG11 + #SDG5
Vision – suggested ECO4CLIM_Rdg Climate, Innovation +Jobs Draft Strategy w/ target: Urban eco-philosophy will, in a few years, develop 50 labs across the world / empower more than 500 urban ecopreneurs / generate 3,000 green jobs and directly avoid hundreds of tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Urbanisation and industrialisation has gradually led people away from living in natural environment depriving them of the health benefits of nature such as natural light, green views, local biodiversity, and natural landscapes.

Anyone can, contribute to a sustainable and resilient city structure as long they stay within to the city’s territorial boundaries and do not trespass it’s surrounding greenbelt. If new land is taken for development the case is lost.

The magic “Glocal” urban safe formula has formed from the perspective less is more, such as “back to the basics concept” or just “keep it simple”;

  • A healthy environment is based on healthy (100% clean) quality levels in soil, water and air, this is ecology.
  • A healthy social environment (society) is based on fundamental humane values (all living beings included) wholesome eating, living and interaction.

There are about 1000 #urban videos circulating the web
The following eight videos will explain most of it, what you are missing you can Google.





Why not support our next generation and share the hashtag #COY12

This three minute video explains all you need to know about the 2015 Paris Agreement and how it will help to address climate change and promote the sustainable development goals (SDGs). The Paris Agreement entered into force on 4 November 2016, creating binding commitments. The video highlights the need for further ambition by governments and businesses.Track 0 is releasing an animated video - The  in a Nutshell - Inspiring decisive action on climate change, to get on track for a zero emissions future compatible with the Paris Agreement and 1.5°C limit

Over a hundred advanced Conventions, Treaties, Agreements and Frameworks have been globally agreed and put in place during 2016. We decided to take a look at a handful of simpler declarations, of thousands of papers, policies, guidelines and text documents.

In writing Climate Change Centre Reading (CCCRdg) has added 7 current general Declarations on sustainability and protection, women leaders and the global transformation, to deeply consider for local government implementation;

Basque Declaration


UNEP – Principle 10 and the Bali Guideline –

Nantes Declaration of climate actors –

UNACLA Quito Declaration –

Global Climate Action Agenda – The “feminization of urbanisation” Roadmap –

Belt and Road- New Path to Regional Development ––.html

The Marrakech Vision –

How can resilient cities buy us time to secure and safeguard our habitats against coming superstorms?

Based on the fact that everything is connected, how do we know which pathways to follow?

The way forward is lasting habitats CO2lutions* enhancing Garden or Wildlife Cities, car free with underground density functions where all of us take on a purpose driven keepers role. These spatial urban aerial habitats are disaster response ready of course.

43 urban innovations that could be applied to the #Reading2050 vision,


* We also need to undertake a work programme under the CP21/New Urban Agenda framework for SDG11 + SDG5 approaches to sustainable safe development with the objective of considering how to enhance linkages and create synergy between, inter alia, mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology transfer and capacity-building, and how to facilitate the implementation and coordination of SDG11 + SDG5 approaches.


#WTPD2016 #climatechance #COP22 #innovation #cities #Climathon #CWNYC #Innovationmonth #InnoTrans2016 #Business #RE100 #IoE #Sustainability #ParisAgreement #AccordDeParis #SDG11 #Changemaker #villes #regions #smartcities #startup #energy #entrepreneur #climat #climate #renewable #economy #NetZero #EnergyStorage #sharing #BatteryStorage #Photosyntesis #SBI45 #SBSTA45 #CMA 1 #APA

Reading_ECO4CLIM – Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2016 – 28 Oct 2016 -Global

Reading_ECO4CLIM – Ecopreneurs for the Climate 2016 – 28 Oct 2016 -Global

PressRelease_Reading_ECO4CLIM – Climate Innovation +Jobs Draft Strategy Outcome Document 1 November 2016

The “Ecopreneurs for the Climate” gathered last week in 14 different countries to leverage sustainable businesses tackling climate change – Please see #ECO4CLIM_Rdg

Enclosed our initial, #ECO4CLIM_Rdg “draft strategy outcome document 31 October 2016” from the first Ecopreneurs meeting in Reading. We hope that Reading and its stakeholders will commit to a zero emissions vision together with “green” companies acting as an economic engine for the region.

Climate Change Centre Reading focus on how to reduce cities emissions as quickly as possible. More and more cities set net zero targets between 2040 and 2050. The question is no more when or how much, only how.

It has been a remarkable year with all treaties and agreements, conventions and declarations coming in place being agreed globally. With a staggering incredible development of daily new energy CO2lutions and Climate Innovations, with ongoing new climate preparedness worldwide, we believe local emissions reductions could happen much faster aided by leaders that are committed to taking the crucial right decisions. It is the local government and its stakeholder responsibility to implement zero targets decisions.

As the planet is warming and more and more refugees of food shortage are seeking urban shelter for protection, demanding right to protection, cities need not only adequate housing but adequate climate housing. The cradle of life is ecology, climate innovation for urban growth is where one can have most impact to improve soil, water and air quality for all (Permaculture principles and the unnecessary principle). What is needed is reservation, sustainable use and restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity, with the dual objective of mitigating climate change and adapting Reading region to its effects. It is essential to reduce the human footprint whilst the planet’s population is growing.

Target: Thanks to partnerships and companies’ generous contributions this eco-campaign will, in a few years, develop 50 labs across the world / empower more than 500 ecopreneurs / generate 3,000 green jobs and directly avoid hundreds of tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Please see suggested ECO4CLIM_Rdg Climate Innovation +Jobs Draft Strategy Outcome Document 31 October 2016,

As the Ecopreneurs of Reading we would like to connect new climate innovation with green business. In the name of Ecopreneurs” green entrepreneurs” US are forming a British Wing (Bat) Flap for climate CO2lutions with the aim to reduce release of carbon dioxide CO2 and other toxic Greenhouse gases and prevent 100’ tonnage from leaking out in to the Greenhouse gas area causing further warming.

We address these direct implications to one day hit the Greater Reading Area as food shortages, hurricanes, disaster relief, flooding, home insurance, wildfires, water scarcity, heat waves, national security, droughts, lost wages and air conditioning #BeforetheFlood

The Global Context; Cities today occupy approximately only 2% of the total land, however:

  • 70% of the Economy (GDP)
  • 60% of Global Energy Consumption (more than)
  • 70% of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • 70% Global Waste

Zero vision CO2lutions are urgently needed in cities morph into Green business resource Eco systems

Suggested Innovation: Shadow Local Government to voice the people’s sustainable initiatives and create a balance between general stakeholders like business, organisations and academia. “Bridge the gap” to achieve the best possible democratic outcome for the benefit of sustainability, quality of life and long term health indicators.

“Ecopreneurs for the Climate” is rooted on the leadership of its climate organisers, working at the intersection of business and civil society in their communities; the extensive support provided by its sustainable business networks; and the wide reach of its global partners, including Impact Hub, SwitchMed, Green Shift Africa,, GreenEcoNet, and the NESI Forum.


For more information:

For further information, contact ECO4CLIM_Rdg’s Climate Organisers in Reading: Carl Emerson- eco4clim @cccrdg .org .uk alt. Tanja Rebel – tanjarebel @ hotmail .com

Download: PressRelease_Reading_ECO4CLIM – Climate Innovation +Jobs Draft Strategy Outcome Document 1 November 2016

Laboratory of Climate Innovation
• Identify challenges arising from the changing climate: mitigation and adaptation / resilience
• Co-create enterprise solutions at the heart of the ecosystems of the green economy

3 challenges of importance to reduce CO2 emissions for Berks region as soon as possible:
• 1 urgent need 2020 is a CO2lution that can be trialled and implemented within 6 months
• 1 medium term need 2030 is a CO2lution that exist but needs to be implemented
• 1 long term need 2050 is a CO2lution that needs innovation

ECO4CLIM_Rdg draft strategy outcome document 31 October 2016 #WorldCitiesDay

#ECO4CLIM_Rdg Climate Innovation +Jobs Draft Strategy Outcome Document 31 October 2016

Ecopreneurs for the Climate in Reading Climate LAB
28 October 2016

Suggested #ECO4CLIM_Rdg Climate Innovation +Jobs Strategy

By 2020:
Empower the local government to create an inclusive accessible city (social inclusion and access to water, sanitation or electricity in high-risk areas) and shared development in accordance with the New Urban Agenda, the UN Habitat III framework. Implement new strategies to meet the sustainable development goals.

  1. Comprehensive Cycle Network
  2. Monthly Car-Free Work-Day, instigated by the Council
  3. 25% Energy Self-Sufficiency from Berkshire renewables (PV roofs rather than panels) and Energy Storage
  4. 25% Food Vegan Self-Sufficiency
  5. Complete pesticides, monsanto and shale gas extraction ban
  6. 25% of new homes Passive House or better
  7. One city area dedicated to a Net Zero district, a green city showcase area.
  8. Hydro-electric Dam up and running
  9. All street lights maximum 3000K CCT + switched off/dimmed after midnight (BLACK NETWORK)
  10. Waste collection system based on same county rules
  11. Planning for disaster response. Prepare an urban climatic emergency evacuation plan, should be preceded by skilled and realistic capacity building effectiveness drills due to post-evacuation considerations and evaluation
  12. Make sure pollution from city growth activities does not increase
    “Improve our understanding of climate risks and opportunities for innovation.
    Continue ongoing work into innovative phosphorus treatment trials for treating
    sewage effluent 2016 – 2020. Assess innovation opportunities that prevent, detect or improve our response to incidents, and build these into existing improvement projects or new research projects 2016 – 2017. Input into a review on innovative construction materials to assess whether they can improve the performance of assets, extend design life and reduce on-going maintenance costs 2016 – 2020. Update our sustainable procurement guidance and tools to incorporate the consideration of those category purchases which have a high vulnerability to climate related risks that may affect the goods, services and works we buy, seeking alternatives through innovation and market development where relevant. 2016 – 2017~EA UK”
  13. Address how existing armed forces and military reserves (civil) can become an urban stakeholder resource and partnership with the civil society and local authorities
  14. Green public institutions that have divested/invested
  15. Organic farming, Char grow, Hemp cultivation and biological corridors (BROWN NETWORK)
  16. Diverse Eco-friendly building materials and pillar construction

By 2030:
Connect regional and local city grids and networks to fulfil Agenda 2030 Global Goals. Fully developed partnership governance

  1. Car Free Town Centre
  2. Comprehensive Tram/Podcar/Monorail Network “Garden Ring”
  3. 50% Energy Self-Sufficiency from Berkshire renewables
  4. 50% Food Self-Sufficiency
  5. 50% of all new homes Passive House or better (25% of old stock)
  6. Air Quality up to WHO standards.
  7. Reading Dark Sky Status
  8. Shaded and underground open spaces
  9. Network of fire corridors, also for wildlife (GREEN NETWORK)
  10. Fully developed decrease plan in place to prevent further urban sprawl
  11. Sharing economy in full bloom
  12. Cradle to cradle “second life” product cycles
  13. Replace pipes with sponge districts to manage rain and flooding risks
  14. Existing armed forces and military reserves become a stakeholder in joint partnership with the civil society and local authorities.
  15. Landmark green vegetation cultural buildings to tackle clean soil, water and air
  16. Implementation of designed layers for restoration and safeguarding of ecosystems and biodiversity
  17. Natural urban rivers and riverbank for flood control (BLUE NETWORK)

By 2050:
Reading City – Clean soil, clean water and clean air to slow global warming

  1. 100% Fossil Free Reading
  2. Reading Garden City with Green Roofs, Shaded Biodiversity Zones, Wildlife Corridors, Incredible Edibles and the right to an allotment for every household.
  3. Comprehensive air-ship docking connectors to Tram/Podcar/Monorail Network “Garden Balloon” for regional transport, heavy duty and tourism.
  4. Covered “Walkable Urbanism” protecting against acid rains
  5. 100% Energy Self-Sufficiency from Berkshire’s renewables
  6. 70% Food Self-Sufficiency
  7. 100% of new homes Passive House or better
  8. Fully developed Climatic Emergency Evacuation Response Programme with specifically designed multi-functional usage protection zones against floods and superstorms, with capacity for 50-100:000 people.
  9. Reading a net producer to Berkshire’s energy grid
  10. Landmark green vegetation infrastructure to tackle clean soil, water, air and wildlife

Ecopreneurs for the climate” was held on 28 October in the Oakwood Centre. With the celebration of this event, Reading joined “the Global Week Green Economy and Climate Movement” which was held in 24 cities around the world, from Barcelona to Tokyo to Santiago de Chile.

In Climate Change Reading Centre’s opinion, the involvement of Reading in this global event “puts the city on the map of the carbon free economy, not only based on numbers but on people, economy and environmental sustainability” and demonstrates “Reading becoming involved in the global city agenda.” When looking at small exclusive groups like Reading 2050 it becomes clear that one cannot work in isolation. Legal frameworks and guidelines for urban sustainable opportunities are essential for a city’s prosperity.”

Carl Emerson-Dam and Tanja Rebel, organisers of the conference, explained the details of the next Conference which will be divided into two parts:

The first part a “LABoratory of Innovation Climate”, will be dedicated to the diagnosis and analysis of climate problems facing Reading, connecting the dots. The second part will consist of the delivery of the “Climate Champions Awards” at the next Climate LAB of end of March singling out sustainable projects. The awards will be divided into two categories: one for established companies and a second, for entrepreneurs with projects still undeveloped. A jury and the public attending the conference will facilitate the prizes.

To participate in the conference, you need to register on the below website and select city

Please note that RBC have for three years neglected to apply for the European Green Capital award, a process where you go through and assess 16 development areas to become a green city, giving access to much needed funding. Due to Brexit, there is only one window of opportunity left. European Green Capital is open until 2019

Climate Organiser – Climate Change Center Reading / ECO4CLIM_16
Contact info – eco4clim @ cccrdg .org .uk
On Twitter – @ECO4CLIM_Rdg @ClimateMovement

#climatechance #COP22 #innovation #cities #Climathon #CWNYC #innovationmonth #InnoTrans2016 #Business #RE100 #Sustainability #ParisAgreement #AccordDeParis #SDG11 #Changemaker #villes #regions #smartcities #startup #energy #entrepreneur #climat #climate #renewable #economy #netzero #energystorage #BatteryStorage #Photosyntesis

Get involved and become a sponsor for Ecopreneurs for the Climate in Reading

@ECO4CLIM_Rdg Join the Ecopreneurs for the Climate in Reading “Glocal Week of Green Business for #Climate, #Innovation + #Jobs OCT 24-30”

This is going live in the U.K. in October 28th!

Whether you are a student or an Ecopreneur, whether you are a free-lancer or work in an SME, or even in a large company, as long as you believe change is possible; our contribution makes a true difference for the people and the planet. This is your movement – Inclusive, diverse, fun and transformative. Your generous contribution to this campaign will, in a few years, develop 50 labs across the world / empower more than 500 ecopreneurs / generate 3,000 green jobs and directly avoid hundreds of tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

How can you join?

The 2016 edition “ECO4CLIM_Rdg” will take place on October 24-30, 2016. It will comprise of multi-stakeholder eco-innovation workshops and the Climate Champion Awards. **Save the Date28 Oct** ECO4CLIM_Rdg’s coordinators, climate-champion ecopreneurs and global partners participate in prestigious international forums the likes of CLIMATE CHANCE WORLD SUMMIT in France, the Women Leaders and the Global Transformation Summit, the #COP22 Climate Summit in Morocco, or SwitchMed Connect 2016 in Barcelona. Now is the time, participate, add your city or join our ecosystem of partners:

Looking to unlock Reading’s green potential. We will, in three weeks, seek to locate and highlight eight local climate innovations (Eco-preneurs)! Do not hesitate to put forward to us yours or any local low-carbon Innovation that can reduce Reading’s Greenhouse gas emissions footprint!

!Green entrepreneurs for the #Climate, the Global Week of Green Business and the Climate Movement – October 24-30, 2016 #ECO4CLIM16 Climate organiser for #ECO4CLIM_Rdg Please let us know if you like to be trans-boundary involved. We are looking for – Space partner, – Media partners, – Sponsors and – Enablers for Reading Climate Champion Awards 2016 – Email eco4clim @ cccrdg .org .uk

We warmly welcome you to participate in the ECO4CLIM_Rdg Event – Climate, Innovation +Jobs “Glocal Week of Green Business and the #ClimateMovement” Friday 28th October.



Feel free to pledge-as-you-feel to get UK’s first Climate LAB started 🙂


Swedish New #Sustainability Act


The Swedish government wants to introduce a law that primarily affects 2,000 major Swedish companies to implement a sustainability report. If it goes through it shall enter into force on 1 July 2016. The Act is based on an EU directive in September 2014.

Many believe that the current voluntary sustainability reports deemed to be superficial reports designed to keep the company’s stakeholders in a good mood for sustainability. Some representatives believe that the new law can serve as a decision-making model and thus an effective management tool.

What we know about the law are among others companies to explain how they work with a range of sustainability issues. Current areas to be considered are environmental issues, social issues, issues regarding employment such as work environment, respect for human rights, anti-corruption and bribery.

Description of the diversity policy apply to the company’s board. The goal of the policy and how the policy has been applied and the result of the policy’s implementation. If the company does not apply any diversity policy, the reasons for it noted. Applies only company in the last 2 years, met more than one of the conditions for “big business”.

This bill defines “large companies” of companies that meet at least two of the following conditions. The average number of employees in the company amounts to more than 250 pieces. Total assets will amount to more than 175 million (20 million) or net sales amounted to more than 350 million (40 million euros).

Enterprises of “public interest” is likely to include listed companies, insurance companies and credit institutions Even companies with “social-bearing activity” can be covered and can be comprised of electric utility or other activities in infrastructure and in health care.

Advantages of a sustainability may be that the company has an in-depth dialogue with all stakeholders and understanding of the challenges. Good survey of sustainability activities and the risks and opportunities. More benefits are to involve management in sustainability efforts.

Auditor should verify that the non-financial report has been submitted. No claim today that the report must be certified.

Last but not least, your brand is affected positively by sustainable business. Maybe we dare say that a sustainable business gives your business even more good years on the market.


7 MARCH – Join the Car-Free Work-Day Bloc @ Time To Act National Climate March!

In our efforts to motivate as many people as possible to leave the car for a day and join in our Car-Free Days, Climate Change Centre Reading (CCCRdg) has taken a huge lap forward by campaigning for Car-Free Days until the end of the year.

Yes, we are proud of announcing CCCRdg supporting the Join the Car-Free Work-Day Bloc @ Time To Act National Climate March!

BREAKING: Please see our press release below, we hope you will find the piece interesting,

Climate Change – It’ s time for decisions now! not waste billions on campaigning.

The Future of Places

Join us at the Car-Free Work-Day Bloc on the Time to Act Climate demonstration on 7th March!


12.30pm, Saturday 7th March

Lincoln’s Inn Fields [map]

Nearest tube: Holborn

Join the facebook group here

Let´s work together to help achieve this, it will be an important step in solving and laying a just and fair developing pathway, switching to zero carbon fuels.

Learn about the fossil fuels problems, that causing climate change in our local community and further afield, and what we in the local community are doing, and can do to help tackle such matters.

2015 CHANGE will honour the 2-degree Celsius limit as a limit to safeguard the world environment in Togethernessship 😉

BREAKING: CCCRdg has launched a campaign for a national “Monthly Car-Free Work-Day in the UK”  

A regular car-free work-day in Reading and UK could fuel an International monthly Car-Free Work-Day which could be an astonishing example of traffic development and public realm. Reading has great potential to embrace the sustainable pathway and become a British role-model in climate change (the air is our all urban common) to honour a successful climate change agreement taking place in Paris December 2015.



Every day more and more people are waking up to climate change. What scientists predicted decades ago is happening right now. And we have little time left to advert catastrophe. But those in power have not yet woken up, or are unwilling to act.

On March 7th, two months before the election, we will take to the streets of London in a creative mass action. We will set out clearly what must happen now to cut emissions and build a better future. No more half-hearted promises: it´s Time to Act on Climate change.

Join the Car-Free Work-Day Bloc @ Time To Act  National Climate March!
Event –

2015 is a crucial year for the climate. in the UK, we must tell politicians seeking election that there is no mandate for climate-wrecking business as usual. Then at UN talks in Paris in December, governments will come together to strike a deal for the climate.

Our future is at stake.

Find out how you can help:

Welcome to Join our local facebook group “Climate Change Reading”

UK Tackling climate change


Tackling climate change

In this video, Dr Steve Smith, who leads on climate science at the UK Committee on Climate Change, discusses climate policy in the UK, the role of science in creating policy, and how emission targets can be met. For more information you can visit the UK Committee on Climate Change website.




Continue reading “UK Tackling climate change”

Why Commuters Will Soon Become Extinct… | LinkedIn

If the rest of the world follows the example of the Swedish city of Gothenburg, the long commute and work weeks that many face may become a thing of the past. The year-long study will have one group of city employees working for 6.5 hours, while another works for the traditional eight hours a day. A car factory in Gothenburg has already experimented with this model with great results.

I’m not saying that everyone has to offer a 6.5 hour workday for their agents to be happy. I do feel, however, that executives in North America could learn a lot from Gothenburg’s proactive approach to experiment with a solution outside of the standard "nine-to-five" model.

Unfortunately, most of the world’s workforce isn’t lucky enough to live in Gothenburg, and with the ever growing number of commuters in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) where 3C is located, the typical commuter can face a staggering 80-minute commute to and from work every day—one of the longest commutes in North America! And even in other cities in North America, commute times can range from 20 to 45 minutes. Stack that onto an 8-10 hour workday, and you have one frustrated employee.

Spending that much time sitting in grid-lock can take its toll on your tank – and your wallet, since the price of gas is soon expected be twice what it is today. With more and more employees spending their limited budget on gas to commute to and from work, this will doubtlessly lead to less time with their family, which amounts to less sleep, throwing their balance of life into chaos.

The job market isn’t like it was 30 or 40 years ago, where if you lost your job on Monday, you’d have a new within walking distance from your home by Friday. More and more job seekers are being forced to take jobs farther away from home, potentially for smaller wages. Many households report that they spend much of their budget on fuel and car insurance, with less money for food, clothing and activities for their children.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself: Do they have a job that allows for a flexible start/end time? Do you have a technology solution that can allow them to work from the cloud, reducing their time in the office to 1-2 days per week? If a full time solution is out of the question, can a part-time solution be established (1-2 days per week)?

We have worked a “reduced hour incentive package” into a few employee plans within 3C, and preliminary results have already shown an increase in efficiency and productivity, as well as a reduction in sick days.

The year-long experiment involving city employees in Gothenburg only started in April 2014, so it will remain to be seen how it pans out for them.

I encourage you to take a page out of the Gothenburg play book and be proactive with establishing a plan that takes ‘balance of life’ into consideration, while you still can.

via Why Commuters Will Soon Become Extinct… | LinkedIn.

Will Reading be the European Green Capital 2017?

Rdg CAN!

– Have a well-established record of achieving high environmental objectives.

– Commit to ambitious goals for future environmental improvement and sustainable development.

– Inspire other cities through new ideas, best practices and experiences.

LOGO CE_Vertical_EN_quadri

Will your city be the European Green Capital 2017? The Commission has launched its search for the 2017 European Green Capital. The European Green Capital Award recognises cities that are at the forefront of environmentally-friendly urban living. The..

Read more here: